Vote (Tally) | Result | Question: Description | Issue | Date |
(00270) 270 (67-22) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: Conference report; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for the establishment of tax enterprise zones, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Oct 08 |
(00269) 269 (60-29) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: motion to waive cba @ conference rept to h.r.11; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for the establishment of tax enterprise zones, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Oct 08 |
(00268) 268 (80-10) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: cloture motion on conference report on h.r.11; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for the establishment of tax enterprise zones, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Oct 08 |
(00267) 267 (83-8) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: conference report on h.r.429; A bill to authorize additional appropriations for the construction of the Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir, Shoshone Project, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Wyoming. | H.R. 429 | Oct 08 |
(00266) 266 (84-8) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: cloture motion on conference report on h.r.776; A bill to provide for improved energy efficiency. | H.R. 776 | Oct 08 |
(00265) 265 (68-30) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: conference report to h.r.5427; A bill making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5427 | Oct 05 |
(00264) 264 (74-25) | Veto Overridden | On Overriding the Veto: passage of s.12 over veto; A bill to amend title VI of the Communications Act of 1934 to ensure carriage on cable television of local news and other programming and to restore the right of local regulatory authorities to regulate cable television rates, and for other purposes. | S. 12 | Oct 05 |
(00263) 263 (85-12) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: cloture motion; A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the programs of the National Institutes of Health, and for other purposes. | S. 2899 | Oct 02 |
(00262) 262 (55-43) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: cloture motion, motion to proceed to conf rept to h.r.3371; A bill to control and prevent crime. | H.R. 3371 | Oct 02 |
(00261) 261 (59-40) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: motion to proceed to conference report on s.2; An act to promote the achievement of National Education Goals, to measure progress toward such goals, to develop national education standards and voluntary assessments in accordance with such standards and to encourage the comprehensive improvement of America's neighborhood public schools to improve student achievement. | S. 2 | Oct 02 |
(00260) 260 (82-16) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: Conference Report; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, and the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5678 | Oct 01 |
(00259) 259 (75-23) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: final passage of h.r.5427, as amended; A bill making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5427 | Oct 01 |
(00258) 258 (11-87) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3358: danforth amdt no. 3358; To provide for the payment of attorney's fees incurred by a nominee in connection with the consideration by the Senate of a nomination to Federal office made by the President. | H.R. 5427 | Oct 01 |
(00257) 257 (85-13) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3357: seymour amdt no. 3357; To reduce the legislative branch budget by 15 percent over the next three years, to prohibit the carrying over of funds from one year to the next, and to require an audit of the current staff needs of the Congress. | H.R. 5427 | Oct 01 |
(00256) 256 (87-12) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 5368, as amended; A bill making appropriations for foreign operations, export financing, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5368 | Oct 01 |
(00255) 255 (59-40) | Veto Sustained | On Overriding the Veto: passage of h.r.5318 over veto; A bill regarding the extension of most-favored-nation treatment to the products of the People's Republic of China, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5318 | Oct 01 |
(00254) 254 (73-26) | Veto Overridden | On Overriding the Veto: Passage of s.323 over veto; A bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to ensure that pregnant women receiving assistance under title X of the Public Health Service Act are provided with information and counseling regarding their pregnancies, and for other purposes. | S. 323 | Oct 01 |
(00253) 253 (93-6) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: resolution of ratification, start treaty, no. 102-20/32; The Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the START Treaty), signed at Moscow on July 31, 1991, including Annexes on Agreed Statements and Definitions; Protocols on Conversion or Elimination, Inspection, Notification, Throw-weight, Telemetry, and Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission; and Memorandum of Understanding; all integral parts of the START Treaty | Treaty Doc. 102-32 | Oct 01 |
(00252) 252 (38-58) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3339: helms amdt no.3339; To reduce total budget authority in the bill by 10 percent (excluding amounts paid to foreign countries by law) and use the savings to reduce the deficit. | H.R. 5368 | Sep 30 |
(00251) 251 (40-56) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3335: kasten amdt.; Regarding peaceful settlement in the Western Sahara. | H.R. 5368 | Sep 30 |
(00250) 250 (10-86) | Rejected | On the Amendment: Wallop Amdt. No. 3270; To further the interests of the U.S. in connection with the START Treaty ratification. | Treaty Doc. 102-20 | Sep 30 |
(00249) 249 (70-29) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 11, As Amended; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for the establishment of tax enterprise zones, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Sep 29 |
(00248) 248 (11-88) | Rejected | On the Amendment: Wallop Amdt No. 3301; To limit the enforcement of the treaties until the President certifies that all Non-Deployed Missiles for silo and mobile launchers or ICBMs, and launchers for SLBMs shall be eliminated. | Treaty Doc. 102-20 | Sep 29 |
(00247) 247 (16-83) | Rejected | On the Amendment: Wallop Amdt No. 3260; To limit the effect of the treaties until the President certifies that all MIRVed ICBMs shall be eliminated. | Treaty Doc. 102-20 | Sep 29 |
(00246) 246 (87-6) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion @ Treaty 102-20/32; The Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the START Treaty), signed at Moscow on July 31, 1991, including Annexes on Agreed Statements and Definitions; Protocols on Conversion or Elimination, Inspection, Notification, Throw-weight, Telemetry, and Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission; and Memorandum of Understanding; all integral parts of the START Treaty | Treaty Doc. 102-32 | Sep 29 |
(00245) 245 (36-37) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3203: Riegle Amdt. No. 3203; To express the sense of the Senate with respect to the tariff classification of multipurpose vehicles. | H.R. 11 | Sep 26 |
(00244) 244 (36-37) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3203: Motion To Table Riegle Amendment No. 3203; To express the sense of the Senate with respect to the tariff classification of multipurpose vehicles. | H.R. 11 | Sep 26 |
(00243) 243 (46-30) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3200: Motion To Table Amendment No. 3200; To increase the supplemental young child credit and phaseout percentages as such percentages relate to the earned income credit, to amend the provision relating to deduction for qualified adoption expenses, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Sep 26 |
(00242) 242 (18-68) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3195: Motion To Table Metzenbaum (For Wirth) Amdt No. 3195; To extend the statute of limitations for certain actions in tort brought by the Resolution Trust Corporation in its capacity as a conservator or receiver of a failed savings association. | H.R. 5679 | Sep 25 |
(00241) 241 (51-37) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3189: Motion To Table Amendment No. 3189; To exempt food and medicine from prohibition against deductions. | H.R. 11 | Sep 25 |
(00240) 240 (34-59) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3181: Dole Amdt. No. 3181; To modify the enterprise zone provisions, to provide 12-month extenders, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Sep 25 |
(00239) 239 (62-31) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3179: Motion To Table Gramm Amdt No. 3179; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal designation of income tax payments to presidential election campaign fund. | H.R. 11 | Sep 25 |
(00238) 238 (36-58) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 3161: Motion To Waive CBA (Sec.904) @Smith Amdt No. 3161; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow individuals to designate that up to 10 percent of their income tax liability be used to reduce the national debt, and to require spending reductions equal to the amounts so designated. | H.R. 11 | Sep 25 |
(00237) 237 (75-19) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3174: Motion To Table Simon/Conrad Amendment No. 3174; Striking the deduction for goodwill. | H.R. 11 | Sep 24 |
(00236) 236 (32-60) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 3172: Motion To Waive CBA; To require a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to pass any bill increasing taxes. | H.R. 11 | Sep 24 |
(00235) 235 (56-38) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3170: Motion To Table Harkin Amdt No.3170; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to limit deductions for advertising and promotional expenses for tobacco products, and to use the resulting revenues for advertising expenditures to persuade individuals not to use tobacco products. | H.R. 11 | Sep 24 |
(00234) 234 (57-37) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 3164: Motion To Waive CBA In Relation To Bumpers Amdt No. 3164; Striking 120 percent estimated tax safe harbor and providing a permanent extension of limitation on use of preceding year's tax in computing estimated tax. | H.R. 11 | Sep 24 |
(00233) 233 (50-46) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3163: Motion To Table Deconcini Amdt No. 3163; To provide a credit against tax for employers who provide on-site day-care facilities for dependents of their employees, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Sep 24 |
(00232) 232 (68-31) | Veto Overridden | On Overriding the Veto: S. 5 - Veto Override; A bill to grant employees family and temporary medical leave under certain circumstances, and for other purposes. | S. 5 | Sep 24 |
(00231) 231 (41-56) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3159: Packwood Amdt No. 3159; To strike the provision relating to pension plans covering pilots. | H.R. 11 | Sep 23 |
(00230) 230 (41-57) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2939: Motion To Table Dole Amendment No. 2939; To extend the section 29 credit for 8 months while reducing the period other provisions are extended to 15 months. | H.R. 11 | Sep 23 |
(00229) 229 (86-10) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 5504, As Amended; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5504 | Sep 23 |
(00228) 228 (89-4) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3142: Harkin Amdt No. 3142; To transfer $200,000,000 from the Strategic Defense Initiative to the Army for a peer reviewed breast cancer research program of the Army. | H.R. 5504 | Sep 22 |
(00227) 227 (49-49) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3118: Helms Amdt No. 3118; To prevent the use of tax dollars to support efforts by charitable organizations to compel the Boy Scouts of America to accept, as members or leaders, homosexuals, or other individuals who reject the Boy Scout's oath of allegiance to God and country. | H.R. 5504 | Sep 22 |
(00226) 226 (62-38) | Veto Sustained | On Overriding the Veto: S. 250, Veto Override; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes. | S. 250 | Sep 22 |
(00225) 225 (74-25) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: S. 12 - Conference Report; A bill to amend title VI of the Communications Act of 1934 to ensure carriage on cable television of local news and other programming and to restore the right of local regulatory authorities to regulate cable television rates, and for other purposes. | S. 12 | Sep 22 |
(00224) 224 (83-13) | Agreed to | On the Motion for Attendance: Motion To Instruct Sergeant At Arms To Request Presence Of Senators; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5504 | Sep 22 |
(00223) 223 (35-57) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3116: Bumpers Amdt. No. 3116; To reduce funding for the National Foreign Intelligence Program and the Tactical Intelligence and related activities program. | H.R. 5504 | Sep 21 |
(00222) 222 (24-61) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3079: Motion To Table Amendment No. 3079; To promote a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba through the application of appropriate pressures on the Cuban Government and support for the Cuban people. | S. 3114 | Sep 18 |
(00221) 221 (73-12) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3080: Motion To Table Dodd Amdt No.3080; To provide Presidential Waiver Authority. | S. 3114 | Sep 18 |
(00220) 220 (36-55) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3074: Coats Amdt No. 3074; To strike provisions that allow military personnel stationed abroad to obtain pre-paid reproductive services, including abortions in U.S. military hospitals overseas. | S. 3114 | Sep 18 |
(00219) 219 (82-13) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: Final Passage, H.R.5677; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 18 |
(00218) 218 (94-1) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3045: Hatch Amdt No. 3045; To delay implementation of regulations on P.L. 101-535 with respect to the dietary supplement of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other similar nutritional substances. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 18 |
(00217) 217 (55-40) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3043: Hatfield Amdt. No. 3043; To limit the conduct of nuclear weapons testing by the United States. | S. 3114 | Sep 18 |
(00216) 216 (45-53) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3041: Leahy Amdt No. 3041; To eliminate authorizations for the B-2 bomber aircraft program. | S. 3114 | Sep 18 |
(00215) 215 (52-46) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3036: Pryor Amdt. No. 3036; To limit the amount that may be obligated for the Strategic Defense Initiative. | S. 3114 | Sep 17 |
(00214) 214 (48-50) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2919: Bumpers Amdt No. 2919, As Modified; Of a perfecting nature. | S. 3114 | Sep 17 |
(00213) 213 (43-55) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3021: Lott Amendment No. 3021; To prohibit the Occupational Safety and Health Administration from implementing or administering certain specified regulations affecting mandatory seat belt use, mandatory motorcycle helmet use and mandatory employer driver safety awareness programs. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 17 |
(00212) 212 (69-29) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 3020: Kennedy Amdt No. 3020 To Helms Amdt No. 3018; To limit funding for programs that distribute sterile needles for the hypodermic injection of illegal drugs. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 17 |
(00211) 211 (43-53) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 3019: Motion To Waive CBA; To increase the amounts available for carrying out programs of cancer research. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 17 |
(00210) 210 (40-56) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 3013: Motion To Waive CBA; To grant the power to the President to reduce budget authority. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 17 |
(00209) 209 (30-67) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 3000: Motion To Waive CBA; To rescind certain appropriations made available in the Fiscal Year 1992 Department of Defense Appropriations Act under Title III "Procurement", and to make funds available to the Department of Education for "Student Financial Assistance". | H.R. 5677 | Sep 16 |
(00208) 208 (36-62) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 2999: Motion To Waive CBA; To increase the amounts made available for Head Start, Healthy Start, Job Corps, disease control, maternal and child health, child care, community health centers, infant mortality, child welfare services, biomedical research, low-income home energy assistance, Pell grants, Chapter I basic grants, special education, vocational education, Impact Aid, libraries, and other programs, offset from defense. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 16 |
(00207) 207 (56-38) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion On Motion To Proceed; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5677 | Sep 16 |
(00206) 206 (84-10) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: Final Passage, H.R. 5620; A bill making supplemental appropriations, transfers, and recissions for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5620 | Sep 15 |
(00205) 205 (37-58) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2990: Craig Amendment No. 2990; To strike provisions relating to the implementation of certain Davis-Bacon regulations. | H.R. 5620 | Sep 15 |
(00204) 204 (80-12) | Agreed to | On the Motion for Attendance: Motion To Instruct Sergeant At Arms To Request Attendance; An act to promote the achievement of National Education Goals, to measure progress toward such goals, to develop national education standards and voluntary assessments in accordance with such standards and to encourage the comprehensive improvement of America's neighborhood public schools to improve student achievement. | S. 2 | Sep 15 |
(00203) 203 (85-6) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion On Motion To Disagree To House Amendments; An act to promote the achievement of National Education Goals, to measure progress toward such goals, to develop national education standards and voluntary assessments in accordance with such standards and to encourage the comprehensive improvement of America's neighborhood public schools to improve student achievement. | S. 2 | Sep 15 |
(00202) 202 (82-12) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 5488, As Amended; A bill making appropriations for the Treasury Department, the United States Postal Service, the Executive Office of the President, and certain Independent Agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5488 | Sep 10 |
(00201) 201 (51-42) | Agreed to | On the Motion S.Amdt. 2976: Motion To Waive The CBA; To amend the Social Security Act to increase the earnings test to $50,000 over 5 years. | H.R. 5488 | Sep 10 |
(00200) 200 (49-49) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 2974: Motion To Waive CBA; To amend title II of the Social Security Act to provide for a more gradual period of transition (under a new alternative formula with respect to such transition) to the changes in benefit computation rules enacted in the Social Security Amendments of 1977 as such changes apply to workers born in years after 1919 and before 1927 (and related beneficiaries) and to provide for increases in such workers' benefits accordingly, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5488 | Sep 10 |
(00199) 199 (58-38) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On S. 640; A bill to regulate interstate commerce by providing for a uniform product liability law, and for other purposes. | S. 640 | Sep 10 |
(00198) 198 (57-39) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Reconsider: Motion To Reconsider Vote No. 197; A bill to regulate interstate commerce by providing for a uniform product liability law, and for other purposes. | S. 640 | Sep 10 |
(00197) 197 (57-39) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture To Proceed To S.640; A bill to regulate interstate commerce by providing for a uniform product liability law, and for other purposes. | S. 640 | Sep 10 |
(00196) 196 (92-3) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 5679, As Amended; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5679 | Sep 09 |
(00195) 195 (43-53) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2965: Chafee Amdt. No. 2965; To modify the implementation schedule of the Safe Drinking Water Act. | H.R. 5679 | Sep 09 |
(00194) 194 (34-63) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2956: Bumpers Amendment No. 2956; To reduce the appropriation for the implementation of the Space Station Freedom program by $1,600,000,000 for the purposes of reducing the deficit in the Federal budget and increasing the appropriations for certain health-care related activities carried out by the Department of Veterans' Affairs. | H.R. 5679 | Sep 09 |
(00193) 193 (62-36) | Confirmed | On the Nomination: Carnes Nomination | PN855 | Sep 09 |
(00192) 192 (66-30) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On Carnes Nomination | PN855 | Sep 09 |
(00191) 191 (37-47) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2954: Graham Amdt No. 2954; To reduce the appropriation for salaries and expenses of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. | H.R. 5679 | Sep 08 |
(00190) 190 (78-10) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2953: Wirth Amendment No. 2953; To extend the statute of limitations for certain actions in tort brought by the Resolution Trust Corporation in its capacity as a conservator or receiver of a failed savings association. | H.R. 5679 | Sep 08 |
(00189) 189 (14-80) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 2938: Motion To Waive CBA For SP2938; To delete certain provisions of the bill and authorize spending for four urban initiatives. | H.R. 11 | Aug 12 |
(00188) 188 (37-57) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 2936: Motion To Waive ; To amend the Internal Revenue Act of 1986 to provide for a maximum long-term capital gains rate of 15 percent and indexing of certain capital assets, and for other purposes. | H.R. 11 | Aug 12 |
(00187) 187 (72-25) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2933: Chafee Amendment No. 2933; Striking the IRA provisions. | H.R. 11 | Aug 11 |
(00186) 186 (74-22) | Agreed to | On the Resolution: S.Res.330 As Modified And Amended; An original resolution relating to authorization of multinational action in Bosnia-Hercegovina under Article 42 of the United Nations Charter. | S.Res. 330 | Aug 11 |
(00185) 185 (82-13) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2929: Stevens Amendment No. 2929; To express the sense of the Senate regarding authorization of multilateral action in Bosnia-Hercegovina under Article 42 of the United Nations charter. | S.Res. 330 | Aug 11 |
(00184) 184 (90-5) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2925: Warner Amendment No. 2925; To express the Senate's support for the measures announced by the President. | S.Res. 330 | Aug 10 |
(00183) 183 (91-0) | Agreed to | On the Motion: Motion To Proceed To Carnes Nom. | PN855 | Aug 07 |
(00182) 182 (43-49) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2918: Sasser Amendment No. 2918; To reduce the amount provided for the Strategic Defense Initiative. | S. 3114 | Aug 07 |
(00181) 181 (91-2) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2916: Nunn Amendment No. 2916; To require prompt implementation of the defense conversion and transition assistance provisions and authorities. | S. 3114 | Aug 07 |
(00180) 180 (75-20) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: Bilingual Ballot Bill - H.R. 4312; A bill to amend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 with respect to bilingual election requirements. | H.R. 4312 | Aug 07 |
(00179) 179 (35-60) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2915: Simpson Amdt. 2915; To require federal funding for the costs of compliance. | H.R. 4312 | Aug 07 |
(00178) 178 (32-63) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2911: Simpson Amendment No. 2911; To modify the application of the bilingual voting requirements and require certain studies. | H.R. 4312 | Aug 07 |
(00177) 177 (50-44) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2905: Jeffords Amdt. No. 2905; To require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to establish a domestic livestock grazing fee for certain lands for the grazing season that commences on March 1, 1993. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 06 |
(00176) 176 (60-35) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2904: Gorton Amendment No.2904; To allow salvage timber sales in Habitat Conservation Areas and other habitat for the northern spotted owl on forests in Washington, Oregon, and California. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 06 |
(00175) 175 (45-50) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2903: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 2903; To modify the procedure for appeals of decisions of the Forest Service. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 06 |
(00174) 174 (38-57) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2902: Fowler Amdt. No. 2902; To reform the administrative decisionmaking and appeals processes of the Forest Service. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 06 |
(00173) 173 (50-44) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2901: Fowler Amendment No. 2901; To reduce funding for timber sales preparation for certain forests in the National Forest System and to limit the quantity of timber from the National Forest System that may be sold at less than cost. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 05 |
(00172) 172 (44-52) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2882: Reid Amendment No. 2882; To make improvements in mining law. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 05 |
(00171) 171 (74-22) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R.5518 As Amended; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5518 | Aug 05 |
(00170) 170 (39-57) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2884: Bond Amdt. No. 2884; To remove the minimum allocation program from Federal-aid highways limitation on obligations. | H.R. 5518 | Aug 05 |
(00169) 169 (89-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2867: Domenici Amendment No. 2867; To declare the sense of the Senate with respect to corporate responsibility. | H.R. 5503 | Aug 04 |
(00168) 168 (62-31) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2836: Motion To Table S.Amdt.2836; To limit Federal appropriations for the Superconducting Super Collider. | H.R. 5373 | Aug 03 |
(00167) 167 (68-26) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2833: Hatfield Amendment No.2833; To revise section 507 relating to the conduct of nuclear weapons testing. | H.R. 5373 | Aug 03 |
(00166) 166 (62-32) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2832: Bumpers Amendment No.2832; To limit the funds that may be used for the superconducting super collider. | H.R. 5373 | Aug 03 |
(00165) 165 (41-51) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2799: Lott Amdt. No. 2799 ; To prevent the District of Columbia from implementing a system of registration for unmarried, cohabitating homosexual, lesbian, and heterosexual couples in the Nation's Capital in order to sanction such relationships and to grant such unmarried couples certain rights and benefits traditionally reserved for couples who have entered into the legally enforceable bonds of matrimony. | H.R. 5517 | Jul 30 |
(00164) 164 (50-45) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2796: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 2796; To provide for a local initiative to increase the penalties for murder in the District of Columbia. | H.R. 5517 | Jul 30 |
(00163) 163 (93-3) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 776 As Amended; A bill to provide for improved energy efficiency. | H.R. 776 | Jul 30 |
(00162) 162 (84-10) | Agreed to | On the Motion for Attendance: Motion To Instruct; A bill to provide for improved energy efficiency. | H.R. 776 | Jul 30 |
(00161) 161 (40-55) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2784: Symms Amendment No.2784; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove certain high-speed intercity rail facility bonds from the State volume cap for tax-exempt bond financing. | H.R. 776 | Jul 29 |
(00160) 160 (35-60) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 2783: Motion To Waive CBA; To provide increased access to and affordability of health care. | H.R. 776 | Jul 29 |
(00159) 159 (63-32) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2782: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 2782; Striking repeal of minimum tax preferences for depletion and intangible drilling costs. | H.R. 776 | Jul 29 |
(00158) 158 (88-9) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 5487; A bill making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5487 | Jul 28 |
(00157) 157 (54-43) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2780: Motion To Table S.Amdt. 2780; To prohibit the use of funds made available by this Act to support the price of honey. | H.R. 5487 | Jul 28 |
(00156) 156 (74-23) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2778: Motion To Table Bryan Amendment No.2778; To prohibit the use of funds made available by this Act to carry out the market promotion program. | H.R. 5487 | Jul 28 |
(00155) 155 (54-41) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2769: Motion To Table Graham Amendment No. 2769; To reduce an appropriation. | H.R. 5487 | Jul 28 |
(00154) 154 (93-3) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On H.R. 776; A bill to provide for improved energy efficiency. | H.R. 776 | Jul 28 |
(00153) 153 (50-42) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2767: Graham Amdt. No. 2767; To reduce an appropriation for the Department of Commerce. | S. 3026 | Jul 28 |
(00152) 152 (32-50) | Not Sustained | On the Decision of the Chair S.Amdt. 2752: Appeal Of Chair Ruling; To restore the Second Amendment rights of all Americans. | S. 3026 | Jul 27 |
(00151) 151 (89-2) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S.2877; A bill entitled the "Interstate Transportation on Municipal Waste Act of 1992". | S. 2877 | Jul 23 |
(00150) 150 (58-33) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Proceed; A bill to provide for improved energy efficiency. | H.R. 776 | Jul 23 |
(00149) 149 (60-31) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2739: Motion To Table Reid Amendment No. 2739; To grant the Governor of a State the authority to prohibit, limit, or impose a differential fee on, the disposal of out-of-State municipal waste. | S. 2877 | Jul 22 |
(00148) 148 (76-20) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 2532; A bill entitled "Freedom For Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act." | S. 2532 | Jul 02 |
(00147) 147 (75-21) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2726: Motion To Table Specter Amendment No. 2726; To provide that any international lending be required to be secured by certain export earnings. | S. 2532 | Jul 02 |
(00146) 146 (64-32) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2709: Motion To Table Riegle Amendment No. 2709; To provide for programs that aid Americans. | S. 2532 | Jul 02 |
(00145) 145 (93-3) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H.R. 5260 Conference Report; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, to revise the trigger provisions contained in the extended unemployment compensation program, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5260 | Jul 02 |
(00144) 144 (96-0) | Agreed to | On the Resolution: S. Res. 324; A resolution relating to declassification of Documents, Files, and other materials pertaining to POWs and MIAs. | S.Res. 324 | Jul 02 |
(00143) 143 (96-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2705: Byrd Amendment No. 2705; To provide for eligibility of the Baltic states for nonlethal defense articles. | S. 2532 | Jul 02 |
(00142) 142 (77-20) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2703: Motion To Table Brown Amendment No. 2703; To limit the use of the United States quota increase for the International Monetary Fund to the United States proportionate share of funding for new IMF programs for the independent states of the former Soviet Union. | S. 2532 | Jul 02 |
(00141) 141 (93-4) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2700: Byrd Amendment No. 2700; To express the sense of the Congress in opposition to the sale of the LTV Aerospace and Defense Company to a foreign person, and for other purposes. | S. 2532 | Jul 02 |
(00140) 140 (92-2) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2664: DeConcini Amendment No. 2664; To restrict assistance for Russia until its armed forces are removed from the Baltic states. | S. 2532 | Jul 01 |
(00139) 139 (35-60) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2665: Pell Amendment No. 2665; In the nature of a substitute. | S. 2532 | Jul 01 |
(00138) 138 (93-2) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2648: Leahy Amendment No. 2648; To strike the provision related to the credit-worthiness requirement of the agricultural export credit guarantee program. | S. 2532 | Jul 01 |
(00137) 137 (77-19) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 2733; An original bill to improve the regulation of Government-sponsored enterprises. | S. 2733 | Jul 01 |
(00136) 136 (56-39) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 2447: Motion To Invoke Cloture On SP2447; To propose an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require that the budget of the U.S. be in balance unless three-fifths of the whole of each House of Congress shall provide by law for a specific excess of outlays over receipts and to require that any bill to increase revenues must be approved by a majority of the whole number of each House. | S. 2733 | Jul 01 |
(00135) 135 (56-39) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 2447: Motion To Invoke Cloture; To propose an amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. to require that the budget of the U.S. be in balance unless three-fifths of the whole of each House of Congress shall provide by law for a specific excess of outlays over receipts and to require that any bill to increase revenues must be approved by a majority of the whole number of each House. | S. 2733 | Jun 30 |
(00134) 134 (39-57) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2448: Byrd Amendment No. 2448; To require the President to submit by September 2, 1992, a 5-year plan to balance the budget not later than September 30, 1998. | S. 2733 | Jun 30 |
(00133) 133 (33-63) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2453: Kasten Amendment No. 2453; To provide for a taxpayer protection clause. | S. 2733 | Jun 30 |
(00132) 132 (78-10) | Agreed to | On the Motion for Attendance: Motion To Instruct; An original bill to improve the regulation of Government-sponsored enterprises. | S. 2733 | Jun 26 |
(00131) 131 (87-6) | Passed | On the Joint Resolution: H. J. Res. 517; A joint resolution to provide for a settlement of the railroad labor-management disputes between certain railroads and certain of their employees. | H.J.Res. 517 | Jun 25 |
(00130) 130 (76-18) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2452: Motion To Table Amendment No. 2452; To provide certain conditions during the resolution of the disputes. | H.J.Res. 517 | Jun 25 |
(00129) 129 (54-42) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2443: Motion To Table Brown Amendment No. 2443; To provide for an effective date for the method of computing liability for certain releases or threatened releases of hazardous materials. | S. 2733 | Jun 24 |
(00128) 128 (15-82) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2441: Motion To Table Ford Amendment No. 2441; To place a temporary moratorium on interstate branching by savings associations. | S. 2733 | Jun 24 |
(00127) 127 (10-87) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2440: Motion To Table Amendment No. 2440; To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 with respect to limited partnership rollups. | S. 2733 | Jun 24 |
(00126) 126 (52-44) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2439: Motion To Table Chafee Amendment No. 2439; To strike section 1065 of the Manager's Amendment to S.2733. | S. 2733 | Jun 23 |
(00125) 125 (39-58) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 2438: Motion To Table Dole Amendment No. 2438; To express the sense of the Senate with regard to the effect of a possible rail strike. | S. 2733 | Jun 23 |
(00124) 124 (84-3) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2433: Graham Amendment No. 2433; To retain exemption for temporary foreign agricultural workers from unemployment tax. | H.R. 5260 | Jun 18 |
(00123) 123 (97-0) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 1985; A bill to establish a commission to review the Bankruptcy Code, to amend the Bankruptcy Code in certain aspects of its application to cases involving commerce and credit and individuals debtors and add a temporary chapter to govern reorganization of small businesses, and for other purposes. | S. 1985 | Jun 17 |
(00122) 122 (65-32) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2426: Danforth Amendment No. 2426; To express the sense of the Senate that public officials and candidates for public office make proposals and engage in discussion on reducing the deficit, and that the candidates for President agree to a formal discussion that focuses entirely on the Federal budget deficit. | S. 1985 | Jun 17 |
(00121) 121 (57-42) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act to prevent discrimination based on participation in labor disputes. | S. 55 | Jun 16 |
(00120) 120 (55-41) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act and the Railway Labor Act to prevent discrimination based on participation in labor disputes. | S. 55 | Jun 11 |
(00119) 119 (86-8) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: S. 1306 Conference Report; A bill to amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend certain programs, to restructure the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, and for other purposes. | S. 1306 | Jun 09 |
(00118) 118 (88-6) | Agreed to | On the Motion for Attendance: Motion To Instruct; A bill to amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend certain programs, to restructure the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, and for other purposes. | S. 1306 | Jun 09 |
(00117) 117 (84-9) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend certain programs, to restructure the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, and for other purposes. | S. 1306 | Jun 09 |
(00116) 116 (79-14) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table the Motion to Recommit: Motion To Table Motion To Recommit; A bill to amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend certain programs, to restructure the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, and for other purposes. | S. 1306 | Jun 09 |
(00115) 115 (85-12) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H.R. 2507 Conference Report; A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the programs of the National Institutes of Health, and for other purposes. | H.R. 2507 | Jun 04 |
(00114) 114 (84-11) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2977; A bill to authorize appropriations for public broadcasting, and for other purposes. | H.R. 2977 | Jun 03 |
(00113) 113 (93-3) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1859: Byrd Amendment No. 1859; To require the Federal Communications Commission to promulgate regulations to restrict indecent broadcasts. | S. 1504 | Jun 03 |
(00112) 112 (22-75) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1865: Lott Amendment No. 1865; To freeze the authorization levels for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting at present levels. | S. 1504 | Jun 03 |
(00111) 111 (88-5) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 474; A bill to prohibit sports gambling under State law. | S. 474 | Jun 02 |
(00110) 110 (52-41) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H. Con. Res. 287 Conference Report; A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for the fiscal years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997. | H.Con.Res. 287 | May 21 |
(00109) 109 (61-36) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 5132; A bill making dire emergency supplemental appropriations for disaster assistance to meet urgent needs because of calamities such as those which occurred in Los Angeles and Chicago, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992, and for other purposes. | H.R. 5132 | May 21 |
(00108) 108 (90-9) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H.R. 4990 Conference Report; A bill rescinding certain budget authority, and for other purposes. | H.R. 4990 | May 21 |
(00107) 107 (42-57) | Held Nongermane | Whether the Amendment is Germane S.Amdt. 1855: Thurmond Amendment No. 1855; To strengthen the present federal anti-riot statute. | H.R. 5132 | May 21 |
(00106) 106 (37-62) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1852: Lott Amendment No. 1852; To strike emergency funding providing for early intervention, education, training, and job programs for young persons during the summer months. | H.R. 5132 | May 21 |
(00105) 105 (36-63) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1851: Nickles Amendment No. 1851; To waive the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act and the Service Contract Act of 1965 with respect to any construction or repair project which receives financial assistance under this Act. | H.R. 5132 | May 21 |
(00104) 104 (99-0) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 2743; An original bill to deter and punish aggression against the newly independent countries of the defunct Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and to promote human rights within the newly constituted Republic of Yugoslavia. | S. 2743 | May 21 |
(00103) 103 (68-28) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1848: Seymour Amendment No. 1848; To prohibit the use of funds to provide assistance to persons arrested or subject to pending charges for, or convicted of, riot-related crime in the City or County of Los Angeles, California. | H.R. 5132 | May 20 |
(00102) 102 (45-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1850: Graham Amendment No. 1850; To limit the circumstances under which the Act may become effective. | H.R. 5132 | May 20 |
(00101) 101 (59-40) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1838: Lautenberg Amendment No. 1838; To make exempt certain Department of Transportation funds from requirements for any non-Federal share and payback otherwise required, provided that such funds shall be obligated no later than September 30, 1992. | H.R. 5132 | May 20 |
(00100) 100 (99-0) | Agreed to | On the Resolution: S. Res. 298; A resolution declaring an article of amendment to be the Twenty-seventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | S.Res. 298 | May 20 |
(00099) 99 (99-0) | Agreed to | On the Concurrent Resolution: S. Con. Res. 120; A concurrent resolution declaring an article of amendment to be the Twenty-seventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | S.Con.Res. 120 | May 20 |
(00098) 98 (61-38) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 250; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes. | S. 250 | May 20 |
(00097) 97 (56-40) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1833: Motion To Table Specter Amendment No. 1833; To modify the provision requiring notice to registration applicants of the disposition of their applications by requiring States to reject registration applications that are returned undelivered. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00096) 96 (54-42) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1831: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1831; To prevent voting by ineligible non-citizens. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00095) 95 (57-39) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1830: Motion To Table Gramm Amendment No. 1830; To provide mandatory minimum penalties for voter intimidation and for depriving the public of a fair and impartial election. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00094) 94 (55-41) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1829: Motion To Table Nickles Amendment No. 1829; To put off the effective date until January first of the year after the year in which Congress enacts legislation authorizing and appropriating funds to pay the costs of implementing the Act. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00093) 93 (61-36) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1828: Motion To Table McConnell Amendment No. 1828; To discontinue application of the bill in States in which the voter turnout in 1996 does not exceed the voter turnout in 1992 by at least 2 percent. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00092) 92 (57-39) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1827: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1827; To combat public corruption. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00091) 91 (55-40) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1825: McCain Amendment No. 1825; To ensure that individuals applying for agency based registration are not coerced by such agencies. | S. 250 | May 19 |
(00090) 90 (37-57) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1821: Stevens Amendment No. 1821; In the nature of a substitute, proposing the "National Voter Registration Enhancement Act of 1992". | S. 250 | May 14 |
(00089) 89 (53-45) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1799: Motion To Table Kasten Amendment No. 1799; To provide for product liability actions brought against a manufacturer or product seller on any theory, and to establish guidelines for Federal standards of liability for general aviation accidents. | S. 250 | May 14 |
(00088) 88 (57-42) | Veto Sustained | On Overriding the Veto: S. 3 Veto Override; A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to provide for a voluntary system of spending limits for Senate election campaigns, and for other purposes. | S. 3 | May 13 |
(00087) 87 (58-40) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On S.250; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes. | S. 250 | May 12 |
(00086) 86 (61-38) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On Motion To Proceed To S.250; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes. | S. 250 | May 07 |
(00085) 85 (61-38) | Agreed to | On the Amendment: Committee Substitute To S. 2403; A bill to rescind certain budget authority proposed to be rescinded in special messages transmitted to the Congress by the President on March 20, 1992, in accordance with Title X of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, as amended. | S. 2403 | May 06 |
(00084) 84 (43-55) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1793: Brown Amendment No. 1793; To make additional rescissions dropped by the Committee but included in the President's bill. | S. 2403 | May 05 |
(00083) 83 (46-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1791: McCain Amendment No. 1791; To fully rescind funds proposed for rescission in R92-101 (Seawolf). | S. 2403 | May 05 |
(00082) 82 (58-42) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: S. 3 - Conference Report; A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to provide for a voluntary system of spending limits for Senate election campaigns, and for other purposes. | S. 3 | Apr 30 |
(00081) 81 (75-22) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H.R. 3337 - Conference Report; A bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint a coin in commemoration of the Two-hundredth Anniversary of the White House. | H.R. 3337 | Apr 28 |
(00080) 80 (54-35) | Agreed to | On the Motion: Motion To Strike And Insert; A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for the fiscal years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997. | H.Con.Res. 287 | Apr 10 |
(00079) 79 (29-61) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1785: Motion To Waive CBA Re: Grassley Amendment No. 1785; To express the sense of the Senate regarding the use of defense-related cuts made in both defense and domestic programs. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 10 |
(00078) 78 (43-47) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1784: D'Amato Amendment No. 1784; To provide an additional $150,000,000 in deficit savings over the next five years. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 10 |
(00077) 77 (45-45) | Not Sustained | On the Point of Order S.Amdt. 1784: Constitutional Point Of Order; To provide an additional $150,000,000 in deficit savings over the next five years. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 10 |
(00076) 76 (93-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1780: Deconcini Amendment No. 1780; To express the sense of the Senate with respect to funding for the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 10 |
(00075) 75 (66-28) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1779: Mitchell Amendment No. 1779; To exempt Veterans' compensation from the cap and cuts required. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 10 |
(00074) 74 (52-42) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1769: Seymour Amendment No. 1769; To reduce function 800 (General Government) by 25 percent over FY 1993 and FY 1994 for Legislative Branch expenditures. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 09 |
(00073) 73 (53-40) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1768: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1768; To reduce amounts allocated to defense and, if legislation is enacted to eliminate the separate budget categories, to increase spending on urgent domestic needs. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 09 |
(00072) 72 (63-32) | Agreed to | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1766: Motion To Waive; To express the sense of the Senate that the Senate should adopt on or before June 5, 1992, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution relating to a Federal balanced budget. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 09 |
(00071) 71 (84-11) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1767: Byrd Amendment No. 1767; Expressing the sense of the Senate that the Senate should adopt a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution relating to a Federal balanced budget, and requiring the president of the United States to annually submit a balanced budget, and that the adoption of such joint resolution should occur on or before June 5, 1992. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 09 |
(00070) 70 (36-62) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1765: Motion To Waive; To reduce defense spending and devote half of the savings to domestic discretionary programs and half to deficit reduction. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 09 |
(00069) 69 (45-50) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1763: Exon Amendment No. 1763; To reduce the fiscal year 1993 defense budget authority. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 09 |
(00068) 68 (94-3) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1761: Bentsen Amendment No. 1761; To limit the levels of the Social Security outlays and revenues in the resolution to current service levels and to clarify the application of section 301(i) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to a concurrent resolution (as reported and amended), amendments thereto, or any conference report thereon. | S.Con.Res. 106 | Apr 07 |
(00067) 67 (87-11) | Agreed to | On the Concurrent Resolution: H. Con. Res. 292; A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of the Congress with respect to United States participation in the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). | H.Con.Res. 292 | Apr 07 |
(00066) 66 (87-10) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2507; A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the programs of the National Institutes of Health, and for other purposes. | H.R. 2507 | Apr 02 |
(00065) 65 (51-46) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1757: Helms Amendment No. 1757; Providing for a prohibition against the SHARP Adult Sex Survey and the American Teen-Age Sex Survey. | H.R. 2507 | Apr 02 |
(00064) 64 (57-40) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1756: Simon Amendment No. 1756; To impose certain requirements with respect to surveys of sexual behavior. | H.R. 2507 | Apr 02 |
(00063) 63 (99-1) | Agreed to | On the Resolution: S. Res. 277; A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding loan guarantees for refugee resettlement in Israel. | S.Res. 277 | Apr 01 |
(00062) 62 (84-16) | Passed | On the Joint Resolution: H.J. Res. 456; A joint resolution making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1992, and for other purposes. | H.J.Res. 456 | Apr 01 |
(00061) 61 (23-77) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1749: Hatch Amendment No. 1749; To provide for the establishment of a physician and hospital registry and a fetal tissue bank. | H.R. 2507 | Mar 31 |
(00060) 60 (98-2) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the programs of the National Institutes of Health, and for other purposes. | H.R. 2507 | Mar 31 |
(00059) 59 (52-42) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 2482; A bill to provide funding for the Resolution Trust Corporation, and for other purposes. | S. 2482 | Mar 26 |
(00058) 58 (58-36) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1744: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1744; To strike titles II through IV of the bill. | S. 2482 | Mar 26 |
(00057) 57 (45-48) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1742: Motion To Waive Section 306 Of CBA; To require that amounts appropriated for the Resolution Trust Corporation be treated as direct spending for purposes of budget enforcement. | S. 2482 | Mar 26 |
(00056) 56 (50-48) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to allow rational choice between defense and domestic discretionary spending. | S. 2399 | Mar 26 |
(00055) 55 (75-22) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 1696; A bill to designate certain National Forest lands in the State of Montana as wilderness, to release other National Forest lands in the State of Montana for multiple use management, and for other purposes. | S. 1696 | Mar 26 |
(00054) 54 (50-44) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H.R. 4210 Conference Report; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives for increased economic growth and to provide tax relief for families. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 20 |
(00053) 53 (54-43) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: H.R. 3371; A bill to control and prevent crime. | H.R. 3371 | Mar 19 |
(00052) 52 (60-38) | Veto Sustained | On Overriding the Veto: H.R. 2212; A bill regarding the extension of most-favored-nation treatment to the products of the People's Republic of China, and for other purposes. | H.R. 2212 | Mar 18 |
(00051) 51 (50-47) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 4210; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives for increased economic growth and to provide tax relief for families. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00050) 50 (43-55) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1731: Motion To Waive CBA; To strike the proposed rate increases. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00049) 49 (45-53) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1729: Motion To Waive CBA; To provide for rollover of gain from sale of farm assets into an individual retirement account. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00048) 48 (36-61) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1721: Motion To Waive CBA; To provide a substitute amendment which removes certain revenue raisers and includes defense caps and a freeze on domestic and international discretionary spending. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00047) 47 (62-35) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1727: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1727; To provide a credit against tax for employers who provide on-site day-care facilities for dependents of their employees. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00046) 46 (33-62) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1725: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1725; To discourage States from providing general welfare assistance to able-bodied individuals unless such individuals are participating in a State workfare program. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00045) 45 (53-42) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1723: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1723; To provide for highway funding. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00044) 44 (37-58) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1722: Motion To Waive CBA - Sec. 306; To require a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate to pass any bill increasing taxes. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 13 |
(00043) 43 (46-51) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1720: Motion to Waive CBA; To provide tax incentives for businesses locating on Indian reservations, and for other puproses. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 12 |
(00042) 42 (36-62) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1719: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1719; To prohibit a State from imposing an income tax on the pension or retirement income of individuals who are not residents or domiciliaries of that State. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 12 |
(00041) 41 (95-2) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1714: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1714; To express the sense of the Senate regarding the House bank. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 12 |
(00040) 40 (57-38) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1712: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1712; To reduce the Federal budget deficit, and to express the sense of the Senate that additional funds should be directed toward job training and transportation infrastructure improvements. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 12 |
(00039) 39 (37-60) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1709: Motion To Waive CBA; In the nature of a substitute, the Economic Recovery Act of 1992. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 11 |
(00038) 38 (61-36) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1708: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1708; To provide for the containment of prescription drug prices by reducing certain non-research related tax credits to pharmaceutical manufacturers, by establishing the Prescription Drug Policy Review Commission, be requiring a study of the feasibility of establishing a pharmaceutical products price review board, and by requiring a study of the value of Federal subsidies and tax credits given to pharmaceutical manufacturers, and for other purposes. | H.R. 4210 | Mar 11 |
(00037) 37 (82-6) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 792; A bill to reauthorize the Indoor Radon Abatement Act of 1988 and for other purposes. | S. 792 | Mar 10 |
(00036) 36 (87-7) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to authorize appropriations for public broadcasting, and for other purposes. | S. 1504 | Mar 03 |
(00035) 35 (58-39) | Rejected | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On H.R. 1426; A bill to provide for the recognition of the Lumbee Tribe of Cheraw Indians of North Carolina, and for other purposes. | H.R. 1426 | Feb 27 |
(00034) 34 (96-1) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 479; A bill to encourage innovation and productivity, stimulate trade, and promote the competitiveness and technological leadership of the United States. | S. 479 | Feb 27 |
(00033) 33 (44-54) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1698: Motion To Waive; To grant legislative line item veto recission authority to the President of the United States to reduce the Federal budget deficit. | S. 479 | Feb 27 |
(00032) 32 (98-0) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to encourage innovation and productivity, stimulate trade, and promote the competitiveness and technological leadership of the United States. | S. 479 | Feb 25 |
(00031) 31 (59-39) | Agreed to | On the Conference Report: H.R. 2212 Conference Report; A bill regarding the extension of most-favored-nation treatment to the products of the People's Republic of China, and for other purposes. | H.R. 2212 | Feb 25 |
(00030) 30 (93-1) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 1150; A bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. | S. 1150 | Feb 21 |
(00029) 29 (91-3) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1691: Specter Amendment No. 1691; To prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from furnishing, or from obligating funds available to the Department of Veterans Affairs to furnish, health care in Department of Veterans Affairs facilities under a rural health care sharing program to persons not eligible for such care under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code. | S. 1150 | Feb 21 |
(00028) 28 (94-4) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 2166; A bill to reduce the Nation's dependence on imported oil, to provide for the energy security of the Nation, and for other purposes. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00027) 27 (64-34) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1650: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1650; To make improvements in the replacement and alternative fuel program. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00026) 26 (63-35) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1649: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1649; To make improvements in nuclear regulation. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00025) 25 (51-47) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1648: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1648; To restore balance to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00024) 24 (53-45) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1647: Johnston Amendment No. 1647; To provide for a leasing moratorium off Southern Florida, and for other purposes. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00023) 23 (58-40) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1644: Motion To Table Bryan Amendment No. 1644; To establish a voluntary program to encourage industrial energy efficiency improvements. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00022) 22 (41-57) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1642: Metzenbaum Amendment No. 1642; To provide fair refunds to consumers of natural gas who are found to have been overcharged. | S. 2166 | Feb 19 |
(00021) 21 (60-35) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1641: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1641; To make a technical correction. | S. 2166 | Feb 18 |
(00020) 20 (52-43) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1576: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1576; To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to improve the nuclear power plant siting and licensing process, and for other purposes. | S. 2166 | Feb 06 |
(00019) 19 (96-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1570: Gore Amendment No. 1570; To urge the President of the United States to take the appropriate actions to combat Stratospheric Ozone Depletion. | S. 2166 | Feb 06 |
(00018) 18 (57-39) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1530: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1530; To establish supply requirements for replacement and alternative fuels. | S. 2166 | Feb 05 |
(00017) 17 (94-2) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: H.R. 4095; A bill to increase the number of weeks for which benefits are payable under the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991, and for other purposes. | H.R. 4095 | Feb 04 |
(00016) 16 (88-8) | Agreed to | On the Motion: Motion To Waive; An original bill to increase the number of weeks for which benefits are payable under the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991, and for other purposes. | S. 2173 | Feb 04 |
(00015) 15 (90-5) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture; A bill to reduce the Nation's dependence on imported oil, to provide for the energy security of the Nation, and for other purposes. | S. 2166 | Feb 04 |
(00014) 14 (73-18) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 12, As Amended; A bill to amend title VI of the Communications Act of 1934 to ensure carriage on cable television of local news and other programming and to restore the right of local regulatory authorities to regulate cable television rates, and for other purposes. | S. 12 | Jan 31 |
(00013) 13 (35-54) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1522: Packwood Amendment No. 1522; In the nature of a substitute; The Cable Television Competition Act of 1992. | S. 12 | Jan 31 |
(00012) 12 (95-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1514: Helms Amendment No. 1514; To protect children from indecent cable programming on leased access channels. | S. 12 | Jan 30 |
(00011) 11 (96-0) | Agreed to | On the Resolution: S. Res. 248; A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the signing on January 16, 1992, of the agreements for a formal cease-fire in El Salvador, and for other purposes. | S.Res. 248 | Jan 29 |
(00010) 10 (33-64) | Rejected | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1503: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1503; To require an inquiry by the Federal Communications Commission concerning broadcast television stations whose programming consists predominantly of sales presentations. | S. 12 | Jan 29 |
(00009) 9 (92-6) | Passed | On Passage of the Bill: S. 2; An act to promote the achievement of National Education Goals, to measure progress toward such goals, to develop national education standards and voluntary assessments in accordance with such standards and to encourage the comprehensive improvement of America's neighborhood public schools to improve student achievement. | S. 2 | Jan 28 |
(00008) 8 (45-53) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1490: Motion To Waive; To express the sense of the Senate concerning investments in education and school-to-work transition initiatives. | S. 2 | Jan 28 |
(00007) 7 (55-43) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1479: Motion To Table Amendment No. 1479; To enhance educational opportunity, increase school attendance, and promote self-sufficiency among welfare recipients. | S. 2 | Jan 28 |
(00006) 6 (55-37) | Agreed to | On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1480: Motion To Table Hatch Amendment No. 1480; To amend the amount of grants received under chapter 1 of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. | S. 2 | Jan 23 |
(00005) 5 (36-57) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1476: Hatch Amendment No. 1476; To establish a Low-Income School Choice demonstration project. | S. 2 | Jan 23 |
(00004) 4 (38-55) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1478: Helms Amendment No. 1478; Expressing the sense of the Senate that the Supreme Court should reverse earlier decisions restricting voluntary prayer in public school. | S. 2 | Jan 23 |
(00003) 3 (95-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1474: Hatfield Amendment; To establish the Education Flexibility Demonstration Act. | S. 2 | Jan 23 |
(00002) 2 (96-0) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1473: Cochran Amendment; To establish new waiver authority for New American Schools within the Neighborhood Schools Improvement Act, and for other purposes. | S. 2 | Jan 23 |
(00001) 1 (93-0) | Agreed to | On the Cloture Motion: Motion To Invoke Cloture On Motion To Proceed; An act to promote the achievement of National Education Goals, to measure progress toward such goals, to develop national education standards and voluntary assessments in accordance with such standards and to encourage the comprehensive improvement of America's neighborhood public schools to improve student achievement. | S. 2 | Jan 21 |