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People: Portraits

This curated list of artifacts from the Senate Collection is organized by date, with the oldest object listed first.

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John Quincy Adams.
Senator William B. Allis...
[Isaac Bassett]
[Isaac Bassett]
Gallery of Possible Pres...
The Late Senator James B...
Thomas Hart Benton.
Thomas H. Benton
Gallery of Possible Pres...
John Caldwell Calhoun.
John Caldwell Calhoun.
J[ohn] C[aldwell] Calhou...
Charles Carroll of Carro...
Judge [John] Catron
[Salmon P. Chase]
S[almon]. P. Chase
Chief Justice [Salmon P....
The Late Chief Justice [...
Rufus Choate
[Henry Clay]
Henry Clay.
Henry Clay
H[enry] Clay
H[enry] Clay
Henry Clay
[Henry] Clay.
Henry Clay.
Henry Clay.
H[enry] Clay
Henry Clay.
Henry Clay
De Witt Clinton.
De Witt Clinton
Schuyler Colfax
Hon. Jacob Collamer, Uni...
Roscoe Conkling.
George William Curtis.
Judge P[eter]. V. Daniel
Gallery of Possible Pres...
Hon. David Davis, Presid...
Jefferson Davis
[Daniel S. Dickinson]
[Stephen A. Douglas]
[Stephen A. Douglas]
S[tephen]. A. Douglas
Hon. Stephen A. Douglas,...
Gallery of Possible Pres...
Olie [Oliver] Ellsworth
United States Senator [C...
Hon. Thomas W. Ferry, of...
Judge [Stephen J.] Field
M[illard]. Fillmore
Millard Fillmore
John Forsyth.
Henry Clay.
The Late Chief Justice [...
Albert Gallatin
Judge [Robert C.] Grier
Felix Grundy.
Hon. William M. Gwin, Un...
Edward Everett Hale, New...
Hon. John P. Hale, Unite...
William Henry Harrison.
Gen'l. Joseph R. Hawley....
Samuel Houston
Hon. Robert M.T. Hunter,...
Hon. John James Ingalls,...
Andrew Jackson.
[Andrew Jackson]
John Jay—First Chief Jus...
Andrew Johnson
Richard Mentor Johnson.
Geo[rge] W. Jones
Dixon Hall Lewis.
Abraham Lincoln.
John Marshall.
James Murray Mason
[James M. Mason]
Hon. James M. Mason, Uni...
The Hon. John R. M'Phers...
Justice Samuel F. Miller...
Hon. John I. Mitchell, U...
Senator [Lot M.] Morrill
Gouv[erneur] Morris
Rob[ert] Morris.
A[lexander]. Mouton / Se...
Hon. James A. Pearce, U....
The Hon. Bishop W. Perki...
'I'll Fetch Him Up!' Com...
O[liver]. H. Perry
S[amuel] C. Pomeroy
John Randolph.
Senator [Joseph T.] Robi...
[William H. Seward]
William H. Seward
William H. Seward
Hon. John Sherman, Presi...
Hon. John Sherman, of Oh...
Hon. James Shields, Unit...
Hon. John Slidell, Unite...
Samuel Lewis Southard.
[Charles Sumner]
Nathaniel Potter [sic] T...
Chief Justice [Roger B.]...
Z[achery] Taylor.
Hon. Robert Toombs, of G...
John Tyler.
Martin Van Buren.
Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, P...
Hon. William B. Washburn...
[George] Washington's Fa...
Judge [James M.] Wayne
Daniel Webster.
[Daniel Webster]
Daniel Webster
[Daniel Webster]
Dan[ie]l Webster
Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster (1782-185...
Dan[ie]l Webster
Dan[ie]l Webster
[Daniel Webster]
[Daniel] Webster.
Dan[ie]l Webster
Medallion Head of [Danie...
Dan[ie]l Webster
Daniel Webster.
Dan[ie]l Webster
Daniel Webster.
Hon. Daniel Webster.
H[enry] Wilson
[Henry Wilson]
Levi Woodbury.
Silas Wright[, Jr.].
Silas Wright, Jr.