Mr. Mike Rounds, from the State of South Dakota, called the
Senate to order at 10 a.m., the Chaplain offered a prayer, and Mr. Rounds
led the Senate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the
United States of America.
The Journal
Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the Journal of the
proceedings of the Senate was deemed approved to date.
Certain Procedures Dispensed With
Pursuant to the order of yesterday,
the morning hour being deemed expired, and the times for the recognition
of the two leaders being reserved.
Transaction of Morning Business
Pursuant to the order of yesterday,
the Senate proceeded to a period for the transaction of morning business.
Executive Business (Thursday, February 16)
2 nominations in the Army beginning with Jeremy D.
Karlin and ending with Iraham A. Sanchez
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Mathew M. Lewis, in the Navy, to be Lieutenant
Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.
Scott Pruitt, of Oklahoma, to be Administrator of
the Environmental Protection Agency
Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 54 - 46. Record Vote Number:
Considered by Senate.
Senator Merkley moved to extend post-cloture debate on the nomination for
248 hours.
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 02/17/2017.
Considered by Senate.
Senator Merkley motion to extend debate not agreed to by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 -
51. Record Vote Number:
Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 52 - 46. Record Vote Number:
Mick Mulvaney, of South Carolina, to be Director of
the Office of Management and Budget
Considered by Senate.
Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 51 - 49. Record Vote Number:
Executive Business (Friday, February 17)
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., of Florida, to be Secretary of
Considered by Senate.
Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 66 - 31. Record Vote Number:
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 02/27/2017.
Scott Pruitt, of Oklahoma, to be Administrator of
the Environmental Protection Agency
Cloture invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 54 - 46. Record Vote Number:
Considered by Senate.
Senator Merkley moved to extend post-cloture debate on the nomination for
248 hours.
By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote 02/17/2017.
Considered by Senate.
Senator Merkley motion to extend debate not agreed to by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 -
51. Record Vote Number:
Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 52 - 46. Record Vote Number:
By unanimous consent, on the request of Mr. Cornyn, at
1:54 p.m., the Senate adjourned, under its order of today, until
4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 20, 2017.