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Roll Call Votes 103rd Congress-1st session (1993)


Vote (Tally)ResultQuestion: DescriptionIssueDate
(00395) 395 (61-38)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R.3450; A bill to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement.H.R. 3450Nov 20
(00394) 394 (63-36)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 1025, as amended, passage; A bill to provide for a waiting period before the purchase of a handgun, and for the establishment of a national instant criminal background check system to be contacted by firearms dealers before the transfer of any firearm.H.R. 1025Nov 20
(00393) 393 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report s.714; An original bill to provide funding for the resolution of failed savings associations, and for other purposes.S. 714Nov 20
(00392) 392 (79-20)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report h.r. 3167; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, to establish a system of worker profiling, and for other purposes.H.R. 3167Nov 20
(00391) 391 (36-63)RejectedOn the Motion to Recommit: MOTION TO RECOMMIT H.R. 3167 TO CONFERENCE; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, to establish a system of worker profiling, and for other purposes.H.R. 3167Nov 20
(00390) 390 (57-41)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 1218: motion to invoke cloture on Mitchell-dole amdt no.1218; Substitute amendment.S. 414Nov 19
(00389) 389 (73-26)SustainedOn the Decision of the Chair S.Amdt. 1221: shall the decision of the chair stand (re: stevens amdt no.1221); To strike Subtitle D, implementation of NAFTA supplemental agreements, from the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.H.R. 3450Nov 19
(00388) 388 (72-26)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion Janet Ann Napolitano - U.S. Attorney of ArizonaPN451Nov 19
(00387) 387 (57-42)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 1218: Motion to Invoke Cloture re: Mitchell Amdt. No. 1218; Substitute amendment.S. 414Nov 19
(00386) 386 (43-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1220: metzenbaum amdt no. 1220; To strike the sunset provision.S. 414Nov 19
(00385) 385 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1219: mitchell amdt no. 1219; To strike preemption language.S. 414Nov 19
(00384) 384 (95-4)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: h.r.3355 as amended, passage; A bill to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to allow grants to increase police presence, to expand and improve cooperative efforts between law enforcement agencies and members of the community to address crime and disorder problems, and otherwise to enhance public safety.H.R. 3355Nov 19
(00383) 383 (76-21)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S.24 Passage; A bill to reauthorize the Independent Counsel Law for an additional 5 years, and for other purposes.S. 24Nov 18
(00382) 382 (68-29)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1206: Motion to Table Cochran Amdt. No. 1206; To repeal the separate independent counsel appointment process and provide for the Presidential appointment of a special counsel within the Department of Justice if necessary to avoid a conflict of interest.S. 24Nov 17
(00381) 381 (67-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1205: Motion to Table McCain Amdt. No. 1205; To remove Members of Congress from the discretionary preliminary investigation provisions and to require such investigations.S. 24Nov 17
(00380) 380 (77-22)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report on H.R.2401; A bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1994 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2401Nov 17
(00379) 379 (25-74)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1204: Levin Amdt. No. 1204; To provide for imposition of the penalty of life imprisonment without the possibility of release rather than imposition of the death penalty.S. 1607Nov 17
(00378) 378 (26-73)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1160: Smith Amdt. No. 1160; To restrict Federal financial assistance to States if they do not comply with certain criminal justice programs.S. 1607Nov 17
(00377) 377 (74-25)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1199: D'Amato Amdt. No. 1199; To amend the Controlled Substances Act to provide the death penalty for engaging in a continuing criminal drug enterprise involving a large quantity of drugs.S. 1607Nov 17
(00376) 376 (31-68)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1159: Motion to Table Helms Amdt. No. 1159; To repeal the prison caps and provide for reasonable and proper enforcement of the eighth amendment.S. 1607Nov 17
(00375) 375 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1152: Feinstein Amdt. No. 1152; To restrict the manufacture, transfer, and possession of certain semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.S. 1607Nov 17
(00374) 374 (65-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table: Motion to Table S.1657; A bill to reform habeas corpus procedures.S. 1657Nov 17
(00373) 373 (69-30)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: s.636final passage; A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to permit individuals to have freedom of access to certain medical clinics and facilities, and for other purposes.S. 636Nov 16
(00372) 372 (38-61)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1198: hatch amdt no. 1198; To provide for a substitute amendment.S. 636Nov 16
(00371) 371 (35-64)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1197: motion to table kennedy amdt no. 1197; To clarify that nothing in this Act affects State regulation of abortion.S. 636Nov 16
(00370) 370 (36-63)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1195: motion to table Kennedy amdt. no. 1195; To protect rights guaranteed under the First Amendment.S. 636Nov 16
(00369) 369 (56-40)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1192: kennedy amdt no.1192 (as modified); To lower the maximum penalties applicable for offenses not involving force or threat of force.S. 636Nov 16
(00368) 368 (88-9)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report H.R.3116; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 3116Nov 10
(00367) 367 (52-48)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1157: Metzenbaum Amdt. No. 1157; To express the sense of Congress that, in each year, the aggregate amount requested and authorized for, and spent on, intelligence and intelligence-related activities should be disclosed to the public in an appropriate manner.S. 1301Nov 10
(00366) 366 (49-51)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1157: motion to table metzenbaum amdt no. 1157; To express the sense of Congress that, in each year, the aggregate amount requested and authorized for, and spent on, intelligence and intelligence-related activities should be disclosed to the public in an appropriate manner.S. 1301Nov 10
(00365) 365 (49-51)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1151: Motion to Table Levin Amdt. No. 1151; To improve Federal and State fingerprint systems to identify more criminal suspects.S. 1607Nov 09
(00364) 364 (93-6)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1150: roth amdt no. 1150; To require State and local governments to cooperate with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding enforcement of immigration laws.S. 1607Nov 09
(00363) 363 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1148: Kohl Amdt. No. 1148 (as modified); To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the possession of a handgun or ammunition by, or the private transfer of a handgun or ammunition to, a juvenile.S. 1607Nov 09
(00362) 362 (58-42)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1147: d'amato amdt no. 1147; To impose mandatory prison terms for use, possession, or carrying of a firearm or destructive device during a State crime of violence or State drug trafficking crime, and the death penalty for murders involving firearms.S. 1607Nov 09
(00361) 361 (65-34)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1141: lieberman amdt no. 1141; To make carjacking a Federal offense without regard to whether the offense is committed with the use of a firearm and to authorize imposition of the death penalty if death results from commission of the offense.S. 1607Nov 09
(00360) 360 (60-38)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1140: dole amdt no. 1140; To substitute provisions relating to gangs, juveniles, drugs, and prosecutors.S. 1607Nov 09
(00359) 359 (91-9)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report H.R. 2520; A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2520Nov 09
(00358) 358 (52-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1132: motion to table; To prohibit the imposition of a sentence of death for crimes committed by persons under the age of 18 years.S. 1607Nov 08
(00357) 357 (91-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1126: lott amdt no. 1126; To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide mandatory life imprisonment for persons convicted of a third violent felony.S. 1607Nov 08
(00356) 356 (64-23)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1117: moseley-braun amendment no. 1117; To authorize the prosecution as adults of armed offenders 13 years of age or older.S. 1607Nov 05
(00355) 355 (85-2)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1109: Exon Amdt. No. 1109, as modified; To prohibit the payment of Federal benefits to illegal aliens.S. 1607Nov 05
(00354) 354 (64-29)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1114: motion to table graham amdt no. 1114; In the nature of a substitute.S. 1607Nov 05
(00353) 353 (75-19)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1105: Dole amendment no. 1105; To improve the rules of evidence.S. 1607Nov 05
(00352) 352 (94-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1103: Byrd Amdt. No. 1103 (as modified); To fund the reduction of violent crime.S. 1607Nov 04
(00351) 351 (95-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1097: Feinstein Amdt. No. 1097 (As Amended); To direct the United States Sentencing Commission to promulgate guidelines or amend existing guidelines to provide sentencing enhancements of not less than 3 offense levels for hate crimes.S. 1607Nov 04
(00350) 350 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1098: roth amdt no. 1098; To confirm the original intent of Congress in enacting sections 2252 and 2256 of title 18, United States Code.S. 1607Nov 04
(00349) 349 (58-42)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: Motions to Invoke Cloture on Exec. Nos. 411, 413, 414, 415, and 420PN411Nov 03
(00348) 348 (94-6)Agreed toOn the Resolution: s.res.153; An original resolution to comply with the issuance of a subpoena.S.Res. 153Nov 02
(00347) 347 (23-77)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1094: Simpson Amdt. No. 1094; To require the release of all relevant diaries and other documents to the Select Committee on Ethics for the furtherance of its investigation.S.Res. 153Nov 02
(00346) 346 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Motion for Attendance: Motion to Instruct Sgt-At-Arms to Request Attendance; An original resolution to comply with the issuance of a subpoena.S.Res. 153Nov 02
(00345) 345 (97-1)Agreed toOn the Motion for Attendance: Motion to Instruct Sgt-At-Arms to Request Attendance; An original resolution to comply with the issuance of a subpoena.S.Res. 153Nov 02
(00344) 344 (93-0)Agreed toOn the Motion for Attendance: motion to instruct sgt-at-arms to request attendance; An original resolution to comply with the issuance of a subpoena.S.Res. 153Nov 01
(00343) 343 (90-0)Agreed toOn the Motion for Attendance: motion to instruct sgt-at-arms to request attendance; An original resolution to comply with the issuance of a subpoena.S.Res. 153Nov 01
(00342) 342 (76-20)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Final Passage H.R.3167; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, to establish a system of worker profiling, and for other purposes.H.R. 3167Oct 28
(00341) 341 (82-14)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1090: Gramm Amdt. No. 1090; To reduce federal employment to the levels proposed in the Vice President's Report of the National Performance Review.H.R. 3167Oct 28
(00340) 340 (54-44)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on Conference Report on H.R.2520; A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2520Oct 28
(00339) 339 (40-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1089: Nickles Amdt. No. 1089; To prohibit the consideration of any retroactive tax increase unless three-fifths of all Senators duly chosen and sworn waive the prohibition by roll call vote.H.R. 3167Oct 28
(00338) 338 (46-51)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 1088: motion to waive C.B.A. mccain amdt no. 1088; To amend title II of the Social Security Act to eliminate the earnings test for individuals who have attained retirement age.H.R. 3167Oct 27
(00337) 337 (58-39)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 1087: motion to table C.B.A. gramm amdt no. 1087; To reduce the discretionary spending caps for fiscal years 1995 through 1998 by the amount saved from the termination of the Superconducting Super Collider.H.R. 3167Oct 27
(00336) 336 (52-43)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1086: brown amdt no. 1086; To exclude individuals whose taxable income for 1992 exceeds $120,000 from eligibility for extended benefits.H.R. 3167Oct 27
(00335) 335 (36-61)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 1084: Motion to Waive C.B.A., etc. RE: Amdt. No. 1084; To repeal the retroactive income, estate, and gift tax increases and compensate for the lost revenue by terminating the Space Station.H.R. 3167Oct 27
(00334) 334 (61-39)Agreed toOn the Motion: upon reconsideration motion to waive c.b.a.; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, to establish a system of worker profiling, and for other purposes.H.R. 3167Oct 27
(00333) 333 (89-11)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report to H.R. 2445; A bill making appropriations for energy and water development for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2445Oct 27
(00332) 332 (65-34)PassedOn the Joint Resolution: s.j.res.19 passage; A joint resolution to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the January 17, 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and to offer an apology to Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.S.J.Res. 19Oct 27
(00331) 331 (97-3)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: final passage; A bill to protect the free exercise of religion.H.R. 1308Oct 27
(00330) 330 (41-58)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1083: reid amdt no. 1083; To prohibit the application of this Act, or any amendment made by this Act, to an individual who is incarcerated in a Federal, State, or local correctional, detention, or penal facility.S. 578Oct 27
(00329) 329 (51-45)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: motion to invoke cloture re: conference report to H.R.2520; A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2520Oct 26
(00328) 328 (59-38)RejectedOn the Motion: motion to waive CBA re: h.r.3167; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, to establish a system of worker profiling, and for other purposes.H.R. 3167Oct 26
(00327) 327 (50-44)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 1081: motion to waive CBA re: Hutchison amdt no. 1081; To repeal the retroactive application of the income, estate, and gift tax rates made by the budget reconciliation act and reduce administrative expenses for agencies by $3,000,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1994, 1995, and 1996.H.R. 3167Oct 26
(00326) 326 (53-41)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: Cloture Motion on Conference Report on H.R.2520; A bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2520Oct 21
(00325) 325 (67-30)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1079: motino to table lautenberg amdt no. 1079; To strike out the appropriation for the Army for the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice.H.R. 3116Oct 21
(00324) 324 (67-30)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1076: Motin to Table Grassley Amdt. No. 1076; To prohibit the use of Department of Defense funds to pay the cost of excessive compensation for contract seamen.H.R. 3116Oct 21
(00323) 323 (90-10)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report on H.R.2519; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2519Oct 21
(00322) 322 (98-2)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1074: Dole Amdt. No. 1074; To express the sense of Congress on funding for the deployment of United States Armed Forces in Haiti.H.R. 3116Oct 21
(00321) 321 (19-81)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1072: Helms Amdt. No. 1072 (as modified); To limit the use of funds for conducting operations in Haiti.H.R. 3116Oct 21
(00320) 320 (99-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1073: mitchell amdt no.1073; To express the sense of Congress on funding for United States Armed Forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina.H.R. 3116Oct 20
(00319) 319 (80-20)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1070: motion to table; To delete the funding for the acquisition of tactical transport aircraft for support of Army and Air National Guard missions.H.R. 3116Oct 20
(00318) 318 (96-2)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1069: nunn amdt no.1069; To express the sense of the Congress regarding operational control of United States Armed Forces.H.R. 3116Oct 19
(00317) 317 (33-65)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1051: Nickles Amdt. No.1051; To review the consequences of the use of United States Armed Forces personnel in certain international operations.H.R. 3116Oct 19
(00316) 316 (94-5)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report on H.R.2446; A bill making appropriations for military construction for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2446Oct 19
(00315) 315 (80-15)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report on H.R.2518; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2518Oct 18
(00314) 314 (76-23)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1042: Byrd Amdt. No. 1042; To provide funding for the involvement of the United States Armed Forces in Somalia through March 31, 1994, unless the President requests and the Congress authorizes an extension of that date.H.R. 3116Oct 15
(00313) 313 (61-38)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1043: Motion To Table McCain Amdt. No. 1043; To terminate further military operations in Somalia.H.R. 3116Oct 15
(00312) 312 (64-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1041: motion to table bumpers amdt no.1041; To reduce the amount to be appropriated for the Foreign Intelligence Program and the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities Program.H.R. 3116Oct 14
(00311) 311 (54-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1036: Motion to Table Sasser Amdt. No. 1036; To achieve greater cooperation from allies of the United States and international organizations for the support of the costs involved in development and production of Theater Missile Defense systems.H.R. 3116Oct 14
(00310) 310 (52-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1031: Motion to Table McCain Amdt. No. 1031; To limit the use of funds for the SSN-21 attack submarine program.H.R. 3116Oct 14
(00309) 309 (63-34)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 1028: Inouye Amdt. No. 1028; Of a perfecting nature.H.R. 3116Oct 14
(00308) 308 (65-34)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: nomination - walter dellingerPN306Oct 13
(00307) 307 (59-39)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture re: Nomination of Walter DellingerPN288Oct 07
(00306) 306 (90-9)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: final passage; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2750Oct 06
(00305) 305 (69-30)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1018: motion to table burns amdt no. 1018; To exclude certain shipments of grain to Russia from the cargo preference requirements.H.R. 2750Oct 05
(00304) 304 (50-49)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1019: Motion to Table Brown Amdt. No. 1019; To limit the cost of cargo preference.H.R. 2750Oct 05
(00303) 303 (35-63)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 1015: Motion to Waive C.B.A. re: Warner Amdt. No. 1015; To strike reference to minimum allocations under title 23, United States Code.H.R. 2750Oct 05
(00302) 302 (52-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1010: Motion to Table Danforth Amdt. No. 1010 (as modified); To eliminate appropriations for the Interstate Commerce Commission.H.R. 2750Oct 04
(00301) 301 (89-10)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Passage H.R.2445, as amended; A bill making appropriations for energy and water development for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2445Sep 30
(00300) 300 (81-18)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 990: Motion to Table Bradley Amdt. No. 990; To reduce the funding levels for certain programs in the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation.H.R. 2445Sep 30
(00299) 299 (41-58)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 989: motion to table; To eliminate funding for the gas turbine-modular helium reactor (GT-MHR) program.H.R. 2445Sep 30
(00298) 298 (53-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 987: Motion to Table Kerry Amdt. No. 987; To restrict funding for the Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor/Integral Fast Reactor (ALMR/IFR) Program.H.R. 2445Sep 30
(00297) 297 (88-11)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report on H.R.2295; A bill making appropriations for foreign operations, export financing, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2295Sep 30
(00296) 296 (57-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 983: motion to table bumpers amdt no.983; To reduce funds for General Science and Research Activities and terminate the Superconducting Super Collider program for the purposes of reducing the deficit in the Federal Budget.H.R. 2445Sep 30
(00295) 295 (82-17)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R.2518 as amended; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2518Sep 29
(00294) 294 (94-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 976: helms amdt no. 976; To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit the payment of benefits to individuals confined to public institutions pursuant to court order based on a verdict that the individual is not guilty of a criminal offense by reason of insanity or similar finding.H.R. 2518Sep 29
(00293) 293 (97-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 975: d'amato amdt no.975; A sense of the Senate resolution to urge the Department of Justice to investigate possible Federal civil rights violations involving Crown Heights, New York.H.R. 2518Sep 29
(00292) 292 (25-72)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 974: McCain amdt. no. 974; To freeze funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.H.R. 2518Sep 28
(00291) 291 (95-3)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 971: Lautenberg amdt. no. 971; To provide for the protection of children from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the provision of children's services.H.R. 2518Sep 28
(00290) 290 (40-59)RejectedOn the Amendment: Committee amdt. on page 74, lines 20-25; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2518Sep 28
(00289) 289 (60-39)Agreed toOn the Amendment: Committee amdt. on page 19, lines 12-15; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2518Sep 28
(00288) 288 (41-56)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 961: Motion to Table Bryan Amdt. No. 961; To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act shall be used to support the price of wool or mohair by means of loans, purchases, payments, or other operations.H.R. 2493Sep 23
(00287) 287 (88-10)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R.2295 as Amended; A bill making appropriations for foreign operations, export financing, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2295Sep 23
(00286) 286 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 954: Kerrey Amdt. No. 954; To express the sense of the Congress concerning human rights and democracy in Vietnam.H.R. 2295Sep 23
(00285) 285 (64-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 950: Motion to Table Smith Amdt. No. 950; To make available additional appropriations for the technology reinvestment portion of Defense conversion programs and to offset that authority from foreign assistance programs.H.R. 2295Sep 23
(00284) 284 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 949: Motion to Table Brown Amdt. No. 949; To eliminate World Bank capital stock funding increases due to Bank mismanagement and loans to countries acting against U.S. interests.H.R. 2295Sep 23
(00283) 283 (97-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 945: byrd amdt no.945; To certify continued progress on Russian troop withdrawal from Latvia and Estonia.H.R. 2295Sep 23
(00282) 282 (92-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 931: helms amdt no.931 as modified; To prohibit assistance to countries whose governments expropriate United States property.H.R. 2295Sep 23
(00281) 281 (91-9)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R.2491; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00280) 280 (73-27)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 916: motion to table murkowski amdt no.916; To defer Veterans' Administration construction funding authority.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00279) 279 (48-51)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 915: Brown Amdt. No. 915; To reduce the amount appropriated for fiscal year 1994 for community development grants of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00278) 278 (31-68)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 914: Motion to Table Simon Amdt. No. 914; To provide funding for the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement program of the Environmental Protection Agency.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00277) 277 (45-55)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 913: motion to table nickles amdt no. 913; To reduce funding for the National Service Initiative to authorized levels.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00276) 276 (23-77)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 911: Motion to Table Bryan Amdt. No. 911; To prohibit the use of funds for the Towards Other Planetary Systems/High Resolution Microwave Survey program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00275) 275 (53-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 910: motion to table bumpers amdt no. 910; To provide funding for the termination of the Advanced Solid Rocket Motor project for the purposes of reducing the deficit in the Federal budget.H.R. 2491Sep 22
(00274) 274 (55-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 908: motion to table warner amdt no.908; To require the approval of Congress of the expenditure of certain space station funds.H.R. 2491Sep 21
(00273) 273 (58-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 907: motion to table bradley amdt no.907; To reduce the appropriation for Selective Service System salaries and expenses.H.R. 2491Sep 21
(00272) 272 (59-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 905: motion to table bumpers amdt no. 905; To reduce the appropriation for the implementation of the space station program by $1,446,000,000 for the purposes of reducing the deficit in the Federal budget.H.R. 2491Sep 21
(00271) 271 (12-83)RejectedOn the Joint Resolution: s.j.res.114 final passage; A joint resolution disapproving the recommendations of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.S.J.Res. 114Sep 20
(00270) 270 (65-30)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 899: Motion to Table Helms Amdt. No. 899; To provide that funds from the National Endowment for the Arts shall be used only to give grants and financial assitance to non-profit groups and not to individuals.H.R. 2520Sep 15
(00269) 269 (57-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 900: Motion to Table the Helms Amdt. No. 900; To provide for a more equitable distribution of National Endowment for the Arts funding among the individual states.H.R. 2520Sep 15
(00268) 268 (15-83)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 893: Helms Amdt. No. 893; To save the Federal taxpayers $171 million by eliminating funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.H.R. 2520Sep 14
(00267) 267 (81-17)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 892: Motion to Table Bradley Amdt. No. 892; To limit spending on coal liquefaction programs, and to limit spending on environmental review to prepare timber from the Tongass National Forest.H.R. 2520Sep 14
(00266) 266 (59-40)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 891: domenici amdt no.891; To prohibit the use of funds to implement the Rangeland Reform '94 program.H.R. 2520Sep 14
(00265) 265 (92-7)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Final passage; An Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1994 for militray activities of the Department of Defense, for militray construction, and for defense programs of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.S. 1298Sep 14
(00264) 264 (63-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 856: motion to table Simon amdt. no. 856; To authorize the Secretary of the Army to pay 100 percent of the repair costs of Federal and non-Federal levees damaged as a result of the widespread flooding in the Midwest in 1993.S. 1298Sep 14
(00263) 263 (66-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 853: Motion to Table Domenici Amdt. No. 853; To provide additional funding and program guidance for the single stage rocket technology and single-stage-to-orbit program of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.S. 1298Sep 14
(00262) 262 (63-37)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 850: Motion to Table Bingaman Amdt. No. 850; To strike provisions providing loan guarantees for the sale of defense articles and defense services to NATO members and to Israel, Australia, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.S. 1298Sep 14
(00261) 261 (40-60)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 829: harkin amdt no. 829; To strike the provision requiring the conversion of the Kinetic Energy Antisatellite (KE-ASAT) Program.S. 1298Sep 14
(00260) 260 (90-10)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 851: Shelby Amdt. No. 851; To place a limitation on the use of funds for the Kinetic Energy Antisatellite (KE-ASAT) program.S. 1298Sep 14
(00259) 259 (57-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 840: grassley amdt no.840; To require the Secretary of Defense to terminate the Defense Business Operations Fund if the Inspector General of the Department of Defense determines that the Fund was not in compliance with applicable financial management standards during fiscal year 1993.S. 1298Sep 14
(00258) 258 (100-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 821: leahy amdt no.821; To extend for three years the moratorium on the sale, transfer or export of anti-personnel landmines abroad, and for other purposes.S. 1298Sep 14
(00257) 257 (74-15)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 820: nunn amdt no.820; To express the sense of Congress regarding increased defense burdensharing by allied countries, and other friendly countries.S. 1298Sep 10
(00256) 256 (31-62)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 818: motion to table exon amdt no. 818; To reduce the amount authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 1994 for operating expenses of the Department of Energy for weapons testing.S. 1298Sep 10
(00255) 255 (67-28)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 815: Motion to table Reid Amdt. No. 815; To terminate the Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) program of the Air Force.S. 1298Sep 10
(00254) 254 (18-79)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 816: Feinstein Amdt. No. 816; To amend the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 in order to postpone the commencement of the next round of the base closure process until 1997.S. 1298Sep 10
(00253) 253 (61-32)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 792: motion to table; To increase funding for comprehensive substance abuse treatment programs for women and children.S. 1298Sep 09
(00252) 252 (90-7)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 790: byrd amdt no.790; To express the sense of Congress regarding United States policy towards Somalia.S. 1298Sep 09
(00251) 251 (50-48)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 785: Sasser Amdt. No. 785; To reduce the amount provided for ballistic missile defense programs and to allocate the total amount among the ballistic missile defense programs and program elements.S. 1298Sep 09
(00250) 250 (33-63)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 783: Boxer amdt no. 783; To express the sense of Congress concerning homosexuality in the Armed Forces.S. 1298Sep 09
(00249) 249 (57-40)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: Conference Report: H.R. 2010; A bill to amend the National and Community Service Act of 1990 to establish a Corporation for National Service, enhance opportunities for national service, and provide national service educational awards to persons participating in such service, and for other purposes.H.R. 2010Sep 08
(00248) 248 (65-34)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Joycelyn Elders to be Surgeon GeneralPN452Sep 07
(00247) 247 (50-50)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report to accompany h.r.2264; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.H.R. 2264Aug 06
(00246) 246 (43-57)SustainedOn the Decision of the Chair: is the appeal well-taken?; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.H.R. 2264Aug 06
(00245) 245 (43-57)SustainedOn the Decision of the Chair: Is the appeal well taken; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.H.R. 2264Aug 06
(00244) 244 (44-56)Not SustainedOn the Point of Order: Is the constitutional point of order, well taken; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.H.R. 2264Aug 06
(00243) 243 (35-64)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 764: Motion to waive budget act re: sp764; To establish a procedure to offset emergency spending on natural disasters by rescissions, sequesters of discretionary and mandatory spending, and taxes if necessary.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00242) 242 (68-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 763: motion to table quest. of germaneness re:durenberger amdt no.763; To modify the provisions of the Federal Crop Insurance Act governing yield averages and to provide late planting coverage and prevented planting coverage under such Act.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00241) 241 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 761: motion to table; To reduce the amount declared to be emergency spending and offset the resulting nonemergency budget authority through reductions in fiscal year 1994 discretionary spending.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00240) 240 (68-32)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 758: Harkin amdt. no. 758; To provide full payments to producers for crop losses resulting from damaging weather or related conditions in 1993.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00239) 239 (86-14)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 759: Byrd amdt. no. 759; To provide additional disaster assistance requested by the Administration.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00238) 238 (46-54)Held NongermaneWhether the Amendment is Germane S.Amdt. 756: is the harkin amdt no. 756 germane?; To provide full payments to producers for crop losses resulting from damaging weather or related conditions in 1993, and for claims for assistance by producers with 1990, 1991, and 1992 crop losses.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00237) 237 (50-50)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 756: motion to table: is harkin amdt. no. 756, germane; To provide full payments to producers for crop losses resulting from damaging weather or related conditions in 1993, and for claims for assistance by producers with 1990, 1991, and 1992 crop losses.H.R. 2667Aug 04
(00236) 236 (73-27)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: passage h.r.2403, as amended; A bill making appropriations for the Treasury Department, the United States Postal Service, the Executive Office of the President, and certain Independent Agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2403Aug 03
(00235) 235 (48-51)Held NongermaneWhether the Amendment is Germane S.Amdt. 749: is the nickles amdt no.749 germane?; To allow employees with health plans under the Federal Employees Health Benefit program to purchase special riders that cover abortions.H.R. 2403Aug 03
(00234) 234 (76-23)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: nomination - sheldon hackneyPN410Aug 03
(00233) 233 (72-27)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Nomination - Thomas W. PayzantPN291Aug 03
(00232) 232 (96-3)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: ruth bader ginsburg to be an associate justicePN422Aug 03
(00231) 231 (58-41)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Passage H.R. 2010, as amended; A bill to amend the National and Community Service Act of 1990 to establish a Corporation for National Service, enhance opportunities for national service, and provide national service educational awards to persons participating in such service, and for other purposes.H.R. 2010Aug 03
(00230) 230 (55-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 722: Motion to table Brown amdt. no. 722; To modify the amount of the national service educational benefit.S. 919Jul 30
(00229) 229 (35-53)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 743: Motion to table Biden amdt. no. 743; To provide that individuals participating in programs receiving funding under this Act shall be covered by the provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act to the same extent as participants in other federally funded service programs.S. 919Jul 30
(00228) 228 (41-52)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 740: Specter amdt. no. 740; To provide the necessary authorization for financial assistance under subtitles C and H of title 1, to provide national service educational awards under subtitle D of title 1, and to carry out such audits and evaluations as the President or the Inspector General of the Corporation may determine to be necessary.S. 919Jul 30
(00227) 227 (30-68)Held NongermaneWhether the Amendment is Germane S.Amdt. 739: Is the Simon amdt. no. 739 germaine; To require the Secretary of the Treasury to establish and to administer a program requiring the payment of an annual fee of $375 for the processing of applications (including renewals) for licenses to engage in the business of dealing in firearms.H.R. 2403Jul 30
(00226) 226 (65-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 738: Motion to table McCain amdt. no. 738.; To ensure the integrity of the Federal building process.H.R. 2403Jul 29
(00225) 225 (87-13)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: h.r.2519, as amended; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2519Jul 29
(00224) 224 (59-41)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 709: Cloture motion on Kennedy amdt. no. 709 to S.919.; To provide a substitute amendment.S. 919Jul 29
(00223) 223 (23-74)RejectedOn the Motion to Table: motion to table Committee Amdt., page 83, lines 12-16; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2519Jul 28
(00222) 222 (77-23)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 703: Helms amdt. no. 703; To restrict assistance for Nicaragua until certain conditions are met.H.R. 2519Jul 28
(00221) 221 (75-25)Held GermaneWhether the Amendment is Germane S.Amdt. 221: Is the D'Amato amdt. no. 698, as mod., germane; No Statement of Purpose on File.S.Con.Res. 18Jul 28
(00220) 220 (92-7)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 697: Motion to table Kerrey amdt. no. 697.; Expressing the sense of the Senate that disaster relief payments during 1993 be funded by a temporary gasoline tax.H.R. 2519Jul 27
(00219) 219 (70-29)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: Passage H.R. 2492; A bill making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2492Jul 27
(00218) 218 (38-61)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 693: Motion to table Gregg amdt. no. 693; To strike provisions relating to displaced District government employees.H.R. 2492Jul 27
(00217) 217 (43-55)RejectedOn the Amendment: committee amdt. on page 36, lines 8-19.; A bill making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2492Jul 27
(00216) 216 (90-10)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2493, as amended; A bill making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2493Jul 27
(00215) 215 (63-36)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table the Motion to Recommit: motion to table motion to recommit H.R. 2493; A bill making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2493Jul 27
(00214) 214 (70-30)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 662: motion to table bryan amdt. no. 662; To reduce the amount of funds and commodities that may be used to carry out the market promotion program.H.R. 2493Jul 27
(00213) 213 (43-57)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 636: motion to table reid amdt. no. 636; To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act shall be used to operate a regional office of the Rural Development Administration after April 1, 1994.H.R. 2493Jul 27
(00212) 212 (85-7)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 2348; A bill making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.H.R. 2348Jul 23
(00211) 211 (48-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 629: Motion to table Mack amdt. no. 629.; To restrict the use of the franking privilege by members and offices of the Senate.H.R. 2348Jul 23
(00210) 210 (42-57)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 612: Kassebaum Amdt. No. 612; To provide a substitute amendment.S. 919Jul 22
(00209) 209 (64-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 611: Motion to table Craig amdt. no. 611.; To eliminate a family and medical leave requirement.S. 919Jul 22
(00208) 208 (75-25)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 610: Upon reconsideration motion to table Helms amdt. no. 610; To grant an extension of patent to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.S. 919Jul 22
(00207) 207 (76-24)Agreed toOn the Motion to Reconsider S.Amdt. 610: motion to reconsider roll call vote no.206; To grant an extension of patent to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.S. 919Jul 22
(00206) 206 (48-52)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 610: motion to table Helms amdt. no. 610; To grant an extension of patent to the United Daughters of the Confederacy.S. 919Jul 22
(00205) 205 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 608: Motion to table Dominici amdt. no. 608; To ensure that the financial soundness of the Pell Grant program is a higher priority than funding a new program.S. 919Jul 22
(00204) 204 (46-53)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 604: coverdell amdt no.604; To delay the effective date of titles I,II, and IV of the bill until the deficit increase resulting from fiscal year 1993 emergency spending is eliminated.S. 919Jul 21
(00203) 203 (56-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 607: motion to table amdt no.607; To make veterans eligible for national service educational awards.S. 919Jul 21
(00202) 202 (38-59)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 603: Kassebaum Amdt. No. 603; To provide a substitute amendment.S. 919Jul 21
(00201) 201 (68-31)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: h.r.20 as amended; A bill to amend title 5, United States Code, to restore to Federal civilian employees their right to participate voluntarily, as private citizens, in the political processes of the Nation, to protect such employees from improper political solicitations, and for other purposes.H.R. 20Jul 20
(00200) 200 (58-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 601: motion to table kassebaum amdt no.601; To provide that Federal employees may not solicit, accept, or receive political contributions.S. 185Jul 20
(00199) 199 (43-56)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 602: motion to table roth amdt no.602; To provide that employees of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice may not take an active part in political management or political campaigns.S. 185Jul 20
(00198) 198 (51-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 600: motion to table roth amdt no.600; To provide that revenue agents, tax auditors, and tax examiners of the Internal Revenue Service may not take an active part in political management or political campaigns.S. 185Jul 20
(00197) 197 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 597: Motion to table Dominici Amdt. No.597; The sense of the Senate that the President should submit the supplementary budget as required by law no later than July 16 and the requisite information therein required, but in no event later than July 26, 1993.S. 185Jul 20
(00196) 196 (62-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 567: motion to table mccain amdt no. 567; To provide military personnel the same political freedoms as civilian personnel.S. 185Jul 14
(00195) 195 (62-34)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 566: motion to table roth amdt no.566; To provide that the employees of the Executive Branch, and the Postal Service may select either current law or the proposed amendment to subchapter III of chapter 73 of title 5, United States Code, to apply, and for other purposes.S. 185Jul 14
(00194) 194 (92-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 565: Roth amdt. no. 565; To express the sense of the Senate that Federal employees should not be authorized to solicit political contributions from the general public or to be a candidate for a local elective public office.S. 185Jul 14
(00193) 193 (88-7)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 563: roth amdt no.563; To clarify the penalties for a violation of the Act.S. 185Jul 14
(00192) 192 (76-16)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: final passage h.r.1876; A bill to provide authority for the President to enter into trade agreements to conclude the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, to extend tariff proclamation authority to carry out such agreements, and to apply Congressional "fast track" procedures to a bill implementing such agreements.H.R. 1876Jun 30
(00191) 191 (76-18)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: ashton b. carter to be assistant secretary of defensePN310Jun 29
(00190) 190 (49-49)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: h.r.2264 as amended; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.H.R. 2264Jun 25
(00189) 189 (59-39)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 561: bumpers amdt no.561; To strike certain medicaid immunization provisions and provisions relating to the central bulk purchasing program for pediatric vaccines and insert provisions relating to medicaid reimbursement of vaccine manufacturers.S. 1134Jun 25
(00188) 188 (58-40)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 513: motion to waive cba re:hutchison smdt no.513; To reduce Federal overhead costs by 10 percent.S. 1134Jun 25
(00187) 187 (0-98)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 526: motion to table pressler amdt no.526; To eliminate increased paperwork burdens and unnecessary requirements on small businesses, and others, relating to compliance for certain payments to corporations.S. 1134Jun 25
(00186) 186 (46-52)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 558: motion to waive cba re:burns amdt no.558; To establish that all chnages in revenues contained in the bill which raise revenues, shall become effective no earlier than the date of enactment.S. 1134Jun 25
(00185) 185 (43-55)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 557: motion to waive cba re:gramm amdt no.557; To guarantee deficit reduction.S. 1134Jun 25
(00184) 184 (57-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 519: motion to table mccain amdt no.519; To restore to the Social Security trust funds the revenues resulting from the aggregate increase in tax liabilities attributable to the amendments made to section 86 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.S. 1134Jun 25
(00183) 183 (55-43)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 555: motion to waive cba re:deconcini amdt no.555; To create the Deficit Retirement Account.S. 1134Jun 25
(00182) 182 (69-29)Agreed toOn the Motion S.Amdt. 545: motion to waive cba re:bumpers amdt no.545; To condition AFDC payments on the receipt of immunizations.S. 1134Jun 25
(00181) 181 (66-32)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 549: brown amdt. 549; To transfer the 4.3 cent deficit reduction rate to the Highway Trust Fund or the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, respectively.S. 1134Jun 24
(00180) 180 (20-78)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 551: motion to waive; To repeal the section 936 credit and to express the sense of the Senate that the resulting increase in revenues be used to limit the reductions in medicare.S. 1134Jun 24
(00179) 179 (38-60)RejectedOn the Motion: motion to waive Re: Danforth point of order; An original bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 7 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1994.S. 1134Jun 24
(00178) 178 (15-83)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 548: motion to waive cba re:graham amdt no.548; To eliminate the reduction of payment updates for inpatient hospital services, the reduction in payment for indirect costs of medical education, the extension of medicare-dependent small rural hospital payments, the reduction in skilled nursing facility cost limits, the changes in payment for hospice care, and the changes to payment formulas for certain outpatient hospital services, and to pay for the provisions eliminated.S. 1134Jun 24
(00177) 177 (55-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 547: motion to table mcconnell amdt no.547; To strike the section increasing the Presidential election campaign fund check-off.S. 1134Jun 24
(00176) 176 (53-45)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 542: motion to waive cba re:bradley amdt no.542; To create a legislative item veto by requiring separate enrollment of items in appropriations bills and tax expenditure provisions in revenue bills.S. 1134Jun 24
(00175) 175 (53-45)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 544: motion to waive cba re:domenici amdt no.544; To extend the discretionary caps on defense, international, and domestic spending through FY 1995.S. 1134Jun 24
(00174) 174 (52-45)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 543: motion to waive cba re:bryan amdt no.543; To eliminate the price support program for wool and mohair.S. 1134Jun 24
(00173) 173 (48-50)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 536: motion to waive cba re:dole amdt no.536; To sunset the tax hikes.S. 1134Jun 24
(00172) 172 (46-51)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 531: deconcini amdt no.531; To increase the threshold levels that apply for determining whether a taxpayer is subject to tax on 85 percent of such taxpayer's social security benefits and reduce the threshold level for the surtax.S. 1134Jun 24
(00171) 171 (56-42)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 525: motion to waive cba re:roth amdt no.525; To limit the tax rate for certain small businesses, and for other purposes.S. 1134Jun 24
(00170) 170 (19-79)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 518: kerrey amdt no.518; To establish a National Health Care Trust Fund.S. 1134Jun 24
(00169) 169 (51-46)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 516: motion to table lott amdt no.516; To eliminate the increase in the taxation of social security benefits.S. 1134Jun 24
(00168) 168 (54-43)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 510: motion to waive re:sasser amdt no.510; To create a mechanism to monitor and control direct spending programs.S. 1134Jun 24
(00167) 167 (50-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 508: motion to table nickles amdt no.508; To eliminate the imposition of the 4.3 cents deficit reduction rate.S. 1134Jun 24
(00166) 166 (93-5)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 507: mitchell amdt no.507; To increase the capital equipment expensing allowance for small businesses, and allow small businesses to deduct an increased level of capital purchases from their taxes.S. 1134Jun 24
(00165) 165 (43-55)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 506: motion to waive C.B.A.; In the nature of a substitute.S. 1134Jun 23
(00164) 164 (54-44)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 502: motion to waive; To encourage small business.S. 1134Jun 23
(00163) 163 (34-64)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 489: motion to table d'amato amdt no.489; To discourage States and local governments from providing general welfare assistance to able-bodied individuals unless such individuals are participating in workfare programs.H.R. 2118Jun 22
(00162) 162 (47-51)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 497: motion to table brown amdt no.497; To express the sense of the Senate regarding the need to eliminate price-gouging in the transportation of food assistance to Russia.H.R. 2118Jun 22
(00161) 161 (73-24)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 488: motion to table pressler amdt no.489; To permit producers on a farm who were prevented from planting the 1993 crop of corn because of a disaster to devote conservation use acreage under the 0/92 program to soybeans.H.R. 2118Jun 22
(00160) 160 (39-59)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 487: motion to waive cba re:roth amdt no.487; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create real jobs in America through investment and savings incentives, to pay for such incentives by decreasing Federal spending, and for other purposes.H.R. 2118Jun 22
(00159) 159 (95-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 477: Byrd amdt. 477; To rescind certain funds from the Department of Defense.H.R. 2118Jun 17
(00158) 158 (60-38)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. 3, as amended; A bill entitled the "Congressional Spending Limit and Election Reform Act of 1993".S. 3Jun 17
(00157) 157 (53-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 465: motion to table nickles amdt no.465; To eliminate the 50 percent broadcast discount for eligible Senate candidates.S. 3Jun 17
(00156) 156 (39-59)Not SustainedOn the Point of Order: is the point of order well taken; A bill entitled the "Congressional Spending Limit and Election Reform Act of 1993".S. 3Jun 17
(00155) 155 (32-66)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 463: pell amdt no.463; Tp amend the Communications Act of 1934 and the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to better inform the electorate in Senate elections.S. 3Jun 17
(00154) 154 (62-37)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 366: cloture motion on amdt no.366 to s.3; In the nature of a substitute.S. 3Jun 16
(00153) 153 (52-47)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 472: durenberger amdt no.472; To reduce the threshold contribution requirement, and strike the provisions relating to communications vouchers and provide that any independent expenditure amounts will be paid directly to the candidate, and provide that the bill is to be partly funded through the imposition of taxes on the political committees of candidates who do not abide by campaign spending limits.S. 3Jun 16
(00152) 152 (32-67)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 444: Wellstone amdt. no. 444; To reduce the individual contribution limit to $500 per election.S. 3Jun 16
(00151) 151 (53-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 462: motion to table gramm amdt no.462; To prohibit the use of Federal funds to pay for congressional elections until the annual Federal budget deficit is eliminated.S. 3Jun 16
(00150) 150 (91-7)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 461: motion to table roth amdt no.461; To strike the provisions relating to public funding of Senate election campaigns and add an amendment of the Communications Act of 1934 providing free broadcast time to congressional candidates.S. 3Jun 16
(00149) 149 (53-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 454: motion to table domenici-cohen amdt no.454; To reduce the amounts of out-of-State contributions accepted by congressional candidates.S. 3Jun 16
(00148) 148 (53-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 445: motion to table shelby amdt no.445 (as modified further); To strike the provisions relating to public funding of Senate election campaigns.S. 3Jun 16
(00147) 147 (52-45)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 366: cloture motion on amdt no.366 to S.3; In the nature of a substitute.S. 3Jun 15
(00146) 146 (53-41)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 366: motion to invoke cloture on amdt no.366 to s.3; In the nature of a substitute.S. 3Jun 10
(00145) 145 (51-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 403: motion to table nickles amdt no.403; To limit the total amount of the subsidy that an eligible Senate candidate may receive to $1,000,000.S. 3Jun 10
(00144) 144 (44-49)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 401: mccain amdt no.401; To limit the amount in which loans made to a campaign by a candidate and members of the candidate's family may be paid.S. 3Jun 10
(00143) 143 (92-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 401: kempthorne amdt no.402; To limit the amount in which loans made to a campaign by a candidate and members of the candidate's family may be paid.S. 3Jun 10
(00142) 142 (47-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 400: motion to table mcconnell amdt no.400; To strike the exclusion of legal and accounting compliance funds from the general election expenditure limit.S. 3Jun 09
(00141) 141 (53-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 399: motion to table bennett amdt no.399; To limit the availability of public funding to challengers who have not received benefits under this title for more than 2 previous general elections.S. 3Jun 09
(00140) 140 (47-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 397: motion to table mcconnell amdt no.397; To require disclosure of communications paid with taxpayer funds.S. 3Jun 09
(00139) 139 (47-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 139: motion to table bennett amdt no.398; No Statement of Purpose on File.S. 460Jun 09
(00138) 138 (43-47)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 394: motion to table boren amdt no.394; To provide that revenues derived from the disallowance of tax deductions for lobbying expenses shall be used to reduce the deficit and to reduce the role of special interests in congressional election campaigns.S. 3Jun 08
(00137) 137 (85-7)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 392: mccain amdt no.392; To change the effective date of the Act.S. 3Jun 08
(00136) 136 (46-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 391: motion to table mcconnell amdt no.391; To eliminate the cost-of-living adjustments for public subsidies.S. 3Jun 08
(00135) 135 (16-76)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 390: graham amdt no.390; To make the broadcast discount available only to candidates for Federal or State office who undertake to abide by reasonable spending limits established under law.S. 3Jun 08
(00134) 134 (32-60)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 389: graham amdt no. 389; To authorize the Commission to make grants to States to fund the preparation and mailing of voter information pamphlets.S. 3Jun 08
(00133) 133 (26-53)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 388: deconcini amdt no.388; To reduce the spending limits for eligible Senate candidates.S. 3May 28
(00132) 132 (42-50)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 386: graham amdt no. 386; To make it a condition of eligibility to receive benefits that an eligible Senate candidate agree to participate in debates.S. 3May 27
(00131) 131 (47-45)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 385: graham amdt no.385; To require contemporaneous notice of the mailing of campaign advertising that refers to an opponent.S. 3May 27
(00130) 130 (35-60)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 381: kerry amdt no.381; To create a purely voluntary public funding system for eligible candidates.S. 3May 27
(00129) 129 (52-43)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 380: hollings amdt no.380; To express the sense of the Senate that the Congress should adopt a joint resolution calling for an amendment to the Constitution that would empower Congress and the States to set reasonable limits on campaign expeditures.S. 3May 27
(00128) 128 (57-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 379: motion to table faircloth amdt no.379; To limit public financing to campaigns for election to terms in the Senate and the House of Reprensentatives aggregating 12 years.S. 3May 26
(00127) 127 (39-59)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 379: kerry amdt no.378; To limit public financing to campaigns for election to terms in the Senate and the House of Reprensentatives aggregating 12 years.S. 3May 26
(00126) 126 (48-50)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 377: motion to table boren amdt no.377; To provide that revenues derived from the disallowance of tax deductions for lobbying expenses shall be used to reduce the deficit and to reduce the role of special interests in congressional election campaigns.S. 3May 26
(00125) 125 (86-11)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 372: pressler amdt no.372, as modified; To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to ban activities of political action committees in Federal elections.S. 3May 26
(00124) 124 (88-9)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 373: wellstone amdt no.373; To reduce the amount of personal funds that an eligible Senate candidate may spend to $25,000.S. 3May 25
(00123) 123 (13-84)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 370: wellstone andt no.370; To reduce the individual contribution limit to $100 per Senate election cycle.S. 3May 25
(00122) 122 (58-31)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: roberta achtenberg to be an asst secretary of hudPN154May 24
(00121) 121 (61-35)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S.714 as amended; An original bill to provide funding for the resolution of failed savings associations, and for other purposes.S. 714May 13
(00120) 120 (43-53)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 365: motion to waive CBA; To guarantee that the $1.00 in Federal spending cut promised to American taxpayers in return for each $3.23 in new taxes will actually occur by making the discretionary spending totals proposed by the President and adopted by the Congress binding and enforceable.S. 714May 13
(00119) 119 (63-32)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 356: metzenbaum amdt no.356; To establish a civil statute of limitations for tort actions brought by the RTC.S. 714May 13
(00118) 118 (62-36)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report on H.R.2; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.H.R. 2May 11
(00117) 117 (63-37)Agreed toOn the Cloture Motion: Cloture motion on conference report on H.R.2; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.H.R. 2May 11
(00116) 116 (95-2)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: final passage s.349 as amended; A bill to provide for the disclosure of lobbying activities to influence the Federal Government, and for other purposes.S. 349May 06
(00115) 115 (98-1)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 347: lautenberg amdt. no 347; Sense of the Senate that the Senate should limit the acceptance of gifts, meals and travel by Members and staff.S. 349May 06
(00114) 114 (79-15)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: final passage s.171 as amended; An Act to establish the Department of Environmental Protection, provide for a Bureau of Environmental Statistics and a Presidential Commission on Improving Environmental Protection, and for other purposes.S. 171May 04
(00113) 113 (40-54)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 341: motion to table baucus amdt no. 341; In the nature of a substitute.S. 171May 04
(00112) 112 (70-26)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 338: motion to table hatch amdt no.337; To establish an Office of Environmental Justice, and for other purposes.S. 171Apr 29
(00111) 111 (95-3)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 334: johnston amdt no.334; Relating to the risk to the health and safety of individual members of the public addressed by the regulation and its affect on human health or the environment.S. 171Apr 29
(00110) 110 (97-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 331: lieberman amdt no.331; To establish a Small Business Ombudsman Office within the Department of the Environment, to provide environmental compliance assistance to small business concerns and family farms, and for other purposes.S. 171Apr 29
(00109) 109 (50-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 329: motion to table nickles amdt. no. 329; To require analysis and estimates of the likely impact of Federal legislation and regulations upon the private sector and State and local governments, and for other purposes.S. 171Apr 29
(00108) 108 (16-79)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 327: motion to table mccain amdt no.327; To provide that one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Department of the Environment shall be an Assistant Secretary for Indian Lands.S. 171Apr 28
(00107) 107 (65-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 325: motion to table specter amdt no.325; To contain health care costs and increase access to affordable health care, and for other purposes.S. 171Apr 28
(00106) 106 (54-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 324: motion to table roth substitute amdt no.324; In the nature of a substitute.S. 171Apr 27
(00105) 105 (56-43)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: motion to invoke cloture on the committee substitute; A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.H.R. 1335Apr 21
(00104) 104 (52-46)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 300: byrd amdt no.300; In the nature of a substitute.H.R. 1335Apr 20
(00103) 103 (53-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 301: motion to table hatfield amdt no.301; Of a perfecting nature.H.R. 1335Apr 20
(00102) 102 (49-29)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: motion to invoke cloture on comm subst to h.r.1335; A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.H.R. 1335Apr 05
(00101) 101 (52-37)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: motion to invoke cloture on the comm subt to h.r.1335; A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.H.R. 1335Apr 03
(00100) 100 (55-43)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: motion to invoke cloture on the comm sub to h.r.1335; A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.H.R. 1335Apr 02
(00099) 99 (89-9)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: nomination of strobe talbottPN110Apr 02
(00098) 98 (51-49)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 294: motion to table domenici amdt no.294; To ensure sufficient funding for the 1994 pay raise for federal, civilian, and military employees.H.R. 1335Apr 01
(00097) 97 (57-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 293: motion to table murkowski amdt no.293; To provide that certain amounts appropriated for certain nonrecurring maintenance projects of the Department of Veterans' Affairs be made available for payments under the service members occupational conversion and training program.H.R. 1335Apr 01
(00096) 96 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 292: motion to table nickles amdt no.292; To eliminate emergency designation for fiscal year 1993 supplemental appropriations associated with President Clinton's stimulus package.H.R. 1335Apr 01
(00095) 95 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table: motion to table bond amdt no.291; A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.H.R. 1335Apr 01
(00094) 94 (55-45)Agreed toOn the Conference Report: conference report on h.con.res.64; A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal years 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998.H.Con.Res. 64Apr 01
(00093) 93 (61-38)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 290: motion to table danforth amdt no.290; To strike the matter relating to Amtrak capital improvement grants.H.R. 1335Mar 31
(00092) 92 (68-32)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 289: motion to table graham amdt no.289; To eliminate from the highway fund allocation formula certain discretionary funds granted to the States for highway programs.H.R. 1335Mar 31
(00091) 91 (70-30)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 288: motion to table amdt. no 288; To authorize the States to transfer apportioned funds between Federal highway program categories.H.R. 1335Mar 31
(00090) 90 (52-48)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 287: motion to waive; To remove the emergency spending designation from all funds in this bill that spend out in fiscal year 1994 or thereafter.H.R. 1335Mar 31
(00089) 89 (56-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 286: motion to table gramm andt no.286; To reduce deficit spending by prohibiting emergency stimulus appropriations from being spent on gymnasiums, parks, boathouses and other activities.H.R. 1335Mar 31
(00088) 88 (57-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 285: motion to table burns amdt no. 285; To eliminate supplemental appropriations for the District of Columbia.H.R. 1335Mar 31
(00087) 87 (54-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 284: motion to table nickles amdt no.284; To eliminate supplemental appropriations for Community Development Block Grants.H.R. 1335Mar 30
(00086) 86 (52-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 279: motion to table brown amdt no.279 upon reconsideration; To prevent funds from being used to assist certain projects through Community Development Grants.H.R. 1335Mar 30
(00085) 85 (52-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Reconsider S.Amdt. 279: motion to reconsider vote on motion to table brown amdt no.279; To prevent funds from being used to assist certain projects through Community Development Grants.H.R. 1335Mar 30
(00084) 84 (44-48)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 279: motion to table brown amdt no.279; To prevent funds from being used to assist certain projects through Community Development Grants.H.R. 1335Mar 29
(00083) 83 (54-45)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: h.con.res.64; A concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal years 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998.H.Con.Res. 64Mar 25
(00082) 82 (57-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 223: motion to table craig amdt no.223; To promote equity and conformance with the states goals of the Administration's energy tax policies, which stress taxation of energy sources which are nonrenewable, are polluting, are inefficient, and produce dependence on foreign energy supplies, by providing for the exclusion of hydroelectric power.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00081) 81 (61-38)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 205: motion to table murkowski amdt no.205; To reduce the instructions to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee by the amount of assumption on changes to the Mining Law.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00080) 80 (57-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 253: motion to table bond amdt no.253; To implement the proposal in President Clinton's book "Putting People First" that the line item veto is vital to "eliminating pork barrel projects and cut government waste" and that his administration "will ask Congress to give the President the line item veto".S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00079) 79 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 246: motion to table gramm amdt no.246; To shield small businesses and family farms from President Clinton's proposed tax on the wealthy, to make proprietorships, partnerships, and Subchapter S corporations exempt from President Clinton's proposed increase in the marginal individual income tax rates, and to reduce the add-on spending contained in President Clinton's plan by a corresponding amount so that no deficit increase results from exempting small businesses and family farms from the increased marginal tax rates.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00078) 78 (34-65)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 200: motion to table cohen amdt no.200; To express the Sense of the Senate supporting granting the President expedited rescission authority with respect to items of appropriation, tax expenditures, and direct spending.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00077) 77 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 195: motion to table; To reduce certain level of budget authority for the Legislative Branch.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00076) 76 (53-46)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 208: motion to table brown amdt no.208; To reduce Function 600 to reflect an elimination of Federal unemployment insurance subsidies to wealthy individuals with annual net taxable incomes over $120,000.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00075) 75 (73-24)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 264: bradley amdt no.264; Relating to a Presidential line-item veto authority over items of appropriation and tax expenditures expiring at the conclusion of the 103rd Congress.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 25
(00074) 74 (51-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 227: motion to table Kassebaum amdt. no. 227; To reduce the reconciliation instruction to the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee regarding Student Loan Program and offset by reducing non-defense discretionary spending increases.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00073) 73 (55-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 243: motion to table thurmond amdt no.243; To ensure adequate funds for the Department of Defense to continue military pay adjustments as prescribed under current law.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00072) 72 (54-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 233: motion to table mccain amdt no.233; To restore military and federal civilian pay levels, and ECI-based pay raises and locality pay to current law.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00071) 71 (50-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 193: motion to table warner amdt no.193; Sense of the Senate regarding that the Congress should promptly reconsider the amounts of the appropriate levels of new budget authority, outlays, new direct loan obligation, and new primary loan guarantee commitments for the National Defense functional categoryS.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00070) 70 (52-46)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 204: motion to table murkowski amdt no.204; To exempt home heating oil from the proposed surtax on energy based on Btu's.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00069) 69 (54-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 234: motion to table stevens amdt no.234; To eliminate assumed reductions in Federal civil service survivors' annuities in order to protect the economic survival of the widows and widowers of Federal employees who would otherwise be faced with a reduction in their annual income by an average of about $1,500.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00068) 68 (55-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 222: motion to table durenberger amdt no.222; To reduce the level contained in the budget resolution by an amount sufficient to assume an exemption for biomass-derived ethanol under the administration's Btu energy tax and to offset lost revenues by reducing new spending increases.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00067) 67 (69-29)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 197: motion to table craig amdt no.197; To reduce the federal deficit by $3.290 billion in fiscal years 1994-1998, increase efficiency and economy in federal procurement, provide job opportunities, increase competition for federal construction contracts, promote small and minority business participation in federal contracting, and eliminate unnecessary paperwork and reporting burdens, by providing for the repeal of the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 and for conforming revisions in the Copeland Act of 1934.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00066) 66 (54-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 190: motion to table burns amdt no.190; To reduce the revenue level contained in the budget resolution by an amount sufficient to assume an exemption under the Btu energy tax for off road fuel use and to offset lost revenues by reducing spending increases.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00065) 65 (51-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 263: motion to table nunn amdt no. 263; To put a permanent, enforceable cap on the amount of non-Social Security mandatory spending beginning with fiscal year 1996.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00064) 64 (95-4)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 262: sasser amdt no.262; To ensure that further federal health care savings will be accomplished as part of comprehensive health care reform.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00063) 63 (93-6)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 257: Baucus amdt. no. 257; Expressing the sense of the Senate that farming and related businesses receive relief from the energy tax.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00062) 62 (96-3)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 256: krueger amdt no.256; To express the sense of the Senate that any amounts saved as a result of any reorganization and streamlining of the Federal Government should be applied to offset the cost of any economic stimulus package enacted in fiscal year 1993 and for deficit reduction.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00061) 61 (62-37)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 254: kennedy amdt no.254; To express the Sense of the Senate, consistent with the position of the Clinton Administration, that fuels used for home heating purposes are exempt from the supplemental Btu tax on oil.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00060) 60 (42-57)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 258: dole amdt no.258; To provide for a budget that would reduce the deficit from $310 billion in fiscal year 1993 to $163.9 billion in fiscal year 1998 and cause the deficit to continue to fall thereafter, without raising taxes on the American people.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00059) 59 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 249: motion to table gramm amdt no.249; To strike the individual income tax increase, the energy tax increase, and the Social Security benefits tax increase, and an equivalent amount of new spending.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00058) 58 (67-32)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 242: lautenberg amdt no.242; To express the Sense of the Senate on Social Security taxes.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00057) 57 (52-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 240: motion to table lott amdt no.240; To strike the proposed tax increase on social security income, and to provide that the revenue reduction is offset by a reduction in proposed new spending.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 24
(00056) 56 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 217: simon amdt no.217; To ensure that fiscal year 1998 funding levels for education reform and initiatives are consistent with the levels requested by President Clinton in his investment program.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00055) 55 (52-47)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 210: motion to table pressler amdt no.210; To express the sense of the Senate that no small business, family farm, or family ranch have its taxes increased to fulfill the requirements of this concurrent resolution.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00054) 54 (70-29)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 215: bingaman amdt no.215; To ensure that fiscal year 1998 funding levels for defense conversion programs are consistent with the levels requested by President Clinton in his investment program.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00053) 53 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 203: motion to table murkowski amdt no.203; To conform the budget resolution with the assumption that the assumed Btu tax will not apply to aviation fuel.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00052) 52 (55-44)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 209: motion to table gorton amdt no.209; To delete increases in Inland Waterways diesel fuel user fee and offset the revenue losses by reducing domestic discretionary increases by equivalent amount.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00051) 51 (82-15)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 202: leahy amdt no.202; To ensure that fiscal year 1998 funding levels for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program are consistent with the levels requested by President Clinton in his investment program.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00050) 50 (58-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 198: motion to table domenici amdt no.198; To adjust defense spending consistent with a $60 billion reduction from last year's defense plan over 1994 to 1998.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00049) 49 (51-48)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 196: brown amdt no.196; To reduce Function 920 to reflect a freeze of Federal department and agency overhead in FY94 and FY95, and an adjustment for inflation through 1998.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00048) 48 (59-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 194: wallop amdt no.194; To alter the instructions to the Energy and Natural Resources Committee by reducing the amounts assumed to be generated through increases in grazing fees, changes to the Mining Laws of the United States, increases in recreation fees, and imposition of an irrigation surcharge.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00047) 47 (56-43)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 192: nunn amdt no.192; To express the sense of the Senate regarding the relationship between appropriations for fiscal year 1994 for budget functional category 050 (national defense) and the levels of budget authority and outlays that are provided for in this concurrent resolution for such fiscal year for such functional category.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00046) 46 (69-30)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 189: nunn amdt no.189; To express the sense of the Senate regarding budget functional category 050 adjustments for changes in inflation assumptions and in assumptions regarding Federal pay increases.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00045) 45 (54-45)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 188: bingaman amdt no.188; To state the assumptions of the resolution for domestic livestock grazing on Federal lands and royalty fees for hardrock mining.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00044) 44 (48-52)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 186: wellstone amdt no.186; Sense of the Senate that any increases set forth do not assume an energy tax on nonconventional fuels, including solar, geothermal, wind, and biomass-dervived fuels.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00043) 43 (56-44)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 185: deconcini amdt no. 185; To ensure that fiscal year 1998 funding levels for Community Policing ("Cops on the Beat") program are consistent with the levels requested by President Clinton in his investment program.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 23
(00042) 42 (54-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 184: motion to table grassley amdt no. 184; To freeze non-defense discretionary spending across the board for five years.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 19
(00041) 41 (84-12)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 183: kennedy amdt no. 183; To ensure that fiscal year 1998 funding levels of the Head Start program are consistent with the levels requested by President Clinton in his investment program.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 19
(00040) 40 (46-53)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 182: nickles amdt no. 182; To eliminate the energy tax and offset lost revenues by reducing spending increases.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 18
(00039) 39 (88-12)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 181: harkin amdt no. 181 as modified; To express the sense of the Senate regarding the barge tax.S.Con.Res. 18Mar 18
(00038) 38 (62-37)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: final passage; A bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.H.R. 2Mar 17
(00037) 37 (59-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 111: motion to table; To provide that a State shall be exempt from the Act if it is determined that compliance with this Act would increase taxes on its citizens.S. 460Mar 17
(00036) 36 (58-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 112: motion to table mccain amdt no. 112; To require procedures to be developed and implemented to register voters upon their being inducted into the Armed Forces and to allow members of the Armed Forces to vote by Absentee ballot.S. 460Mar 17
(00035) 35 (58-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 129: motion to table simpson amdt no. 129; To provide for a study to determine whether, after enactment, as many as 3.0 percent of persons who are registered to vote are noncitizens, and if that is the case, to provide expedited procedures for sunsetting parts of the bill.S. 460Mar 17
(00034) 34 (58-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 128: mkotion to table simpson amdt no. 128; To provide for the imposition of civil penalties for misrepresentation or fraud concerning citizenship.S. 460Mar 17
(00033) 33 (59-41)RejectedOn the Cloture Motion: cloture motion - S. 460; An original bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.S. 460Mar 16
(00032) 32 (99-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 123: ford amnd no. 123; To exempt States which have enacted legislation to permit registration on Election Day at the polling place, to eliminate the provision on a written declaration to register, a technical provision which relates to the transmittal of registration application by motor vehicle officials to the appropriate State election authority, to modify the effective date for the States which have a State constitutional problem to conforming to the Act, and a provision relating to the notice of the disposition of the mail application for registration.S. 460Mar 16
(00031) 31 (53-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 80: motion to table nickles amnd no. 80; To put off the effective date with respect to a State until January first of the year after the year in which Congress enacts legislation authorizing and appropriating funds to pay the State's costs of implementing the Act.S. 460Mar 11
(00030) 30 (55-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 79: motion to table mccain amdt no.79; To ensure that individuals applying for agency based registration are not coerced by such agencies.S. 460Mar 11
(00029) 29 (98-0)ConfirmedOn the Nomination: Janet Reno - Attorney GeneralPN96Mar 11
(00028) 28 (56-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 78: motion to table kempthorne amndt. no. 78; To establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.S. 460Mar 10
(00027) 27 (45-52)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 73: motion to waive CBA with respect to McCain amdt 73; To grant the power to the President to reduce budget authority.S. 460Mar 10
(00026) 26 (62-38)Agreed toOn Cloture on the Motion to Proceed: cloture motion on motion to proceed to s.460; An original bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.S. 460Mar 09
(00025) 25 (52-36)RejectedOn Cloture on the Motion to Proceed: Cloture Motion On Motion To Proceed To S.460; An original bill to establish national voter registration procedures for Federal elections, and for other purposes.S. 460Mar 05
(00024) 24 (66-33)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 920, As Amended; A bill to extend the emergency unemployment compensation program, and for other purposes.H.R. 920Mar 03
(00023) 23 (58-41)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 69: Motion To Table; To eliminate the cost-of-living adjustments for Federal employees and Members of Congress in Calendar year 1994, and for other purposes.S. 382Mar 03
(00022) 22 (44-55)RejectedOn the Motion S.Amdt. 67: Motion To Waive CBA; Sense of the Senate that until the President of the U.S. has submitted the budget required by Section 300 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, no Concurrent Resolution on the Budget should be considered.S. 382Mar 03
(00021) 21 (57-43)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 66: Motion To Table Packwood Amdt. No. 66; To pay for the extension of unemployment benefits through the enactment of savings to streamline government and enhance management efficiency.S. 382Mar 03
(00020) 20 (94-2)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S. Res. 71 As Amended; An original resolution authorizing biennial expenditures by the committees of the Senate.S.Res. 71Feb 25
(00019) 19 (29-69)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 61: Chafee Amdt. No. 61; To reduce committee funding for the period March 1, 1993, through February 28, 1995.S.Res. 71Feb 24
(00018) 18 (43-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 58: Reid Amdt. No. 58; To abolish the Committee on Aging of the Senate, effective January 1, 1994.S.Res. 71Feb 24
(00017) 17 (30-68)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 59: Cochran Second Degree Amdt. No. 59; To eliminate funding for the Special Committee on Aging and to abolish the committee.S.Res. 71Feb 24
(00016) 16 (98-0)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 51: Mitchell Second Degree Amdt. No. 51; It is the sense of the Senate that the rate of pay of Senators should be frozen for one year.S.Res. 71Feb 24
(00015) 15 (93-4)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: S.1, As Amended; A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the programs of the National Institutes of Health, and for other purposes.S. 1Feb 18
(00014) 14 (23-74)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 49: Helms Amdt. No. 48; To permit the United States Claims Court to continue to receive, and forward, petitions for compensation for a vaccine-related injury.S. 1Feb 18
(00013) 13 (76-23)Agreed toOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 39: Nickles Amdt. No. 13; Relating to the admission to the United States of aliens infected with the AIDS virus.S. 1Feb 18
(00012) 12 (42-56)RejectedOn the Amendment S.Amdt. 40: Kennedy Amdt. No. 40; To provide that the current list of communicable diseases of public health significance remain in place for a 90-day period and to require that a careful review of potential costs to the U.S. health care system take place before any change in the list.S. 1Feb 18
(00011) 11 (71-27)PassedOn Passage of the Bill: H.R. 1, As Amended; A bill to grant family and temporary medical leave under certain circumstances.H.R. 1Feb 04
(00010) 10 (59-39)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 22: Motion To Table Brown Amdt. No. 22; To modify provisions relating to intermittent leave and leave on a reduced leave schedule.S. 5Feb 04
(00009) 9 (62-37)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 19: Motion To Table Dole Amdt. No. 19; To provide for a review of Department of Defense policy concerning service of homosexuals in the Armed Forces.S. 5Feb 04
(00008) 8 (1-98)RejectedOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 18: Motion To Table Mitchell Amdt. No. 18; With respect to military policy with respect to homosexuals.S. 5Feb 04
(00007) 7 (67-31)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 16: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 16; To limit the period for which a public employer may be required to provide family and medical leave.S. 5Feb 04
(00006) 6 (56-42)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 14: Motion To Table Danforth Amdt. No. 14; To encourage mediation of complaints filed with respect to family and medical leave.S. 5Feb 03
(00005) 5 (64-35)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 12: Motion To Table Wallop Amdt. No. 12; To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to permit an employee to take compensatory time off in lieu of compensation for overtime hours.S. 5Feb 03
(00004) 4 (63-36)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 11: Motion To Table Kassebaum Amendment No. 11; To permit employers to satisfy family and medical leave requirements by offering such leave as a benefit in a cafeteria plan.S. 5Feb 03
(00003) 3 (54-46)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 3: Motion To Table Grassley Amdt. No. 3; To establish arbitration procedures.S. 5Feb 03
(00002) 2 (60-40)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 10: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 10; To establish provisions relating to notice.S. 5Feb 03
(00001) 1 (67-33)Agreed toOn the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 4: Motion To Table Amdt. No. 4; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for the adoption of flexible family leave policies by employers.S. 5Feb 03