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Senators Not Represented in Senate Historical Office Photo Collection

The Senate Historical Office maintains a collection of more than 40,000 still pictures, slides, and negatives. The collection includes photographs and illustrations of most former senators, but to date no photo or other illustration of about 45 members has been found. Below is a list (by state) of U.S. senators for whom we have no image in our collection. If you have an image, or information that may lead us to an image, please contact the Senate's photo historian.


Alabama: - 1
William Kelly, 1822-1825

Connecticut: - 3
Thaddeus Betts, 1839-1840
Nathan Smith, 1833-1835
Perry Smith, 1837-1843

Delaware: - 1
Outerbridge Horsey, 1810-1821

Georgia: - 5
William Bellinger Bulloch, 1813-1813
Thomas Willis Cobb, 1824-1828
Alfred Cuthbert, 1835-1843
James Gunn, 1789-1801
Josiah Tattnall, 1796-1799

Kentucky - 1
George Walker, 1814-1814

Louisiana - 3
Eligius Fromentin, 1813-1819
Allan Bowie Magruder, 1812-1813
Robert Carter Nicholas, 1836-1841

Massachusetts - 1
Eli Porter Ashmun, 1816-1818

Maryland - 6
John Henry, 1789-1797
Robert Henry Goldsborough, 1813-1819, 1835-1836
James Lloyd, 1797-1800
William Dunhurst Merrick, 1838-1845
John Selby Spence, 1836-1840
David Stewart, 1849-1850

Mississippi - 2
Robert Huntington Adams, 1830-1830
Joseph Williams Chalmers, 1845-1847

Alexander Buckner, 1831-1833

New Hampshire - 2
Charles Cutts, 1810-1813
Nahum Parker, 1807-1810

New Jersey: - 3
Jonathan Elmer, 1789-1791
Aaron Kitchell, 1805-1809
James Jefferson Wilson, 1815-1821

New York - 1
Obadiah German, 1809-1815

North Carolina - 3
Timothy Bloodworth, 1795-1801
Jesse Franklin, 1799-1805, 1807-1813
Francis Locke, 1814-1815

Ohio - 3
Stanley Griswold, 1809-1809
Joseph Kerr, 1814-1815
John Smith, 1803-1808

Pennsylvania - 1
Samuel Maclay, 1803-1809

Rhode Island - 7
William Bradford, 1793-1795; 1795-1797
Nathan Dixon, Sr., 1839-1842
Benjamin Howland, 1804-1809
Francis Malbone, 1809-1809
Samuel John Potter, 1803-1804
Joseph Stanton, Jr., 1790-1793
William Sprague, 1842-1844

South Carolina - 1
John Hunter, 1796-1798

Tennessee - 3
Daniel Smith, 1798-1799, 1805-1809
Jesse Wharton, 1814-1815
Jenkin Whiteside, 1809-1811

Vermont - 3
Dudley Chase, 1813-1817, 1825-1831
Jonathan Robinson, 1807-1815
Israel Smith, 1803-1807
