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Roll Call Votes 101st Congress-1st session (1989)


Vote (Tally)ResultQuestion: DescriptionIssueDate
(00312) 312 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution: S. Res. 217; A resolution deploring the escalating violence in El Salvador; condemning the killing of innocent civilians, including six Jesuit priests; and calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities.S.Res. 217Nov 21
(00311) 311 (58-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1188: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1188; To restrict the amount available for military assistance for El Salvador until Salvadoran authorities have concluded investigative actions and apprehended and brought to trial those responsible for ordering and carrying out the November 16, 1989, murders of certain individuals in that country.H.R. 3743Nov 20
(00310) 310 (29-68)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1165: Cranston Amendment No. 1165; To delete all production funding for the B2 aircraft.H.R. 3072Nov 18
(00309) 309 (97-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1164: Byrd Amendment No. 1164; No Statement of Purpose on File.H.R. 3072Nov 17
(00308) 308 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1163: Mitchell Amendment No. 1163; In the nature of a substitute.H.R. 3660Nov 17
(00307) 307 (68-31)Agreed toOn the Motion: Motion To Waive Budget Act; A bill to amend the Rules of the House of Representatives and the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to provide for government-wide ethics reform, and for other purposes.H.R. 3660Nov 17
(00306) 306 (65-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1162: Motion To Table Helms Amendment No. 1162; To repeal pay increase provisions.H.R. 3660Nov 17
(00305) 305 (60-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1160: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1160; To repeal the grandfather clause.H.R. 3660Nov 17
(00304) 304 (90-9)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 1158: Motion To Invoke Cloture; In the nature of a substitute.H.R. 3660Nov 17
(00303) 303 (11-88)RejectedOn the Motion to Postpone: Motion To Postpone; A bill to amend the Rules of the House of Representatives and the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to provide for government-wide ethics reform, and for other purposes.H.R. 3660Nov 17
(00302) 302 (96-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1146: Helms Amendment No. 1146; Concerning the restoration and correction of dial-a-porn sanctions.H.R. 3566Nov 16
(00301) 301 (47-51)Not SustainedOn the Decision of the Chair S.Amdt. 1135: Ruling Of The Chair; Providing that none of the funds appropriated to the Bureau of the Census shall be used to count aliens in the U.S. in violation of the immigration laws for purposes of subsection (b) of Section 141 of title 13, U.S. Code.H.R. 2939Nov 15
(00300) 300 (52-44)Agreed toOn the Motion: Motion To Disagree; A bill making appropriations for Foreign Assistance and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2939Nov 15
(00299) 299 (91-8)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: H.R. 2461 Conference Report; A bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 1990 and 1991 for military functions of the Department of Defense and to prescribe military personnel levels for such Department for fiscal years 1990 and 1991, and for other purposes.H.R. 2461Nov 15
(00298) 298 (51-47)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 1127: Motion To Invoke Cloture On Amendment No. 1127; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to promote savings and long-term investment through a reduced capital gains tax rate and individual retirement plus accounts, and for other purposes.H.R. 3628Nov 15
(00297) 297 (99-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3402; An Act to promote political democracy and economic pluralism in Poland and Hungary by assisting those nations during a critical period of transition and abetting the development in those nations of private business sectors, labor market reforms, and democratic institutions; to establish, through these steps, the framework for a composite program of Support for East European Democracy (SEED).H.R. 3402Nov 14
(00296) 296 (36-63)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1121: Amendment No. 1121; To express the sense of the Senate regarding increasing the quota of the IMF.S. 1582Nov 14
(00295) 295 (51-47)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 1127: Motion To Invoke Cloture On Amendment No. 1127; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to promote savings and long-term investment through a reduced capital gains tax rate and individual retirement plus accounts, and for other purposes.H.R. 3628Nov 14
(00294) 294 (40-51)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 1092: Motion To Waive The Budget Act; To grant the power to the President to reduce budget authority.H.R. 3015Nov 09
(00293) 293 (66-29)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1091: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1091; To eliminate unsolicited mass mailings and transfer savings to treatment of drug-dependent pregnant and post-partum women and their children.H.R. 3014Nov 09
(00292) 292 (89-8)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2710; A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to increase the minimum wage, and for other purposes.H.R. 2710Nov 08
(00291) 291 (63-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1089: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1089; To strike the exclusion from the training wage for employers of migrant and seasonal agricultural workers.H.R. 2710Nov 08
(00290) 290 (64-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1087: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1087; To provide that the Congress shall not increase the business costs for small businesses that engage in an industry affecting commerce by enacting legislation that requires additional paperwork, capital expenditures, compliance costs, or taxes.H.R. 2710Nov 08
(00289) 289 (64-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1082: Motion To Table Hollings Amendment No. 1082; To strike out provisions relating to Inspector General.S. 1324Nov 07
(00288) 288 (57-40)Not GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article IIIn/aNov 03
(00287) 287 (78-19)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article IIn/aNov 03
(00286) 286 (89-8)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article In/aNov 03
(00285) 285 (34-63)RejectedOn the Motion: Motion To Dismiss Article IIIn/aNov 03
(00284) 284 (7-90)RejectedOn the Motion: Judge Nixon Motion For Trialn/aNov 03
(00283) 283 (96-1)Agreed toOn the Motion for Attendance: Motion To Instructn/aNov 03
(00282) 282 (78-17)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 1816; A bill to protect the retired pay of certain members of the Armed Forces convicted of an offense under section 2071(b) of title 18, United States Code.S. 1816Nov 02
(00281) 281 (64-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1077: Motion To Table Humphrey Amendment No. 1077; To restore the provision for detailed statements to members of Congress and publication of summary statistics in the Congressional Record concerning the use of the franking privilege by members of Congress and the provision requiring that mass mailings clearly state that they are mailed at taxpayer expense.H.R. 3014Nov 02
(00280) 280 (53-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table: Motion To Table Helms Amendment; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2991Nov 01
(00279) 279 (95-0)Agreed toOn the Concurrent Resolution: S.Con.Res.79; A concurrent resolution to deplore the unilateral Sandinista abrogation of the Nicaraguan Ceasefire.S.Con.Res. 79Oct 31
(00278) 278 (53-45)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1074: Motion To Concur In House Amendment To Senate Amendment No. 191; To strike the Department of State authorization waivers.H.R. 2991Oct 31
(00277) 277 (84-6)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: H.R. 2916 Conference Report; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2916Oct 27
(00276) 276 (65-35)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1043: Mitchell Amendment 1043; To make a substitute amendment.H.R. 1231Oct 26
(00275) 275 (79-20)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S.1798; A bill to provide for the imposition of the death penalty for the terrorist murder of United States nationals abroad.S. 1798Oct 26
(00274) 274 (29-70)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1068: Hatfield Amendment No. 1068; To provide for the penalty of life imprisonment without the possibility of release for acts of terrorism against United States nationals abroad.S. 1798Oct 26
(00273) 273 (62-38)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On Mitchell Amendment ; An Act to establish a commission to investigate and report respecting the dispute between Eastern Airlines and its collective bargaining units, and for other purposes.H.R. 1231Oct 26
(00272) 272 (88-11)Agreed toOn the Resolution: S. Res. 197; A resolution to ensure that sufficient funds are available to aid the victims of the California earthquake and Hurricane Hugo without increasing the federal budget deficit.S.Res. 197Oct 25
(00271) 271 (97-1)PassedOn the Joint Resolution: H.J. Res. 423; A joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1990, and for other purposes.H.J.Res. 423Oct 25
(00270) 270 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution of Ratification: Treaty 100-18; The Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Bangkok on March 19, 1986Treaty Doc. 100-18Oct 24
(00269) 269 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution of Ratification: Treaty 100-17; The Treaty between the United States of America and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Nassau on June 12 and August 18, 1987, with related notesTreaty Doc. 100-17Oct 24
(00268) 268 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution of Ratification: Treaty 100-16; The Treaty between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Belgium on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Washington on January 28, 1988Treaty Doc. 100-16Oct 24
(00267) 267 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution of Ratification: Treaty 100-14; The Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, with Annex, signed at Quebec City on March 18, 1985Treaty Doc. 100-14Oct 24
(00266) 266 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution of Ratification: Treaty 100-13; The Treaty on Cooperation between the United States of America and the United Mexican States for Mutual Legal Assistance, signed at Mexico City on December 9, 1987Treaty Doc. 100-13Oct 24
(00265) 265 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution of Ratification: Treaty 100-8; The Treaty between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Cayman Islands relating to Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, with Protocol, signed at Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands on July 3, 1986, together with related notes exchanged at London the same dayTreaty Doc. 100-8Oct 24
(00264) 264 (60-35)Not GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article XVII; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00263) 263 (0-95)Not GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article XVI; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00262) 262 (70-25)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article IX; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00261) 261 (68-27)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article VIII; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00260) 260 (69-26)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article VII; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00259) 259 (48-47)Not GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article VI; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00258) 258 (67-28)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article V; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00257) 257 (67-28)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article IV; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00256) 256 (69-26)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article III; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00255) 255 (68-27)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article II; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00254) 254 (69-26)GuiltyGuilty or Not Guilty: Article I; A resolution impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, for high crimes and misdemeanors.H.Res. 499Oct 20
(00253) 253 (93-2)Agreed toOn the Motion: Motion to Instruct Sergeant-at-Arms; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the indexing of certain assets and for a 15 percent maximum rate of tax on net capital gain.H.R. 499Oct 20
(00252) 252 (67-31)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: H.R. 2990 Conference Report; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2990Oct 19
(00251) 251 (51-48)RejectedOn the Joint Resolution: S.J. Res. 180; A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress and the States to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.S.J.Res. 180Oct 19
(00250) 250 (64-35)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3385; A bill to provide assistance for free and fair elections in Nicaragua.H.R. 3385Oct 17
(00249) 249 (32-66)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1001: Dodd Amendment No. 1001; To provide a substitute amendment.H.R. 3385Oct 17
(00248) 248 (33-64)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1010: Harkin Amendment No. 1010; To reduce the amount and restrict the use of funds for election support and monitoring.H.R. 3385Oct 17
(00247) 247 (25-74)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1005: Adams Amendment No. 1005; To provide additional funding for the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986 and to provide activities for latchkey children.H.R. 3385Oct 17
(00246) 246 (59-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1027: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1027; Providing that funds not be made available directly or indirectly to the Government of Nicaragua.H.R. 3385Oct 17
(00245) 245 (74-25)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On H.R. 3385; A bill to provide assistance for free and fair elections in Nicaragua.H.R. 3385Oct 17
(00244) 244 (52-42)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On H.R. 3385; A bill to provide assistance for free and fair elections in Nicaragua.H.R. 3385Oct 13
(00243) 243 (87-7)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3299; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 5 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1990.H.R. 3299Oct 13
(00242) 242 (62-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 991: Motion To Table Amendment No. 991; To prohibit the use of funds to promote, disseminate, or produce materials that are obscene or depict, in an offensive way, sexual or excretory activities or organs.H.R. 2788Oct 07
(00241) 241 (91-6)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: H.R. 2788 Conference Report; A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2788Oct 07
(00240) 240 (99-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 1726; A bill to repeal medicare catastrophic coverage provisions effective in years after 1989 and the supplemental medicare premium, and for other purposes.S. 1726Oct 06
(00239) 239 (26-73)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 989: Roth Amendment No. 989; To modify various provisions of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988.S. 1726Oct 06
(00238) 238 (41-58)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 988: Riegle Amendment No. 988; To repeal, eliminate, or make adjustments to certain provisions of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (P.L.100-360).S. 1726Oct 06
(00237) 237 (37-62)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 987: Durenberger Amendment 987; To modify various provisions of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988.S. 1726Oct 06
(00236) 236 (12-87)RejectedOn the Motion: Motion To Commit; A bill to repeal medicare catastrophic coverage provisions effective in years after 1989 and the supplemental medicare premium, and for other purposes.S. 1726Oct 06
(00235) 235 (25-74)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 986: Graham Amendment No. 986; To provide for a modified benefit package for individuals having private insurance.S. 1726Oct 06
(00234) 234 (35-64)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 985: Kennedy Amendment No. 985; Creating the "Medicare Catastrophic Revision Act of 1989".S. 1726Oct 06
(00233) 233 (96-3)Agreed toOn the Motion: Motion To Waive CBA; A bill to repeal medicare catastrophic coverage provisions effective in years after 1989 and the supplemental medicare premium, and for other purposes.S. 1726Oct 06
(00232) 232 (100-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 1711; A bill to implement the President's 1989 National Drug Control Strategy.S. 1711Oct 05
(00231) 231 (75-24)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 912: Motion To Table Amendment No. 912; To require drug testing for applicants for title IV, Social Security Act benefits aid to families with dependent children.S. 1711Oct 05
(00230) 230 (52-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 956: Motion To Table Amendment No. 956; To provide Federal drug interdiction agencies with the authority to use necessary and appropriate force to compel airborne drug traffickers to land their aircraft.S. 1711Oct 05
(00229) 229 (99-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 954: Nunn Amendment No. 954; To express the sense of the Congress regarding efforts to restore constitutional government to Panama.S. 1711Oct 05
(00228) 228 (74-25)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 935: Motion To Table Amendment No. 935; To provide authority for the President to use the armed forces of the United States to secure the removal of General Manuel Antonio Noriega from his illegal control of the Republic of Panama.S. 1711Oct 05
(00227) 227 (91-9)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2978; A bill to amend section 700 of title 18, United States Code, to protect the physical integrity of the flag.H.R. 2978Oct 05
(00226) 226 (53-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 952: Motion To Table Amendment No. 952 ; To require that desecration of the flag be public in order to be a criminal act.H.R. 2978Oct 05
(00225) 225 (76-24)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 951: Wilson Amdt. No. 951; To prevent the defiling of the American flag.H.R. 2978Oct 05
(00224) 224 (31-69)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 951: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 951; To prevent the defiling of the American flag.H.R. 2978Oct 05
(00223) 223 (79-20)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Zappala NominationPN328Oct 03
(00222) 222 (61-36)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion On Motion To Proceed To H.R. 1231; An Act to establish a commission to investigate and report respecting the dispute between Eastern Airlines and its collective bargaining units, and for other purposes.H.R. 1231Oct 03
(00221) 221 (41-50)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 900: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 900; To prohibit the use of certain funds to count illegal aliens in the U.S. for purposes of reapportionment.H.R. 2991Sep 29
(00220) 220 (74-20)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 899: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 899; To provide additional funds for construction of facilities for U.S. prisoners in non-Federal institutions.H.R. 2991Sep 29
(00219) 219 (74-22)Agreed toOn the Motion: Motion To Waive CBA; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2991Sep 29
(00218) 218 (65-31)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 895: Fowler Amdt. No. 895; Expressing the sense of the Senate instructing the conferees on H.R. 2788 to include language as follows: None of the funds authorized to be appropriated pursuant to this Act may be used to promote, disseminate, or produce obscene materials, including but not limited to obscene depiction of sadomasochism, homo-eroticism, the sexual exploitation of children, or individuals engaged in sexual intercourse.H.R. 2991Sep 29
(00217) 217 (96-2)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3072; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3072Sep 29
(00216) 216 (62-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 891: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 891; To express the Sense of the Senate that the conferees on H.R.2788, Department of the Interior Appropriations, 1990, should insist on amendment number 7, to prohibit the use of appropriated funds for the dissemination, promotion or production of obscene or indecent materials denigrating a particular religion.H.R. 3072Sep 29
(00215) 215 (25-75)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 889: Metzenbaum Amdt. No. 889; To limit the use of appropriated funds for maintaining United States military pesonnel in NATO member countries in Europe.H.R. 3072Sep 28
(00214) 214 (23-76)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 890: Conrad Amdt. No. 890; To require the transfer of amounts saved as a result of the limitation on the use of appropriated funds for maintaining United States military personnel in NATO member countries in Europe.H.R. 3072Sep 28
(00213) 213 (53-47)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 886: H.R. 3072; Of a technical nature.H.R. 3072Sep 28
(00212) 212 (92-8)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2916; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2916Sep 28
(00211) 211 (100-0)PassedOn the Joint Resolution: H.J. Res. 407; A joint resolution making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1990, and for other purposes.H.J.Res. 407Sep 28
(00210) 210 (95-5)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 882: Specter Amdt. No. 882; To make funds available for multilateral anti-narcotics efforts.H.R. 3072Sep 28
(00209) 209 (99-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3015; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3015Sep 27
(00208) 208 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 872: Coats Amdt. No. 872; To provide for voluntary random drug testing of students participating in voluntary, extracurricular activities in schools that voluntarily choose to participate in a drug testing program.H.R. 3015Sep 27
(00207) 207 (97-2)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 727: Byrd Amdt - Modified; To provide additional funds for drug programs.H.R. 3015Sep 27
(00206) 206 (65-34)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 861: Stevens Amdt. No. 861; To express the sense of the Congress on the common defense relationship between the United States and the Republic of Korea.H.R. 3072Sep 26
(00205) 205 (81-19)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Labor HHS Approp.; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2990Sep 26
(00204) 204 (89-11)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Foreign Ops. Approp.; A bill making appropriations for Foreign Assistance and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2939Sep 26
(00203) 203 (29-71)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 859: Leahy Amdt. No. 859; To limit the use of funds for the B-2 advanced technology bomber aircraft program.H.R. 3072Sep 26
(00202) 202 (34-66)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 855: Wallop Amdt. No. 855; In the nature of a substitute.H.R. 3072Sep 26
(00201) 201 (86-14)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 844: Nunn Amdt. No 844; To strike out certain restrictions on the obligation of funds from the Defense Closure Account.H.R. 3072Sep 26
(00200) 200 (65-32)Held GermaneWhether the Amendment is Germane: Is The Committee Amdt. On Page 40 Germane; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2990Sep 21
(00199) 199 (66-32)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 828: Motion To Table Amdt No. 828; To transfer $5 million in outlays to the programs under the Head Start Act from amounts appropriated for unauthorized child care programs.H.R. 2990Sep 21
(00198) 198 (13-85)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 826: Motion To Table Amdt No. 826; To ensure that funds made available by the Act are not used to promote or encourage homosexuality as normal or natural.H.R. 2990Sep 21
(00197) 197 (94-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 824: Helms Amdt. No. 824; To prohibit any State from receiving funds for AIDS public education if the State has not made a good faith effort to notify a spouse married to an AIDS-infected patient.H.R. 2990Sep 21
(00196) 196 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 822: Helms Amdt. No. 822; To prevent federal funding for the distribution of needles and bleach for the injection of illegal drugs.H.R. 2990Sep 21
(00195) 195 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 816: Cranston Amdt. No. 816; To require educational programs dealing with AIDS or sexual activity to be designed to reduce exposure to and transmission of the etiological agent for AIDS.H.R. 2990Sep 21
(00194) 194 (74-24)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 797: Motion To Table Amdt No. 797; To ensure that funds provided by this Act benefit the private sector in Poland and Hungary.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00193) 193 (64-33)SustainedOn the Point of Order S.Amdt. 796: Decision Of The Chair Stands; To increase and maximize U.S. assistance to Poland.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00192) 192 (57-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 795: Motion To Table Amdt No. 795; Providing that none of the funds appropriated by the Act be used for the purpose of financing a military or foreign policy activity which is expressly forbidden by a United States law enacted after the enactment of this Act.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00191) 191 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 784: Kasten Amdt. No. 784; Relating to the political rights, right of self-determination, and human rights of the people of the Baltic states.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00190) 190 (82-18)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 777: Kasten Amdt. No. 777; To increase certain assistance for El Salvador and to express the sense of the Congress regarding negotiations to resolve the conflict in El Salvador.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00189) 189 (68-32)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table: Motion To Table Committee Amdt. On Page 149, Line 13; A bill making appropriations for Foreign Assistance and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00188) 188 (52-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 775: Motion To Table Amdt No. 775 - Upon Reconsideration; Requires certification that UNFPA does not support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization in the People's Republic of China.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00187) 187 (52-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Reconsider S.Amdt. 775: Motion To Reconsider The Motion To Table Kasten Amdt. No. 775; Requires certification that UNFPA does not support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization in the People's Republic of China.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00186) 186 (48-50)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 775: Motion To Table Amdt No. 775; Requires certification that UNFPA does not support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization in the People's Republic of China.H.R. 2939Sep 20
(00185) 185 (65-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 772: Motion To Table Symms Amdt No. 772; To prohibit expenditure of funds for enforcement of underground storage tank financial assurance regulations.H.R. 2916Sep 19
(00184) 184 (43-55)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 769: Motion To Table Amdt No. 769; To modify the FHA mortgage insurance program.H.R. 2916Sep 19
(00183) 183 (49-50)RejectedOn the Motion to Reconsider S.Amdt. 767: Motion To Reconsider; To modify the FHA mortgage insurance program.H.R. 2916Sep 19
(00182) 182 (50-49)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 767: Motion To Table Nickles Amdt. No. 767; To modify the FHA mortgage insurance program.H.R. 2916Sep 19
(00181) 181 (58-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 765: Nickles Amendment No. 765; To provide skills training to tenants of public amd assisted housing who are welfare recipients or who are unemployed by permitting such tenants to perform various construction and repair activities on public and assisted housing projects and to exempt such individuals from the Davis-Bacon Act.H.R. 2916Sep 19
(00180) 180 (93-1)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3012; A bill making appropriations for military construction for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3012Sep 15
(00179) 179 (56-43)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3026; A bill making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenue of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3026Sep 14
(00178) 178 (97-2)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 752: Helms Amdt. No. 752; To transfer $150,000 from the D.C. Statehood Commission to the Drug Emergency Fund.H.R. 3026Sep 14
(00177) 177 (34-65)Not SustainedOn the Decision of the Chair: Shall Decision Of Chair Stand; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3015Sep 14
(00176) 176 (77-21)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion On Committee Amdt. On Page 71; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3015Sep 14
(00175) 175 (66-34)Veto SustainedOn Overriding the Veto: Veto Message; A joint resolution prohibiting the export of technology, defense articles, and defense services to codevelop or coproduce the FSX aircraft with Japan.S.J.Res. 113Sep 13
(00174) 174 (66-33)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Gregg NominationPN194Sep 12
(00173) 173 (76-8)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: ADA Bill; A bill to establish a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability.S. 933Sep 07
(00172) 172 (81-9)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 3014 - Bill Passed; A bill making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 3014Sep 07
(00171) 171 (90-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 713: Boschwitz Amdt. No. 713; To require a judge to consider if a defendant who is accused of discrimination on the basis of disability has acted in good faith.S. 933Sep 07
(00170) 170 (48-44)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 709: Hatch Amdt. 709; To provide a refundable tax credit for the costs of small businesses complying with the public accommodations requirement.S. 933Sep 07
(00169) 169 (83-8)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 698: Wilson Amdt. No. 698; Regarding reduction of Congressional newsletter costs.H.R. 3014Sep 07
(00168) 168 (99-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Oil Spill Liability Bill; A bill to consolidate and improve laws providing compensation and establishing liability for oil spills.S. 686Aug 04
(00167) 167 (34-66)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 676: Motion To Table Amdt No. 676; To provide for total removal costs plus $75,000,000.S. 686Aug 03
(00166) 166 (54-46)RejectedOn the Motion: Motion To Waive The Budget Act; A bill to reform, recapitalize, and consolidate the Federal deposit insurance system, to enhance the regulatory and enforcement powers of Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies, and for other purposes.H.R. 1278Aug 03
(00165) 165 (72-28)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 670: Motion To Table Johnson Amdt No. 670; To establish a Wetlands Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement Fund to preserve, protect, enhance, restore, or create coastal wetlands.S. 686Aug 03
(00164) 164 (52-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 667: Motion To Table Gorton Amdt No. 667; To provide for strict liability.S. 686Aug 03
(00163) 163 (51-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 669: Motion To Table Amdt No. 669; To require double hulls on new tankers operating in U.S. waters.S. 686Aug 03
(00162) 162 (8-92)RejectedOn the Motion to Table: Motion To Table Agent Orange Bill; A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the establishment of presumptions of service-connection between certain diseases experienced by veterans who served in Vietnam era and exposure to certain toxic herbicide agents used in Vietnam; to provide for interim benefits for veterans of such service who have certain diseases; to improve the reporting requirements relating to the "Ranch Hand Study"; and for other purposes.S. 1153Aug 03
(00161) 161 (95-4)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: DoD Authorization; An original bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 1990 and 1991 for military functions of the Department of Defense and to prescribe military personnel levels for such Department for fiscal years 1990 and 1991, and for other purposes.S. 1352Aug 02
(00160) 160 (45-55)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 595: Motion To Table Amdt No. 595; Relating to the Military Service Academies requirements for active duty service.S. 1352Aug 02
(00159) 159 (84-13)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion; An original bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 1990 and 1991 for military functions of the Department of Defense and to prescribe military personnel levels for such Department for fiscal years 1990 and 1991, and for other purposes.S. 1352Aug 02
(00158) 158 (53-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 646: Motion To Table Amdt No. 646; To provide funds for a limited deployment of an accidental launch protection system.S. 1352Aug 02
(00157) 157 (90-9)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 621: Nunn Amdt. No. 621; Providing for funding of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 with unobligated 1989 fiscal year funds.S. 1352Aug 02
(00156) 156 (69-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 458: Motion To Table Glenn Amdt No. 458; To eliminate the authority of the Secretary of Defense to prescribe rates of pay for certain employment positions.S. 1352Aug 01
(00155) 155 (45-55)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 614: Motion To Table Amdt No.614; To authorize Federal law enforcement agencies to use appropriate force to compel airborne drug traffickers to comply with instructions to land their aircraft.S. 1352Aug 01
(00154) 154 (73-27)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 486: Motion To Table Amdt No. 486; To prohibit membership or observer status in, or financing from, certain organizations or the extension of other benefits to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics unless certain conditions are met.S. 1352Aug 01
(00153) 153 (93-7)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 472: Cohen Amdt. No. 472; Expressing the sense of the Senate on the procurement of the B-2 aircraft.S. 1352Aug 01
(00152) 152 (61-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 535: Motion To Table Amdt No. 535; To reduce certain authorizations of appropriations for the MX rail garrison program and to increase authorizations for certain other programs.S. 1352Aug 01
(00151) 151 (94-5)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 518: Kennedy Amendment No. 518; To provide for a military child care program.S. 1352Jul 31
(00150) 150 (50-49)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 471: Motion To Table Kennedy Amendment No. 471; To prohibit the use of funds authorized to be appropriated for preparation of the construction of the Special Isotope Separation Plant, Idaho Falls, Idaho.S. 1352Jul 31
(00149) 149 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 524: Mitchell - Dole Amendment No. 524; Expressing the sense of the Senate's outrage by the kidnapping and reports of execution of Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, and condemns such actions.S. 1352Jul 31
(00148) 148 (50-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 500: Division I Of Amdt. No. 500; To reduce funds for the SDI program and increase funds for certain other programs.S. 1352Jul 27
(00147) 147 (40-58)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 444: Motion To Waive Amendment No. 444; To delay for 1 year the provisions of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988.H.R. 2696Jul 27
(00146) 146 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 423: Fowler Amendment No. 423; To increase appropriations for resource management and land acquisition programs of the Fish and Wildlife Service, for operation of the National Park Service, for national recreation and preservation programs, for the Historic Preservation Fund, for State and private forestry programs, and for general expenses of the Forest Service, and to decrease appropriations for construction programs of the Forest Service.H.R. 2788Jul 26
(00145) 145 (47-52)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 423: Motion To Table Fowler Amendment No. 423; To increase appropriations for resource management and land acquisition programs of the Fish and Wildlife Service, for operation of the National Park Service, for national recreation and preservation programs, for the Historic Preservation Fund, for State and private forestry programs, and for general expenses of the Forest Service, and to decrease appropriations for construction programs of the Forest Service.H.R. 2788Jul 26
(00144) 144 (72-27)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table: Committee Amendment - Section 119; A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1990, and for other purposes.H.R. 2788Jul 26
(00143) 143 (98-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 401: Nunn Amendment No. 401; To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1990 for the Army and Marine Corps for research, development, test, and evaluation to develop improved weapons and equipment for small infantry units.S. 1352Jul 25
(00142) 142 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 400: Nunn Amendment No. 400; To authorize funds for the reserve components of the Armed Forces for fiscal years 1990 and 1991.S. 1352Jul 25
(00141) 141 (98-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 400: SP141; To authorize funds for the reserve components of the Armed Forces for fiscal years 1990 and 1991.S. 1352Jul 25
(00140) 140 (91-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 392: Nunn Amendment No. 392; To authorize appropriations of additional amounts for fiscal years 1990 and 1991 for procurement of missiles for the Armed Forces.S. 1352Jul 24
(00139) 139 (90-8)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 388: Wilson Amendment No. 388; Regarding direct negotiations between the Arab states and Israel.S. 1160Jul 21
(00138) 138 (56-42)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 355: Helms Amendment No. 355; To strike the provision of the bill concerning the Moscow Embassy thereby maintaining current law.S. 1160Jul 21
(00137) 137 (97-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution: S. Res. 156; A resolution to express the sense of the Senate with respect to the Apollo 11 lunar mission, the International Space Station Freedom program, and the "Mission to Planet Earth".S.Res. 156Jul 20
(00136) 136 (59-39)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 382: Robb Amendment No. 382; Relating to assistance for the Cambodian people.S. 1160Jul 20
(00135) 135 (97-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 381: Pell Amendment No. 381; To establish policy concerning the provision of assistance to a free and independent Cambodia.S. 1160Jul 20
(00134) 134 (97-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 367: Lautenberg Amendment No. 367; To establish certain categories of Soviet and Vietnamese nationals for which evidence needed to prove refugee status is lessened, and to provide for adjustment to permanent resident status of certain Soviet and Vietnamese parolees.S. 1160Jul 20
(00133) 133 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 366: Graham Amendment No. 366; Relating to Soviet-bloc military assistance for Central America.S. 1160Jul 20
(00132) 132 (97-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 364: Mitchell Amendment No. 364; Of a perfecting nature, to prohibit negotiations with certain Palestine Liberation Organization representatives.S. 1160Jul 20
(00131) 131 (75-23)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 270: Motion To Table Amendment No. 270; To prohibit negotiations with terrorists responsible for the murder, injury, or kidnapping of an American citizen.S. 1160Jul 20
(00130) 130 (95-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 324: Armstrong Amendment No. 324; Relative to Chinese nationals who flee coercive population control policies.S. 1160Jul 20
(00129) 129 (13-82)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 333: Motion To Table Mack Amendment No. 333; To prohibit certain transactions between United States owned or controlled firms and Cuba.S. 1160Jul 20
(00128) 128 (73-26)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 83; An Act to establish the United States Enrichment Corporation to operate the Federal uranium enrichment program on a profitable and efficient basis in order to maximize the long term assistance economic value to the United States, to provide assistance to the domestic uranium industry and to provide a Federal contribution for the reclamation of mill tailings generated pursuant to Federal defense contracts at active uranium and thorium processing sites.S. 83Jul 20
(00127) 127 (94-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 327: Dole - Mitchell Amendment No. 327; Expressing the sense of the Senate concerning the situation in Lebanon.S. 1160Jul 19
(00126) 126 (25-71)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 315: Motion To Table Amendment No. 315; To preserve existing law with respect to consideration of resolutions of decertification.S. 1160Jul 19
(00125) 125 (37-62)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 303: Motion To Table Domenici Amendment No. 303; To express the sense of the Congress regarding efforts by Mexico to control illegal narcotics-related activities.S. 1160Jul 19
(00124) 124 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 295: Mack Amendment No. 295; To express the sense of the Congress regarding policy toward Cuba.S. 1160Jul 19
(00123) 123 (38-61)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 290: Gore Amendment No. 290; To limit political appointments to the position of US Ambassador to 30%.S. 1160Jul 19
(00122) 122 (20-79)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 277: Gore Amendment No. 277; To restrict political appointments to key posts.S. 1160Jul 18
(00121) 121 (37-62)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 278: Helms Amendment No. 278; To prevent contact with General Noriega or his representatives by American officials.S. 1160Jul 18
(00120) 120 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 279: Byrd Amendment No. 279; To provide relief for Turkish refugees fleeing Bulgaria.S. 1160Jul 18
(00119) 119 (57-42)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 268: Moynihan Amendment No. 268; To prohibit soliciting or diverting funds to carry out activities for which United States assistance is prohibited.S. 1160Jul 18
(00118) 118 (81-10)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 271: Mitchell/Dole Amendment No. 271; Stating a policy toward additional sanctions against the People's Republic of China.S. 1160Jul 14
(00117) 117 (81-17)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 358; A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to change the level, and preference system for admission, of immigrants to the United States, and to provide for administrative naturalization, and for other purposes.S. 358Jul 13
(00116) 116 (46-52)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 260: Boschwitz Amendment No. 260; To increase the number of immigrant admissions and reallocate the visa preferences for family reunification immigrants.S. 358Jul 13
(00115) 115 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 255: Motion To Table Point Of Order Re: Amendment No. 255; To prevent distortions in the reapportionment of the House of Representatives caused by the use of census population figures which include illegal aliens.S. 358Jul 13
(00114) 114 (41-58)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 255: Motion To Table Amendment No. 255; To prevent distortions in the reapportionment of the House of Representatives caused by the use of census population figures which include illegal aliens.S. 358Jul 13
(00113) 113 (78-21)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 252: Specter Amendment No. 252; To increase the number of business sponsored immigrants.S. 358Jul 13
(00112) 112 (22-77)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 254: Helms Amendment No. 254; To change the level, preference system for admission, of immigrants to the United States, and for other purposes.S. 358Jul 13
(00111) 111 (93-6)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 250: Exon Amendment No. 250; To prohibit Federal Benefits for Illegal Aliens.S. 358Jul 13
(00110) 110 (43-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 251: Simpson Amendment No. 251; Relating to English Language Ability.S. 358Jul 13
(00109) 109 (62-36)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 238: Hatch Amendment No. 238; To prevent the reduction of family preference immigration below the level set in current law.S. 358Jul 12
(00108) 108 (43-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 246: Bumpers Amendment No. 246; To strike out the employment creation visa category.S. 358Jul 12
(00107) 107 (61-38)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 244: Chafee Amendment No. 244; To provide temporary stay of deportation for certain eligible immigrants.S. 358Jul 12
(00106) 106 (27-71)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 240: Helms Amendment No. 240; In the nature of a substitute.S. 358Jul 12
(00105) 105 (78-19)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - HechtPN326Jul 11
(00104) 104 (97-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 239: Mitchell Amendment No. 239; To adjust to lawful temporary resident status certain nationals of the People's Republic of China.S. 358Jul 11
(00103) 103 (55-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 227: Motion To Table Wilson Amendment No. 227; To permit States to use assistance provided under title I to offer child care tax credits to its residents.S. 5Jun 23
(00102) 102 (53-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 226: Motion To Table Amendment No. 226; To replace the tax credit for health insurance premiums with an increase in the dependent care tax credit.S. 5Jun 23
(00101) 101 (44-53)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 223: Dole Amendment No. 223; To replace the tax credit for health insurance premiums with an increase in the earned income tax credit.S. 5Jun 23
(00100) 100 (62-36)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 225: Motion To Table S.Amdt. No. 225; To make certain provisions unseverable.S. 5Jun 23
(00099) 99 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 222: Bentsen Amdt. No. 222; To provide for a perfecting amendment adding a supplemental earned income credit for families with young children, and for other purposes.S. 5Jun 23
(00098) 98 (59-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 211: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 211; To delete provision relating to the rate of payment of child care providers.S. 5Jun 22
(00097) 97 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 199: Roth Amdt. No. 199; To exempt child care earnings from the earnings test under the Social Security Act, and for other purposes.S. 5Jun 22
(00096) 96 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 203: Bentsen Amdt. No. 203; To amend title II of the Social Security Act to increase the retirement test exempt amount to $10,560 in 1990, to lower the reduction factor for certain earnings to 25 percent, and for other purposes.S. 5Jun 22
(00095) 95 (97-3)Agreed toOn the Resolution: S.Res.151; A resolution to express the sense of the Senate on the decision of the United States Supreme Court, declaring unconstitutional the Texas statute prohibiting the desecration of the flag.S.Res. 151Jun 22
(00094) 94 (63-37)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 196: Mitchell Amdt. No. 196; In the nature of a substitute.S. 5Jun 22
(00093) 93 (44-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 201: Dole Amendment No. 201; To provide for a perfecting amendment.S. 5Jun 22
(00092) 92 (89-10)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Burt NominationPN228Jun 14
(00091) 91 (82-17)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 1722 Passed; A bill to amend the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 to eliminate wellhead price controls on the first sale of natural gas, and to make technical and conforming amendments to such Act.H.R. 1722Jun 14
(00090) 90 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 195: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 195; That FERC may require, by rule or order, any interstate pipeline to transport natural gas.H.R. 1722Jun 14
(00089) 89 (87-11)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 194: Motion To table Metzenbaum Amendment No.194; To require the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to use its existing authority to decontrol incentive pricing for certain high cost natural gas.H.R. 1722Jun 13
(00088) 88 (63-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 193: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 193; To declare take-or-pay clauses to be presumptively unjust and unreasonable.H.R. 1722Jun 13
(00087) 87 (66-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 192: Motion To Table; To prohibit passthrough of unjust and unreasonable costs incurred by a natural gas company as a result of an act in violation of environmental law.H.R. 1722Jun 13
(00086) 86 (73-23)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 191: Motion To Table; To declare indefinite price escalator clauses to be presumptively unjust and unreasonable.H.R. 1722Jun 13
(00085) 85 (53-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 145: Motion To Table; To provide fair refunds to consumers of natural gas who are found to have been overcharged.H.R. 1722Jun 08
(00084) 84 (89-8)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 144: Motion To Table Metzenbaum Amdt. No. 144; To provide for reinstitution of price controls in the event of a dramatic increase in the market price of natural gas.H.R. 1722Jun 08
(00083) 83 (49-51)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 140: Motion To Table Mitchell Amendment No. 140; To express the sense of the Senate relating to the premium amounts under the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act.H.R. 2072Jun 07
(00082) 82 (49-50)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 142: Motion To Waive The Budget Act; To repeal section 89 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.H.R. 2072Jun 06
(00081) 81 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 138: Mitchell Amdt. No. 138; Relating to section 89 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.H.R. 2072Jun 06
(00080) 80 (0-99)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 137: Motion To Table; To repeal section 89 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.H.R. 2072Jun 06
(00079) 79 (69-29)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 141: Motion To Table; To strike the provision dealing with South Africa.H.R. 2072Jun 06
(00078) 78 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution: Mitchell Resolution - S.Res. 142; A resolution condemning the brutal use of force by the Government of the People's Republic of China against unarmed Chinese students and workers demonstrating for democracy, and for other purposes.S.Res. 142Jun 06
(00077) 77 (61-29)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table the Motion to Recommit: Motion To Table The Motion To Recommit; A bill making dire emergency supplemental appropriations and transfers, urgent supplementals and correcting enrollment errors for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1989, and for other purposes.H.R. 2072Jun 01
(00076) 76 (71-20)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 123: Motion To Table The Motion To Waive; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the tax on cigarettes, distilled spirits, wines, and beer, and to appropriate the resulting revenues to fund the Omnibus Anti-Substance Abuse Act of 1988.H.R. 2072Jun 01
(00075) 75 (94-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 119: Graham Amdt. No. 119; To express the sense of the Senate concerning the restoration of Eastern Airlines.H.R. 2072Jun 01
(00074) 74 (81-15)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 117: Motion to Table the Appeal; To provide funds for anti-drug programs as authorized in the Omnibus Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.H.R. 2072Jun 01
(00073) 73 (31-63)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 114: Motion To Table Coats Amdt. No. 114; To express the sense of the Senate that a democratically elected government be in place in Panama before the Senate gives its advice and consent for the nominee for the position of Administrator of the Panama Canal Commission.H.R. 2072Jun 01
(00072) 72 (77-18)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 111: Motion to Table Motion to Waive Budget Act; A bill to provide for additional funding for Federal prison space.H.R. 2072Jun 01
(00071) 71 (91-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 106: Helms Amdt. No. 106; To encourage the promulgation of guidelines by persons in the television industry regarding sexually explicit material.S. 593May 31
(00070) 70 (89-0)Agreed toOn the Concurrent Resolution: H.Con.Res.136; A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of the Congress on the movement for democracy in China.H.Con.Res. 136May 31
(00069) 69 (63-37)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Budget Resolution Conference Report; A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for the fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992.H.Con.Res. 106May 18
(00068) 68 (63-37)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Minimum Wage Conf. Report; A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to restore the minimum wage to a fair and equitable rate, and for other purposes.H.R. 2May 17
(00067) 67 (72-27)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 101: Byrd Amdt. No. 101 As Amended; Relating to the cooperative arrangement with Japan regarding the FSX weapon system.S.J.Res. 113May 16
(00066) 66 (47-52)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 102: Dixon Amdt. No. 102; To prohibit the export of technology, defense articles, and defense services to codevelop the FSX aircraft with Japan.S.J.Res. 113May 16
(00065) 65 (40-57)RejectedOn the Joint Resolution: S.J.Res.100; A joint resolution disapproving the certification by the President under section 481(h) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 with respect to the Bahamas.S.J.Res. 100May 10
(00064) 64 (68-31)Agreed toOn the Resolution: H.Con.Res.106; A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for the fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992.H.Con.Res. 106May 04
(00063) 63 (19-81)RejectedOn the Motion to Recommit: Motion To Recommit - S.Con.Res 30; An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for the fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992.S.Con.Res. 30May 04
(00062) 62 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Resolution: S. Res.120; A resolution relating to free and fair elections in Panama.S.Res. 120May 04
(00061) 61 (18-82)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 90: Hollings Amdt. No. 90; To set forth the Congressional Budget for the United States Government for the fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992.S.Con.Res. 30May 04
(00060) 60 (64-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 81: Motion To Table S.Amdt. No. 81 Agreed To; To provide increased funding for education, training and social services.S.Con.Res. 30May 03
(00059) 59 (97-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 75: Specter Amdt. No. 75; To provide funds to relieve State prison overcrowding and to provide additional funds for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.S.Con.Res. 30May 03
(00058) 58 (54-44)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 74: Exon Amdt. No. 74; Calling for further deficit reduction.S.Con.Res. 30May 03
(00057) 57 (90-7)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 1385 Final Passage; A bill to make permanent the Martin Luther King Jr., Federal Holiday Commission.H.R. 1385May 02
(00056) 56 (96-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 67: Nunn-Helms Amdt. No. 67; To restrict certain activities of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission, to require such Commission to be subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act.S. 431May 02
(00055) 55 (7-91)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 69: Helms Amendment No.69 Rejected; To prohibit the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission from engaging in certain educational activities.S. 431May 02
(00054) 54 (19-80)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 68: Helms Amdt. No. 68; To prohibit the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday Commission from engaging in lobbying activities.S. 431May 02
(00053) 53 (6-92)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 65: Helms Amdt. No.65; To extend the Commission for two years.S. 431May 02
(00052) 52 (11-86)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 66: Helms Amdt. No. 66; To delete funding for the Commission.S. 431May 02
(00051) 51 (91-8)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S.774 Passed; An original bill to reform, recapitalize, and consolidate the Federal deposit insurance system, to enhance the regulatory and enforcement powers of Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies, and for other purposes.S. 774Apr 19
(00050) 50 (61-38)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 55: Motion To Table Amendment No. 55; To require confirmation of the Chairman of the Office of Savings Associations.S. 774Apr 19
(00049) 49 (62-37)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 54: Motion To Table Nickles Amendment No. 54; To provide discretionary authority for the treatment of certain deposits as deposits for insurance purposes.S. 774Apr 18
(00048) 48 (88-11)Agreed toOn the Motion: Motion To Waive Titles 3 And 4; An original bill to reform, recapitalize, and consolidate the Federal deposit insurance system, to enhance the regulatory and enforcement powers of Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies, and for other purposes.S. 774Apr 18
(00047) 47 (48-50)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 52: Motion To Waive Titles III And IV Of Budget Act Re: Amendment No. 52; To make the financing provisions on budget, and for other purposes.S. 774Apr 18
(00046) 46 (66-32)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 50: Kerrey Amendment No. 50; To broaden the membership and qualifications of the members of the Oversight Board of the Resolution Trust Corporation.S. 774Apr 18
(00045) 45 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 49: Specter Amendment No. 49; That it is a sense of the Congress that the 800-bed local correctional treatment facility be completed at the earliest possible date to assist against crime generally and drug-related crime, specifically.S. 774Apr 18
(00044) 44 (89-9)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 1750; A bill to implement the Bipartisan Accord on Central America of March 24, 1989.H.R. 1750Apr 13
(00043) 43 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 46: Motion To Table Amendment No. 46; To assure full implementation of the Bipartisan Accord on Central America of March 24, 1989.S. 760Apr 13
(00042) 42 (73-25)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 45: Motion To Table Amendment No. 45; To provide non-lethal assistance to the Nicaraguan democratic resistance.S. 760Apr 13
(00041) 41 (72-26)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 44: Motion To Table Amendment No. 44; To provide that not less than $1,000,000 shall be made available only for the promotion of democratic activities in Nicaragua leading to a transition to democracy.S. 760Apr 13
(00040) 40 (70-28)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 43: Motion To Table Amendment No. 43; To help facilitate the purposes of the Act by expanding its definition of "humanitarian assistance".S. 760Apr 13
(00039) 39 (62-37)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2; A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to restore the minimum wage to a fair and equitable rate, and for other purposes.H.R. 2Apr 12
(00038) 38 (43-56)RejectedOn the Motion to Recommit: Motion To Recommit S. 4; A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to restore the minimum wage to a fair and equitable rate, and for other purposes.S. 4Apr 12
(00037) 37 (66-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 39: Motion To Table Wallop Amendment No. 39; To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to permit an employee to take compensatory time off in lieu of compensation for overtime hours.S. 4Apr 12
(00036) 36 (61-38)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 33: Nickles Amendment No. 33; To provide that the Davis-Bacon Act shall apply only to a contractor, or subcontractor, whose annual gross volume of sales made or business done is not less than $500,001.S. 4Apr 12
(00035) 35 (97-2)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 30: Nickles Amendment No. 30; Expressing the sense of the Senate that the Finance Committee review PL 100-360, the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988, specifically the financing mechanism.S. 4Apr 12
(00034) 34 (56-42)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 28: Motion To Waive CBA re: Amendment No. 28; To delay for 1 year the effective date for section 89 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.S. 4Apr 12
(00033) 33 (97-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 27: Boschwitz Amendment No. 27; To express the sense of the Senate regarding working poor families.S. 4Apr 12
(00032) 32 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 24: Lott Amendment No. 24; Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding repeal of section 89 of the Internal Revenue Code.S. 4Apr 12
(00031) 31 (86-11)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 22: Armstrong Amendment No. 22; To amend title II of the Social Security Act to increase the monthly earnings test limit, to express the sense of the Congress regarding the phase-out and elimination of such test by the year 2000 for individuals who have attained retirement age, and for other purposes.S. 4Apr 12
(00030) 30 (41-58)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 21: Hatch Amendment No. 21; To provide a substitute amendment.S. 4Apr 11
(00029) 29 (61-39)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 20: Graham Amendment No. 20; A perfecting amendment providing for the "Minimum Wage Restoration Act of 1989".S. 4Apr 11
(00028) 28 (82-16)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S.248; A bill to amend title 18 of the United States Code to provide increased penalties for certain major frauds against the United States.S. 248Apr 05
(00027) 27 (55-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 15: Amendment No. 15; To eliminate the reward provisions of the Major Fraud Act Amendments of 1989.S. 248Apr 05
(00026) 26 (92-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - CheneyPN216Mar 17
(00025) 25 (97-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 607; A bill to prevent the desecration of the United States Flag.S. 607Mar 16
(00024) 24 (97-0)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 20; A bill to amend title 5, United States Code, to strengthen the protections available to Federal employees against prohibited personnel practices, and for other purposes.S. 20Mar 16
(00023) 23 (0-93)RejectedOn the Motion: Motion To Dismiss Article XVIIn/aMar 16
(00022) 22 (1-92)RejectedOn the Motion: Motion To Dismiss Articles I Through XVn/aMar 16
(00021) 21 (97-2)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - BennettPN141Mar 09
(00020) 20 (47-53)RejectedOn the Nomination: Nomination - TowerPN129Mar 09
(00019) 19 (99-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - PickeringPN143Mar 07
(00018) 18 (94-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - DerwinskiPN138-1Mar 02
(00017) 17 (99-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - WatkinsPN137Mar 01
(00016) 16 (98-1)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - SullivanPN134Mar 01
(00015) 15 (62-36)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 8: Amendment No. 8; To reduce funding.S.Res. 66Feb 28
(00014) 14 (50-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 7: Amendment No. 7; To strike the provision in the Resolution that would abolish the present spending cap on use of the Frank by Senators.S.Res. 66Feb 28
(00013) 13 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - YeutterPN131Feb 08
(00012) 12 (94-6)PassedOn the Joint Resolution: H.J. Res. 129; A joint resolution disapproving the increases in executive, legislative, and judicial salaries recommended by the President under section 225 of the Federal Salary Act of 1967.H.J.Res. 129Feb 07
(00011) 11 (95-5)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 2: Pressler Amendment No. 2; Disapproving the recommendations of the President relating to rates of pay of certain officers and employees of the Federal Government, and for other purposes.S.J.Res. 7Feb 02
(00010) 10 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - ReillyPN144Feb 02
(00009) 9 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - KempPN135Feb 02
(00008) 8 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - BoskinPN142Feb 02
(00007) 7 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - LujanPN130Feb 02
(00006) 6 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - SkinnerPN136Jan 31
(00005) 5 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - MosbacherPN132Jan 31
(00004) 4 (100-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - HillsPN140Jan 31
(00003) 3 (99-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - DarmanPN139Jan 25
(00002) 2 (99-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - DolePN133Jan 25
(00001) 1 (99-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - BakerPN128Jan 25