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Key to Legislative Citations

AbbreviationWhat it SignifiesExample
01 S. Bill originating in the Senate S. 1
02 H.R. Bill originating in the House of Representatives H.R. 2002
03 S.Res. Simple resolution originating in the Senate S.Res. 2
04 H.Res. Simple resolution originating in the House of Representatives H.Res. 3
05 S.J.Res. Joint resolution originating in the Senate S.J. Res.4
06 H.J.Res. Joint resolution originating in the House of Representatives H.J. Res.5
07 S.Con.Res. Concurrent resolution originating in the Senate S.Con.Res.6
08 H.Con.Res. Concurrent resolution originating in the House of Representatives H.Con.Res.7
09 P.L. A bill or joint resolution, originating in either the Senate or House of Representatives, may become a public law P.L.101-336
10 Stat. United States Statutes at Large is a chronological listing of the laws enacted each Congress. They are published in volumes numbered by Congress. 80 Stat.371
11 U.S. Code United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. 5 U.S.C.552
12 S.Rpt. Report issued by a Senate committee, usually to accompany legislation that has passed in committee. S.Rpt.97-10
13 H.Rpt. Report issued by a House of Representatives or conference committee, usually to accompany legislation that has passed in committee. H.Rpt.99-22