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Senate Floor Activity - Monday, September 21, 2015

The President pro tempore called the Senate to order at 2 p .m., the Chaplain offered a prayer, and the President pro tempore led the Senate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

The Journal

Pursuant to the order of Thursday, September 17, 2015, the Journal of the proceedings of the Senate was deemed approved to date.

Certain Procedures Dispensed With

Pursuant to the order of Thursday, September 17, 2015, the morning hour being deemed expired, and the times for the recognition of the two leaders being reserved.

Transaction of Morning Business

Pursuant to the order of Thursday, September 17, 2015, the Senate proceeded to a period for the transaction of morning business.

Legislative Business (Monday, September 21)

H.R. 36 (Rep. Franks): To amend title 18, United States Code, to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes.
-- Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate.

H.R. 2051 (Rep. Conaway): To amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to extend the livestock mandatory price reporting requirements, and for other purposes.
-- Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.

S. 764 (Sen. Wicker): To reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes.
-- Message on House action received in Senate and at desk: House amendment to Senate bill.

S. 1109 (Sen. Warren): To require adequate information regarding the tax treatment of payments under settlement agreements entered into by Federal agencies, and for other purposes.
-- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.
-- Passed Senate with amendments by Unanimous Consent.
S.Amdt. 2668 (Sen. Vitter): To apply the disclosure requirements to settlements between agencies and private entities and require information regarding the use of funds collected under settlement agreements .
-- Amendment SA 2668 proposed by Senator Lankford for Senator Vitter.
-- Amendment SA 2668 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

S. 1603 (Sen. Flake): To actively recruit members of the Armed Forces who are separating from military service to serve as Customs and Border Protection Officers.
-- Message on House action received in Senate and at desk: House amendment to Senate bill.

S.Res. 257 (Sen. Collins): A resolution congratulating Captain Kristen Griest and First Lieutenant Shaye Haver on their graduation from Ranger School .
-- Senate Committee on Armed Services discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 260 (Sen. Vitter): A resolution honoring the life and legacy of Calvin G. Moret.
-- Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.


By unanimous consent, on the request of Mr. Lankford, at 7:53 p.m., the Senate adjourned, under its order of today, until 10 a.m. tomorrow.