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Senate Floor Activity - Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The President pro tempore called the Senate to order at 10 a .m., the Chaplain offered a prayer, and the President pro tempore led the Senate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

The Journal

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the Journal of the proceedings of the Senate was deemed approved to date.

Certain Procedures Dispensed With

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the morning hour being deemed expired, and the times for the recognition of the two leaders being reserved.

Transaction of Morning Business

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the Senate proceeded to a period for the transaction of morning business.

Legislative Business (Tuesday, December 5)

H.R. 1 (Rep. Brady): To provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018 .
-- Message on House action received in Senate and at desk: House requests a conference.

Executive Business (Tuesday, December 5)

PN923: Emily Webster Murphy, of Missouri, to be Administrator of General Services
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1019: Glen R. Smith, of Iowa, to be a Member of the Farm Credit Administration Board, Farm Credit Administration, for a term expiring May 21, 2022
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1095: Kirstjen Nielsen, of Virginia, to be Secretary of Homeland Security
-- Considered by Senate.
-- By unanimous consent agreement, vote 12/5/2017.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 62 - 37. Record Vote Number: 305


Under the authority of the order of today, at 6:26 p.m, the Presiding Officer (Mr. Rubio in the chair) declared the Senate adjourned, under its order of today, until 10 a.m. tomorrow .