Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and
with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.
Considered by Senate.
S.Amdt. 341 (Sen. Cassidy):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund
relating to the promotion of United States offshore energy production
Amendment SA 341 proposed by Senator Cassidy.
S.Amdt. 343 (Sen. Coons):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to preserving mandatory appropriations for agricultural
conservation programs.
Amendment SA 343 proposed by Senator Coons.
S.Amdt. 345 (Sen. Durbin):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to increasing funding for Federal investments in biomedical and
basic scientific research.
Amendment SA 345 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Durbin.
S.Amdt. 347 (Sen. Barrasso):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund to
keep the Federal Water Pollution Control Act focused on protection of water
equality, to establish bright lines for Federal jurisdiction, and to create
clear and unambiguous exemptions for features that the Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency or the Secretary of the Army, acting
through the Chief of Engineers, claim they are not seeking to regulate
Amendment SA 347 proposed by Senator Barrasso.
Amendment SA 347 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 59 - 40. Record
Vote Number:
S.Amdt. 350 (Sen. Blunt):
To create a point of order against legislation
that would create a Federal tax or fee on carbon emissions
Amendment SA 350 proposed by Senator Blunt.
Proposed amendment SA 350 withdrawn in Senate.
S.Amdt. 352 (Sen. Roberts):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to Federal employee performance awards.
Amendment SA 352 proposed by Senator Roberts.
S.Amdt. 356 (Sen. Moran):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to providing health care to veterans who reside more than 40 miles
driving distance from the closest medical facility of the Department of
Veterans Affairs that provides the care sought by the veterans
Amendment SA 356 proposed by Senator Moran.
S.Amdt. 360 (Sen. McCain):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to deterring the migration of unaccompanied children from El
Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Amendment SA 360 proposed by Senator McCain.
S.Amdt. 368 (Sen. Coats):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to providing States the Medicaid flexibility they need to
implement innovative reforms to improve care and enhance access for our
Nation's most vulnerable.
Amendment SA 368 proposed by Senator Coats.
S.Amdt. 387 (Sen. Daines):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to postal reform.
Amendment SA 387 proposed by Senator Daines.
S.Amdt. 388 (Sen. Daines):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to the designation of national monuments.
Amendment pending in Senate.
S.Amdt. 389 (Sen. Daines):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to holding Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives
accountable for failing to pass a balanced budget.
Amendment pending in Senate.
S.Amdt. 391 (Sen. Coons):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to the expansion of access to the income tax credit for employee
health insurance expenses of small employers.
Amendment SA 391 proposed by Senator Coons.
S.Amdt. 392 (Sen. Coons):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to promoting the use of college savings accounts while students
are in elementary school and secondary school.
Amendment SA 392 proposed by Senator Coons.
S.Amdt. 394 (Sen. Coons):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to special treatment of the income tax credit for research
expenditures for startup companies.
Amendment SA 394 proposed by Senator Coons.
S.Amdt. 412 (Sen. Rounds):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
prevent the Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service from engaging in closed-door settlement agreements that
ignore impacted States and counties.
Amendment pending in Senate.
S.Amdt. 423 (Sen. Rubio):
To increase new budget authority fiscal years 2016
and 2017 and modify outlays for fiscal years 2016 through 2022 for National
Defense (budget function 050).
Amendment pending in Senate.
S.Amdt. 432 (Sen. Baldwin):
To provide additional resources to create the
opportunity for more Americans to obtain a higher education and advanced
job skills by supporting two free years of community college paid for by
raising revenue through requiring millionaires and billionaires to pay
their fair share.
Amendment SA 432 proposed by Senator Baldwin.
S.Amdt. 434 (Sen. Wyden):
To provide for an adjustment to committee
allocations for wildfire suppression funding.
Amendment SA 434 proposed by Senator Wyden.
S.Amdt. 436 (Sen. Baldwin):
To preserve the point of order against
reconciliation legislation that would increase the deficit or reduce a
Amendment SA 436 proposed by Senator Baldwin.
S.Amdt. 443 (Sen. Gardner):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to protecting privately held water rights and permits
Amendment SA 443 proposed by Senator Gardner.
S.Amdt. 452 (Sen. Heller):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund
relating to ensuring that the Secretary of the Interior enters into
candidate conservation agreements with each of the relevant 11 Western
States before the United States Fish and Wildlife Service makes a listing
determination on the greater sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act
of 1973.
Amendment SA 452 proposed by Senator Heller.
S.Amdt. 453 (Sen. Heller):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund
relating to ensuring that the Secretary of Transportation prioritizes the
construction of projects that are of national and regional significance and
projects in high priority corridors on the National Highway System, which
will improve the safe, secure, and efficient movement of people and goods
through the United States and facilitate economic development and create
jobs in the United States.
Amendment SA 453 proposed by Senator Heller.
S.Amdt. 456 (Sen. Heller):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to ensuring that medical facilities of the Department of Veterans
Affairs meet the privacy, dignity, and safety needs of women veterans
Amendment SA 456 proposed by Senator Heller.
S.Amdt. 457 (Sen. Heller):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to prohibition of Veterans Benefits Administration executive
bonuses until the backlog of disability claims for veterans in eliminated
Amendment SA 457 proposed by Senator Heller.
S.Amdt. 462 (Sen. Roberts):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to over-the-counter medications.
Amendment SA 462 proposed by Senator Roberts.
S.Amdt. 465 (Sen. Daines):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to Second Amendment rights.
Amendment SA 465 proposed by Senator Daines.
S.Amdt. 481 (Sen. Cotton):
To establish a deficit-neutral fund relating to
supporting Israel.
Amendment pending in Senate.
Amendment SA 481 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record
Vote Number:
S.Amdt. 485 (Sen. Ayotte):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
provide equity in the tax treatment of public safety officer death benefits
Amendment SA 485 proposed by Senator Gardner for Senator Ayotte.
S.Amdt. 490 (Sen. Ayotte):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
address the disproportionate regulatory burdens on community banks
Amendment SA 490 proposed by Senator Gardner for Senator Ayotte.
S.Amdt. 515 (Sen. Vitter):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund
relating to requiring the Federal Government to allow states to opt out of
the Common Core without penalty.
Amendment SA 515 proposed by Senator Vitter.
S.Amdt. 539 (Sen. Cassidy):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to improving Medicaid based on successful and bipartisan State
demonstration projects.
Amendment SA 539 proposed by Senator Cassidy.
S.Amdt. 545 (Sen. Kirk):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to reimposing waived sanctions and imposing new sanctions against
Iran for violations of the Joint Plan of Action or a comprehensive nuclear
Amendment pending in Senate.
S.Amdt. 578 (Sen. Manchin):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to addressing methamphetamine abuse in the United States
Amendment SA 578 proposed by Senator Manchin.
S.Amdt. 595 (Sen. Coats):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
improve cybersecurity.
Amendment SA 595 proposed by Senator Coats.
S.Amdt. 601 (Sen. Bennet):
To create a point of order against legislation
that would privatize Medicare, cut guaranteed benefits, increase
out-of-pocket spending, or turn Medicare into a premium support plan
Amendment SA 601 proposed by Senator Stabenow for Senator Bennet.
Point of order that the amendment violates section 305 of the CBA raised
in Senate with respect to amendment SA 601.
Motion to waive all applicable budgetary discipline with respect to
amendment SA 601 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53. Record
Vote Number:
Amendment SA 601 ruled out of order by the chair.
S.Amdt. 607 (Sen. Thune):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
allow for the permanent elimination of the Federal estate tax
Amendment SA 607 proposed by Senator Murkowski for Senator Thune.
S.Amdt. 622 (Sen. Burr):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to manageable Federal student loan repayment options
Amendment SA 622 proposed by Senator Burr.
Amendment SA 622 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.Amdt. 632 (Sen. Casey):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to providing reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers
Amendment SA 632 proposed by Senator Casey.
S.Amdt. 633 (Sen. Casey):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to enhancing the child and dependent care tax credit
Amendment SA 633 proposed by Senator Casey.
S.Amdt. 652 (Sen. Warren):
To make college more affordable for middle-class
families by allowing borrowers with outstanding Federal and private student
loans to refinance at the equivalent interest rates that were offered to
Federal student loan borrowers during the 2013-2014 school year and to
fully offset the cost of such a program by requiring millionaires to pay at
least a 30 percent effective Federal tax rate.
Amendment SA 652 proposed by Senator Reed for Senator Warren.
Amendment SA 652 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53.
Record Vote Number:
S.Amdt. 694 (Sen. Manchin):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to investing in advanced fossil energy technology research and
Amendment SA 694 proposed by Senator Manchin.
S.Amdt. 697 (Sen. Murray):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for
legislation that reforms and strengthens elementary and secondary education
Amendment SA 697 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Murray.
S.Amdt. 700 (Sen. Whitehouse):
To ensure high-income earners pay a fair share in
taxes and to use the revenue to invest in repairing our Nation's bridges,
coastal infrastructure, and damage from wildfires.
Amendment SA 700 proposed by Senator Whitehouse.
S.Amdt. 708 (Sen. Wyden):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to simplifying and expanding tax incentives for higher education
to boost student attendance and completion.
Amendment SA 708 proposed by Senator Wyden.
S.Amdt. 715 (Sen. Bennet):
To create clean energy jobs through predictable
and fair incentives for renewable energy.
Amendment SA 715 proposed by Senator Coons for Senator Bennet.
S.Amdt. 743 (Sen. Thune):
To reduce funding for the General Services
Administration by $1,000,000 until 50 percent of countries in nonattainment
for the 1997 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for
ground-level ozone as of January 30, 2015, achieve the air quality standard
set forth in the 1997 NAAQS, and direct those funds to the Administrator of
the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of helping
municipalities reach attainment with the 2008 NAAQS for ground-level ozone,
acknowledging that (1) given limited State and Federal resources and the
delay of the Administrator in issuing to States implementation guidance for
the 2008 ground-level ozone NAAQS, priority should be given to achieving
the 2008 standard, (2) the Administrator has not sufficiently implemented
that standard, (3) focusing by the Administrator on the most polluted areas
that are in nonattainment with that standard would benefit public health,
and (4) promulgating a lower standard at this time would impose undue costs
on the economy and workforce of the United States.
Amendment SA 743 proposed by Senator Murkowski for Senator Thune.
S.Amdt. 755 (Sen. Stabenow):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to keeping the Federal Water Pollution Control Act focused on
protection of water quality, to establish bright lines for Federal
jurisdiction, and to create clear and unambiguous exemptions for features
that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency or the
Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, claim they
are not seeking to regulate.
Amendment SA 755 proposed by Senator Stabenow.
Amendment SA 755 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 99 - 0. Record
Vote Number:
S.Amdt. 770 (Sen. Murkowski):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to the construction of Arctic polar icebreakers
Amendment SA 770 proposed by Senator Murkowski.
S.Amdt. 777 (Sen. Sanders):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
recognize that climate change is real and caused by human activity and that
Congress needs to take action to cut carbon pollution.
Amendment SA 777 proposed by Senator Sanders.
Amendment SA 777 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 49 - 50.
Record Vote Number:
S.Amdt. 791 (Sen. Wyden):
To strike reconciliation instructions to the
Committees on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and Finance and
require regular order.
Amendment SA 791 proposed by Senator Wyden.
S.Amdt. 795 (Sen. Cassidy):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund
relating to authorizing Federal permitting for manufacturing and energy
construction projects relating to national primary or secondary ambient air
quality standard for ozone lower than a certain existing standard
Amendment SA 795 proposed by Senator Cassidy.
S.Amdt. 796 (Sen. Hatch):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to saving Medicare.
Amendment SA 796 proposed by Senator Hatch.
Amendment SA 796 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.Amdt. 798 (Sen. Murray):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund for
legislation to allow Americans to earn paid sick time.
Amendment SA 798 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Murray.
S.Amdt. 800 (Sen. Cantwell):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to a comprehensive approach to crude-by-rail safety
Amendment SA 800 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Cantwell.
S.Amdt. 801 (Sen. Murray):
To build on the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 by
restoring a below-sequester level cut of $9,000,000,000 to nondefense
discretionary spending in 2017, replacing sequestration in 2016 and 2017
and increasing funding above sequester levels by a total of $148,000,000
,000 for the 2 years, increasing defense and nondefense discretionary
spending above sequester levels by equal amounts, eliminating the overseas
contingency operations gimmick contained in the committee-reported
resolution, and offsetting the net increase in defense and nondefense
discretionary spending by closing tax loopholes.
Amendment SA 801 proposed by Senator Murray.
Amendment SA 801 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 46 - 53.
Record Vote Number:
S.Amdt. 802 (Sen. Coons):
To offset the costs of the war against the Islamic
State in Iraq and Syria.
Amendment SA 802 proposed by Senator Coons.
S.Amdt. 811 (Sen. Vitter):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to ending Washington's illegal exemption from Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act.
Amendment SA 811 proposed by Senator Vitter.
S.Amdt. 812 (Sen. Murray):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
provide women with affordable access to comprehensive health care,
including preventive services (such as contraception and breast cancer
screenings), improve maternal health, and ensure that a woman has the same
benefits and services no matter what part of the United States she lives in
, all of which is critical to improving the health and well-being of women,
children, their families, and society as a whole, and is an essential part
of a woman's economic security and opportunity.
Amendment SA 812 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Murray.
S.Amdt. 817 (Sen. Durbin):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to
provide tax benefits to patriot employers that invest in American jobs and
provide fair pay and benefits to workers and to eliminate tax benefits for
corporations that ship jobs overseas.
Amendment SA 817 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Durbin.
S.Amdt. 825 (Sen. Blumenthal):
To expand the deficit-neutral reserve fund for
veterans and servicemembers.
Amendment SA 825 proposed by Senator Blumenthal.
S.Amdt. 838 (Sen. Murkowski):
To establish a spending-neutral reserve fund
relating to the disposal of certain Federal land.
Amendment SA 838 proposed by Senator Murkowski.
S.Amdt. 842 (Sen. Merkley):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to consumer fiancial protection.
Amendment SA 842 proposed by Senator Merkley.
S.Amdt. 843 (Sen. Merkley):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to restoring reductions in the Republican budget to the Stafford
loan program that would mandate that students currently in college pay
interest on their loans before they have received their education benefits,
to make college more affordable, to reduce the debt burden of students, and
to help graduates afford to pay back student loans.
Amendment SA 843 proposed by Senator Merkley.
S.Amdt. 852 (Sen. Ayotte):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to providing small business regulatory relief and preventing
duplicative regulations for investment advisors.
Amendment SA 852 proposed by Senator Gardner for Senator Ayotte.
S.Amdt. 867 (Sen. Whitehouse):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to making it more difficult for corporations and billionaires to
secretly influence elections by making unlimited undisclosed campaign
expenditures, and to prevent such entities from evading campaign finance
law, including through making false statements to government agencies
Amendment SA 867 proposed by Senator Whitehouse.
S.Amdt. 870 (Sen. Wyden):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to extending tax provisions expiring in 2013 or 2014 for 2 years,
such as those contained in the EXPIRE Act of 2014.
Amendment SA 870 proposed by Senator Wyden.
S.Amdt. 895 (Sen. Whitehouse):
To prohibit budget resolutions that support
cutting over $1,000,000,000,000 in spending without identifying specific
programmatic effects.
Amendment SA 895 proposed by Senator Whitehouse.
S.Amdt. 940 (Sen. Paul):
To increase new budget authority for fiscal years
2016 and 2017 and modify outlays for fiscal years 2016 through 2022 for
National Defense (budget function 050) with offsets.
Amendment SA 940 proposed by Senator Paul.
S.Amdt. 951 (Sen. Murray):
To establish and fund a new Federal-State
partnership to expand access to high-quality preschool programs for
children from low- and moderate-income families, offset with revenue from
closing loopholes.
Amendment SA 951 proposed by Senator Sanders for Senator Murray.
S.Amdt. 952 (Sen. Merkley):
To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund
relating to establishing a more level playing field in trade agreements
Amendment SA 952 proposed by Senator Merkley.
S.Amdt. 953 (Sen. Merkley):
To save student financial aid and reduce the
student loan debt levels in the Republican budget by 15 percent by
eliminating new mandated interest charged while students are still in
Amendment SA 953 proposed by Senator Merkley.