Description | Formats |
Active Legislation (Sample: 115th Congress) | HTML | XML |
Committee Hearings and Meetings Schedule | HTML | XML |
Committee Memberships | HTML | XML |
Current Senators Contact List | HTML | XML |
Current Senators Information including Full Committee Assignments | HTML | XML |
Floor Schedule | HTML | XML |
Floor Summaries (Sample: April 20, 2015) | HTML | XML |
- Pending in committee
- Privileged
- Confirmed
- Pending on Executive Calendar
- Non-civilian
- Pending in committee
- Confirmed
- Pending on Executive Calendar
- Failed or returned to president
Roll Call Vote Lists (Sample: 111th Cong., 2nd Sess.) | HTML | XML |
Roll Call Votes (Sample: 111th Cong., 2nd Sess., Roll Call Vote No. 1) | HTML | XML |