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Senate Floor Activity - Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mr. Edward J. Markey, from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, called the Senate to order at 9 a.m., the Chaplain offered a prayer, and Mr. Markey led the Senate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

The Journal

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the Journal of the proceedings of the Senate was deemed approved to date.

Certain Procedures Dispensed With

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the morning hour being deemed expired, and the times for the recognition of the two leaders being reserved.

Transaction of Morning Business

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the Senate proceeded to a period for the transaction of morning business.

Legislative Business (Wednesday, April 2)

H.R. 3979 (Rep. Barletta): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to ensure that emergency services volunteers are not taken into account as employees under the shared responsibility requirements contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Motion by Senator Reid to commit to Senate Committee on Finance with instructions to report back forthwith with the following amendment (SA 2879) fell when cloture was invoked on SA 2874 in Senate.
-- Senator Vitter moved to appeal the ruling of the chair that Amdt. No. 2931 is not in order to be proposed.
-- Motion to table the motion to appeal the ruling of the chair agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 67 - 29. Record Vote Number: 98
S.Amdt. 2874 (Sen. Reed): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.
-- Cloture on amendment SA 2874 invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 61 - 38. Record Vote Number: 96

S.Amdt. 2875 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.

S.Amdt. 2876 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.
-- SA 2876 fell when inconsistent with Senate's precedents.

S.Amdt. 2877 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.

S.Amdt. 2878 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.
-- Motion to table amendment SA 2878 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 50. Record Vote Number: 97

S.Amdt. 2879 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.
-- SA 2879 fell when cloture invoked on SA 2874.

S.Amdt. 2880 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.
-- SA 2880 fell when SA 2879 fell.

S.Amdt. 2881 (Sen. Reid): Of a perfecting nature.
-- Amendment pending in Senate.
-- SA 2881 fell when SA 2880 fell.

S. 1737 (Sen. Harkin): To provide for an increase in the Federal minimum wage and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend increased expensing limitations and the treatment of certain real property as section 179 property.
-- Motion to proceed to consideration of measure made in Senate.

S.Res. 409 (Sen. Casey): A resolution congratulating the Penn State University wrestling team for winning the 2014 National Collegiate Athletic Association Wrestling Championships.
-- Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.

Executive Business (Wednesday, April 2)

PN1103: Tomasz P. Malinowski, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1155: Portia Y. Wu, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Labor
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1312: Deborah L. Birx, of Maryland, to be Ambassador at Large and Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.


By unanimous consent, on the request of Mr. Harry Reid, at 8:02 p.m., the Senate adjourned, under its order of today, until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.