The President pro tempore called the Senate to order at 10 a
.m., the Chaplain offered a prayer, and the President pro tempore led the
Senate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United
States of America.
Legislative Business (Thursday, November
H.R. 2577 (Rep. Diaz-Balart):
Making appropriations for the Departments of
Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies for
the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, and for other purposes
Considered by Senate.
Cloture motion on the measure withdrawn by unanimous consent in Senate.
Amendment pending in Senate.
Cloture motion amendment SA 2812 withdrawn by unanimous consent in
Amendment pending in Senate.
H.R. 3996 (Rep. Shuster):
To provide an extension of Federal-aid highway,
highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out
of the Highway Trust Fund, and for other purposes.
Passed Senate without amendment by Voice Vote.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Received in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment by
Unanimous Consent.
S. 599 (Sen. Cardin):
To extend and expand the Medicaid emergency
psychiatric demonstration project.
Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate bill by Unanimous
S. 1550 (Sen. Ernst):
To amend title 31, United States Code, to establish
entities tasked with improving program and project management in certain
Federal agencies, and for other purposes.
Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.
The committee substitute as amended agreed to by Unanimous Consent.
Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.
Amendment SA 2873 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Ernst.
Amendment SA 2873 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S. 2328 (Sen. Wicker):
To reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant
College Program Act, and for other purposes.
Introduced in the Senate, read twice, considered, read the third time, and
passed without amendment by Unanimous Consent.
S.Res. 314 (Sen. Moran):
A resolution expressing support for designation of
the third Tuesday in November as "National Entrepreneurs' Day"
Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by
Unanimous Consent.
Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by
Unanimous Consent.
S.Res. 319 (Sen. Isakson):
A resolution designating November 29, 2015, as
"Drive Safer Sunday".
Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and
with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.
Executive Business (Thursday, November 19)
Diane Helen Rodriguez, of California, to be a
Member of the National Council on the Arts for a term expiring September 3,
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Francine Berman, of New York, to be a Member of the
National Council on the Humanities for a term expiring January 26,
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Shelly Colleen Lowe, of Arizona, to be a Member of
the National Council on the Humanities for a term expiring January 26,
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Patricia Nelson Limerick, of Colorado, to be a
Member of the National Council on the Humanities for a term expiring January
26, 2018
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Steven M. Wellner, of the District of Columbia, to
be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for
the term of fifteen years
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
William Ward Nooter, of the District of Columbia,
to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia
for the term of fifteen years
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Ann Calvaresi Barr, of Maryland, to be Inspector
General, United States Agency for International
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Juan Carlos Iturregui, of Maryland, to be a Member
of the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Foundation for a term
expiring June 26, 2020
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Luis A. Viada, of New York, to be a Member of the
Board of Directors of the Inter-American Foundation for a term expiring
September 20, 2018
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Peter William Bodde, of Maryland, to be Ambassador
to Libya
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 11/19/2015.
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 95 - 0. Record Vote Number:
Elisabeth I. Millard, of Virginia, to be Ambassador
to the Republic of Tajikistan
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 11/19/2015.
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Marc Jonathan Sievers, of Maryland, to be
Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 11/19/2015.
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Rear Adm. Kurt B. Hinrichs, in the Coast Guard, to
be Rear Admiral
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Derek Tai-Ching Kan, of California, to be a
Director of the Amtrak Board of Directors for a term of five
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Victoria A. Lipnic, of Virginia, to be a Member of
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for a term expiring July 1,
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Michael Herman Michaud, of Maine, to be Assistant
Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Deborah R. Malac, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to
the Republic of Uganda
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 11/19/2015.
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Lisa J. Peterson, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to
the Kingdom of Swaziland
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 11/19/2015.
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
H. Dean Pittman, of the District of Columbia, to be
Ambassador to the Republic of Mozambique
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 11/19/2015.
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Capt. Andrew S. McKinley, in the Coast Guard, to be
Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
6 nominations in the Coast Guard beginning with
Captain Matthew T. Bell and ending with Captain Anthony J.
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
56 nominations in the Coast Guard beginning with
Ladonn A. Allen and ending with Jeffrey V. Yarosh
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
13 nominations in the Coast Guard beginning with
Sharif A. Abdrabbo and ending with Wilbur A. Velarde
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.