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Funeral and Memorial Services in the Senate Chamber

In all, there have been 55 funeral and memorial services held in the Senate Chamber from 1812 to 2013. Visit the funeral and memorial artifact collection list to view tickets, order of service pamphlets, order of procedure cards, or programs from these services.
NameEvent DateEvent ImageArtifact
George Clinton (NY)* 18120321Apr 21, 1812
BurrillJames Burrill, Jr. (RI) 18201227Dec 27, 1820
TrimbleWilliam A. Trimble (OH) 18211214Dec 14, 1821
PinkneyWilliam Pinkney (MD) 18220227Feb 27, 1822
GaillardJohn Gaillard (SC) 18260228Feb 28, 1826
NobleJames Noble (IN) 18310228Feb 28, 1831
SmithNathan Smith (CT) 18351209Dec 9, 1835
KaneElias K. Kane (IL) 18351214Dec 14, 1835
BettsThaddeus Betts (CT) 18400808Apr 8, 1840
DixonNathan F. Dixon (RI) 18420201Feb 1, 1842
SouthardSamuel L. Southard (NJ) 18420628Jun 28, 1842
BatesIsaac C. Bates (MA) 18450318Mar 18, 1845
BarrowAlexander Barrow (LA) 18461231Dec 31, 1846
PennybackerIsaac S. Pennybacker (VA) 18470113Jan 13, 1847
AshleyChester Ashley (AR) 18480502May 2, 1848
CalhounJohn C. Calhoun (SC) 18500402Apr 2, 1850
ElmoreFranklin H. Elmore (SC) 18500531May 31, 1850
ClayHenry Clay (KY) 18520701Jul 1, 1852
EvansJosiah J. Evans (SC) 18580508May 8, 1858
HendersonJames P. Henderson (TX) 18580606Jun 6, 1858
HicksThomas H. Hicks (MD) 18650215Feb 15, 1865
FootSolomon Foot (VT) 18660329Mar 29, 1866
ChaseSalmon P. Chase (OH) 18730512May 12, 18731873 Engraving
SumnerCharles Sumner (MA) 18740313Mar 13, 18741874 Engraving
WilsonHenry Wilson (MA) 18751126Nov 26, 18751875 Engraving
MillerJohn F. Miller (CA) 18860313Mar 13, 1886
LoganJohn A. Logan 18861231Dec 31, 18861886 Photograph
BeckJames B. Beck (KY) 18900507May 7, 1890
PlumbPreston B. Plumb (KS) 18911221Dec 21, 1891
BarbourJohn S. Barbour, Jr. (VA) 18920516May 16, 1892
KennaJohn E. Kenna (WV) 18930112Jan 12, 1893
ColquittAlfred H. Colquitt (GA) 18940327Mar 27, 1894
VanceZebulon B. Vance (NC) 18940416Apr 16, 1894
HarrisIsham G. Harris (TN) 18970710Jul 10, 1897
WalthallEdward C. Walthall (MS) 18980423April 23, 1898
MorrillJustin S. Morrill (VT) 18981231Dec 31, 1898
HannaMark Hanna (OH) 19040217Feb 17, 1904
BateWilliam B. Bate (TN) 19050310Mar 10, 1905
James S. Sherman (NY)* 19130215Feb 15, 1913
BaconAugustus O. Bacon (GA) 19140217Feb 17, 19141914 Photograph1914 Ticket
BurtonTheodore E. Burton (OH) 19291030Oct 30, 19291929 Order of Services
WarrenFrancis E. Warren (WY) 19291126Nov 26, 19291929 Photograph1929 Order of Services
OvermanLee S. Overman (NC) 19301212Dec 12, 1930
HarrisWilliam J. Harris (GA) 19320420Apr 20, 19321932 Order of Services
WalshThomas J. Walsh (MT) 19330306March 6, 19331933 Order of Services
RobinsonJoseph T. Robinson (AR) 19370716Jul 16, 19371937 Photograph1937 Ticket
LewisJames H. Lewis (IL) 19390412Apr 12, 19391939 Photograph1939 Order of Services
SwansonClaude A. Swanson (VA) 19390710Jul 10, 19391939 Photograph1939 Order of Services
BorahWilliam E. Borah (ID) 19400122Jan 22, 19401940 Order of Procedure
SheppardMorris Sheppard (TX) 19410410Apr 10, 1941
HarrisonPat Harrison (MS) 19410623Jun 23, 1941
McCarthyJoseph R. McCarthy (WI) 19570506May 6, 19571957 Photograph
LangerWilliam Langer (ND) 19591110Nov 10, 1959
ByrdRobert C. Byrd (WV) 20100701July 1, 20102010 Photograph2010 Condolence Card
LautenbergFrank R. Lautenberg (NJ) 20130606Jun 6, 20132013 Photograph2013 Condolence Card