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About the Secretary of the Senate | J. Stanley Kimmitt, 1977-1981

New York-born Joseph Stanley Kimmitt spent his professional life traversing the military, political, and corporate worlds. After military service in World War II, Kimmitt first came to the Senate in 1955 as liaison officer for the secretary of the army. He eventually joined the staff of Montana senator Mike Mansfield and was elected Democratic Party secretary in 1966, serving as chief floor assistant to Majority Leader Mike Mansfield. When Senator Mansfield retired from the Senate in 1977, Kimmitt challenged the incumbent secretary of the Senate, Francis R. Valeo, and was elected to replace him—one of the few instances of two secretaries competing for the position. As secretary, Kimmitt served under Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd until Republicans gained the majority in 1981. Upon leaving office, Kimmitt received bipartisan praise for his leadership. Democratic Leader Byrd noted that Kimmitt served with “distinction, integrity, and dedication.” Republican Leader Howard H. Baker, Jr., called Kimmitt “the embodiment of dedication and untiring service.” Following his Senate career, Kimmitt continued to work in the vicinity of Capitol Hill as a political consultant.

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