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Transcript: Letter from Senator John Sherman to Ohio Governor William Dennison

Transcript: Letter from Senator John Sherman to Ohio Governor William Dennison

Mansfield, Ohio
April 20th/61

My dear Sir

I am very anxious to render any service to the Govmt in my power prior to the meeting of Congress.

From Sandusky I telegraphed to you this desire in hopes I might be made serviceable in the staff of some Gen'l Officer or some position consistent with my slender knowledge of military duties and with my official duties as a Member.

I wish no pay or emolument and still hope you may assign me some such position as I indicate. If you do it I will obey your orders if you do not I will go to Phil or Washington.

I much fear a great disaster at the Capitol before we are prepared to meet it.

Yours Truly,

John Sherman

Gov Dennison-

April 20, 1861: Letter from Senator John Sherman to Ohio Governor William Dennison

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