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Senate Floor Activity - Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Mr. Ben Ray Lujan, from the State of New Mexico, called the Senate to order at 10 a.m., the Chaplain offered a prayer, and the Acting President pro tempore led the Senate in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

The Journal

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the Journal of the proceedings of the Senate was deemed approved to date.

Certain Procedures Dispensed With

Pursuant to the order of yesterday, the morning hour being deemed expired, and the times for the recognition of the two leaders being reserved.

Transaction of Morning Business

The following transactions of morning business occurred on today .

Legislative Business (Wednesday, December 21)

H.R. 680 (Rep. Kuster): A bill for the relief of Arpita Kurdekar, Girish Kurdekar, and Vandana Kurdekar.
-- Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

H.R. 897 (Rep. Ruiz): A bill to take certain lands in California into trust for the benefit of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, and for other purposes.
-- Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

H.R. 1154 (Rep. McEachin): A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study to assess the suitability and feasibility of designating certain land as the Great Dismal Swamp National Heritage Area, and for other purposes.
-- Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

H.R. 2617 (Rep. Connolly): A bill to amend section 1115 of title 31, United States Code, to amend the description of how performance goals are achieved , and for other purposes.
-- Considered by Senate (Message from the House considered).
-- Cloture motion on the motion to concur in the House amendment to Senate amendment SA 4 to H.R. 2617 with an amendment (SA 6552) presented in Senate
S.Amdt. 6552 (Sen. Leahy): In the nature of a substitute.
-- Considered by Senate (Message from the House considered).

S.Amdt. 6571 (Sen. Schumer): To add an effective date.
-- Considered by Senate (Message from the House considered).

S.Amdt. 6572 (Sen. Schumer): To add an effective date.
-- Considered by Senate (Message from the House considered).

S.Amdt. 6573 (Sen. Schumer): To modify the effective date.
-- Considered by Senate (Message from the House considered).

S.Amdt. 6574 (Sen. Schumer): To modify the effective date.
-- Considered by Senate (Message from the House considered).

H.Con.Res. 82 (Rep. Lofgren): A concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of a revised and updated version of the House document entitled "Black Americans in Congress, 1870-1989".
-- Senate Committee on Rules and Administration discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

S. 1541 (Sen. Duckworth): A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to require the Federal Communications Commission to ensure just and reasonable charges for telephone and advanced communications services in correctional and detention facilities.
-- Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.

S. 3405 (Sen. Blunt): A bill to require the Federal Communications Commission to issue a rule providing that certain low power television stations may be accorded primary status as Class A television licensees, and for other purposes.
-- Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.

S. 4240 (Sen. Grassley): A bill to amend section 2441 of title 18, United States Code, to broaden the scope of individuals subject to prosecution for war crimes.
-- Senate Committee on the Judiciary discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.
-- Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.
-- Message on Senate action sent to the House.
S.Amdt. 6590 (Sen. Durbin): In the nature of a substitute.
-- Amendment SA 6590 proposed by Senator Durbin.
-- Amendment SA 6590 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

S. 4439 (Sen. Padilla): A bill to take certain Federal land located in Siskiyou County, California, and Humboldt County, California, into trust for the benefit of the Karuk Tribe, and for other purposes .
-- Senate Committee on Indian Affairs discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.

S. 4814 (Sen. Hickenlooper): A bill to establish a demonstration program for the active remediation of orbital debris and to require the development of uniform orbital debris standard practices in order to support a safe and sustainable orbital environment, and for other purposes .
-- Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation discharged by Unanimous Consent.
-- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.
-- Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent.
S.Amdt. 6619 (Sen. Hickenlooper): In the nature of a substitute.
-- Amendment SA 6619 proposed by Senator Baldwin for Senator Hickenlooper.
-- Amendment SA 6619 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 472 (Sen. Menendez): A resolution reaffirming the partnership between the United States and the Dominican Republic and advancing opportunities to deepen diplomatic, economic, and security cooperation between the two nations.
-- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent.
-- The committee substitute withdrawn by Unanimous Consent.
-- Resolution agreed to in Senate with an amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.
S.Amdt. 6614 (Sen. Menendez): In the nature of a substitute.
-- Amendment SA 6614 proposed by Senator Durbin for Senator Menendez.
-- Amendment SA 6614 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.

S.Res. 876 (Sen. Markey): A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, commonly known as the "Coastal Zone Management Act".
-- Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.

Executive Business (Wednesday, December 21)

PN1558: L. Michelle Moore, of Georgia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2026
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1560: Robert P. Klein, of Tennessee, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2026
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1561: Beth Pritchard Geer, of Tennessee, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2026
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1668: Agnes Schaefer, of Pennsylvania, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army
-- By unanimous consent agreement, debate and vote today.
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 68 - 26. Record Vote Number: 405

PN2130: Alexis Taylor, of Iowa, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2218: William J. Renick, of Mississippi, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2027
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2219: Adam Wade White, of Kentucky, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2027
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2426: Joe H. Ritch, of Alabama, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority for a term expiring May 18, 2025
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2637: Richard L. Revesz, of New York, to be Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2668: Lynne M. Tracy, of Ohio, to be Ambassador to the Russian Federation
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 93 - 2. Record Vote Number: 404

Executive Business (Thursday, December 22)

PN912: Howard A. Van Vranken, of California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1540: Jainey Kumar Bavishi, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1552: Sara C. Bronin, of Connecticut, to be Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for a term expiring January 19, 2025
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN1831: Evelyn Wang, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, Department of Energy
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2173: Joey R. Hood, of New Hampshire, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tunisia
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2200: Sue Ellen Moore, of Washington, to be a Member of the Marine Mammal Commission for a term expiring May 13, 2023
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.

PN2201: Andrew J. Read, of North Carolina, to be a Member of the Marine Mammal Commission for a term expiring May 13, 2025
-- Considered by Senate.
-- Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.


By unanimous consent, on the request of Mr. Schumer, at 2:01 a.m., the Senate adjourned, under its order of today, until 8 a.m. tomorrow.