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U.S. Senators Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is given by the president of the United States to honor individuals who have made great contributions to either the United States or the world. To date, 30 senators have received the award.
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NameDate Received
BakerHoward H. Baker, Jr. (R-TN) 1984_0326Mar 26,1984
BentsenLloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. (D-TX) 1999_0811Aug 11, 1999
BidenJoe Biden (D-DE) 2017_0112Jan 12, 2017
>BrookeEdward W. Brooke III (R-MA) 2004_0623Jun 23, 2004
>ChafeeJohn H. Chafee (R-RI) 2000_0809Aug 9, 2000
>DoleRobert J. Dole (Bob) (R-KS) 1997_0117Jan 17, 1997
>FulbrightJames W. Fulbright (D-AR) 1993_0505May 5, 1993
>GlennJohn Glenn (D-OH) 2012_0529May 29, 2012
>GoldwaterBarry M. Goldwater (R-AZ) 1986_0312Mar 12, 1986
>HatchOrrin G. Hatch (R-UT) 2018_1116Nov 16, 2018
>HumphreyHubert H. Humphrey, Jr. (D-MN) 1980_0609Jun 9, 1980
InouyeDaniel K. Inouye (D-HI) 2013_1120Nov 20, 2013
JacksonScoop Jackson (D-WA) 1984_0626Jun 26, 1984
JavitsJacob K. Javits (R-NY) 1983_0223Feb 23, 1983
JohnsonLyndon B. Johnson (D-TX) 1980_0609Jun 9, 1980
KennedyEdward M. Kennedy (Ted) (D-MA) 2009_0812Aug 12, 2009
KennedyJohn F. Kennedy (D-MA) 1993_1206Dec 6, 1993
LehmanHerbert H. Lehman (D-NY) 1964_0628Jan 28, 1964
LugarRichard G. Lugar (R-IN) 2013_1120Nov 20, 2013
MansfieldMichael J. Mansfield (D-MT) 1989_0119Jan 19, 1989
McCainJohn S. McCain III (R-AZ) 2022_0707Jul 7, 2022
McGovernGeorge S. McGovern (D-SD) 2000_1109Aug 9, 2000
MikulskiBarbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) 2015_1124Nov 24, 2015
MitchellGeorge J. Mitchell (D-ME) 1999_0317Mar 17, 1999
MoynihanDaniel P. Moynihan (D-NY) 2000_0809Aug 9, 2000
MuskieEdmund S. Muskie (D-ME) 1981_0116Jan 16, 1981
NelsonGaylord A. Nelson (D-WI) 1995_0929Sep 29, 1995
PepperClaude D. Pepper (D-FL) 1989_0526May 26, 1989
SmithMargaret Chase Smith (R-ME) 1989_0706Jul 6, 1989
ThurmondStrom Thurmond (D, R-SC) 1993_0112Jan 12, 1993