| 1900 Farewell JournalJournal of Senators Who Have Read Washington's Farewell Address in the Senate Chamber | Unidentified Unidentified | 1900 | Leather, Paper11.00017.001 |
| 1977 Inauguration Platform DiagramDiagram of Seating on President's Platform, 1977 Inauguration Ceremonies | Government Printing Office Government Printing Office | 1977-01-20 | Paper11.00049.003 |
| 1943 Congressional YearbookThe Congressional | SchoolCapitol Page School | 1943 | Paper11.00117.001 |
| 1869 GuidebookSights and Secrets of the National Capital: A Work Descriptive of Washington City In All Its Various Phases | EllisJohn B. Ellis | 1869 | Leather, Paper14.00017.001 |
| 1887 GuidebookWashington, What to See and How to See It. A Sightseers Guide. | KeimDe B. Randolph Keim | 1887 | Paper14.00028.001 |
| 1876 GuidebookKeim's Capitol Interior and Diagrams: A Complete Guide to All Parts of the Capitol | KeimDe B. Randolph Keim | 1876 | Paper14.00029.001 |
| 1890 Holy BibleThe Holy Bible, containing the Old and New testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. | American Bible Society (Publisher) American Bible Society (Publisher) | 1890 | Leather, Paper14.00054.001 |
| 1826 Holy BibleThe Holy Bible, containing the Old and New testament. Translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, to his Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. | Smith (Publisher)J. Smith (Publisher) | 1826 | Paper14.00055.001 |
| Washington Standard GuideWashington Standard Guide | Charles B. Reynolds Charles B. Reynolds | 1907 | Paper14.00064.001 |
| Points of Historic InterestPoints of Historic Interest, Inauguration of Wilson and Marshall, Washington, March 4, 1913, Selected by the Committee on Marking Points of Historic Interest | National Capitol Press, Inc. National Capitol Press, Inc. | 1913 | Paper14.00103.001 |
| 1887 GuidebookPicturesque Washington: Pen and Pencil Sketches | MooreJoseph West Moore | 1887 | Paper14.00107.001 |
| 1934 Holy BibleThe Holy Bible. King James authorized version, containing the Old and New testaments. Translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. | Holman Company (Publisher)A. J. Holman Company (Publisher) | 1934 ca. | Paper14.00114.001 |
| Manual of Parliamentary PracticeA Manual of Parliamentary Practice. For the Use of the Senate of the United States. | Thomas Jefferson (17431826) Thomas Jefferson (17431826) | 1993 | Paper14.00117.000 |