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Committee Membership List

XMLCommittee on Finance

Total Members: 27

Subcommittees (6)
Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure
Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth
Subcommittee on Health Care
Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness
Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy
Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight

Majority Members (14)Minority Members (13)
Crapo, Mike (ID), Chairman
Grassley, Chuck (IA)
Cornyn, John (TX)
Thune, John (SD)
Scott, Tim (SC)
Cassidy, Bill (LA)
Lankford, James (OK)
Daines, Steve (MT)
Young, Todd (IN)
Barrasso, John (WY)
Johnson, Ron (WI)
Tillis, Thom (NC)
Blackburn, Marsha (TN)
Marshall, Roger (KS)
Wyden, Ron (OR), Ranking Member
Cantwell, Maria (WA)
Bennet, Michael F. (CO)
Warner, Mark R. (VA)
Whitehouse, Sheldon (RI)
Hassan, Margaret Wood (NH)
Cortez Masto, Catherine (NV)
Warren, Elizabeth (MA)
Sanders, Bernard (VT)
Smith, Tina (MN)
Lujan, Ben Ray (NM)
Warnock, Raphael G. (GA)
Welch, Peter (VT)