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The Senate maintains a collection of over 1,000 historical prints and engravings. This collection contains a rich array of 19th and early 20th century images portraying the events, people, and settings of the U.S. Senate.

This list of artifacts from the Senate Collection is organized by date, with the oldest object listed first. Undated artifacts appear at the end.

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[George] Washington's Fa...
[George] Washington.
Le Capitol à Washington
Charles Carroll of Carro...
View of the Capitol at W...
Capitol of the U.S. Wash...
Front View of the Capito...
Capitol of the United St...
Capitol of the United St...
City of Washington.
City of Washington.
View of the Capitol at W...
Principal Front of the C...
Washington, from the Pre...
To the Washington Light ...
Senate Chamber
A[lexander]. Mouton / Se...
The Ascent to the Capito...
Gen. Marion in His Swamp...
The Capitol at Washingto...
Henry Clay
John Quincy Adams.
Thomas Hart Benton.
Henry Clay.
De Witt Clinton.
John Forsyth.
Felix Grundy.
Andrew Jackson.
Richard Mentor Johnson.
John Marshall.
John Randolph.
Samuel Lewis Southard.
John Tyler.
Martin Van Buren.
Daniel Webster.
Levi Woodbury.
Silas Wright[, Jr.].
William Henry Harrison.
John Caldwell Calhoun.
Nathaniel Potter [sic] T...
Dixon Hall Lewis.
United States Senate Cha...
The Capitol at Washingto...
A New Map for Travelers ...
Washington, As It Is See...
Washington / Capitol (Ea...
Senate Chamber
Principal Front of the C...
Silas Wright, Jr.
Z[achery] Taylor.
Where's My Thunder?
New Map of the United St...
Henry Clay.
Le Capitole a Washington...
Henry Clay
Henry Clay.
John Caldwell Calhoun.
View of the Senate of th...
Representation of the Un...
Interior View of the Uni...
A View of the City of Wa...
General Post-Office
The Sad Parting between ...
Capitol of the U.S. Wash...
Hon. Daniel Webster.
Daniel Webster Deliverin...
Laying of the Corner Sto...
Daniel Webster (1782-185...
Henry Clay.
[Andrew] Jackson.
Interior View of the Uni...
The Capitol of the Unite...
Webster Funeral Processi...
Medallion Head of [Danie...
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Monumental Design to the...
View of the Residence of...
Portraits of United Stat...
Portraits of United Stat...
Opening the 2nd Session ...
Mr. Webster's Library.
The Last Moments of Dani...
Present State of the Cap...
Portraits of United Stat...
Portraits of United Stat...
Portraits of United Stat...
Portraits of United Stat...
Bird's-Eye View oe [sic]...
Interior of the Rotunda—...
President in Vice-Presid...
Assembling of the Multit...
Statue of Daniel Webster...
[Daniel] Webster.
Principal Public Buildin...
The United States Senate...
Our Country
Georgetown and the City ...
Congressional Library of...
National Capitol.
Das Neue Capitol (Washin...
[Henry] Clay.
[Plaster model of] The S...
Congressional Library, W...
Congressional Library in...
The Congressional Librar...
Congressional Library in...
U.S. Capitol
Senate Corridor, (In U.S...
Main Corridor of Lobby o...
Corridor. Interior U.S. ...
[Senate Corridor. Washin...
[Senate Corridor]
[Senate Corridor, U.S. C...
Corridor Of Senate Chamb...
[Marble Staircase. Capit...
Western Emigration [sic]...
[Westward the Course of ...
[House of Representative...
Reception-Room in U.S. C...
Reception Room in U.S. C...
Reception Room in U.S. C...
The Marble Room (In the ...
Marble Room, in U.S. Cap...
The Marble Room in the U...
Marble Room in the U.S. ...
The Marble Room in the U...
The 'Marble Room' at the...
The 'Marble Room' at the...
Marble Room, U.S. Capito...
[Marble Room, U.S. Capit...
[Marble Room, U.S. Capit...
Marble Room, Washington ...
Marble Room, Senate.
Interior Views. Retiring...
The Marble Room, Senate.
Marble Room, Senate.
Marble Room, Senate.
Senator Sumner's Recepti...
Old Hall of Representati...
[President's Room, U.S. ...
President's Room, in the...
President's Room (In U.S...
President's Room, in the...
The Presidents' Room, in...
President's Room in U.S....
[President's Room, U.S. ...
The President's Room, Se...
The U.S. Supreme Court R...
Senate Chamber.
[Senate Chamber, U.S. Ca...
[Senate Chamber, U.S. Ca...
The Senate Chamber
Senate Chamber, U.S. Cap...
[Senate Reception Room, ...
Ladies Reception Room, (...
[Senate Reception Room, ...
The Sergeant-at-Arms' Ro...
[Plaster model of] Statu...
Model of Crawford's Stat...
Vice President's Room.
Interior Library of Cong...
Congressional Library.
Corridor Under House of ...
A joint session of the S...
Marble Room, Senate.
Presidents Room in the U...
Brumidi's Allegorical Pa...
The Supreme Courtroom in...
[Senate Chamber, U.S. Ca...
Senate Chamber, Capitol ...
Senate Chamber, (In U.S....
Old Hall of Representati...
Old Hall of Representati...
Statue of George Washing...
[Statuary Hall, U.S. Cap...
Statuary Hall in U.S. Ca...
Fresco in Dome, U.S. Cap...
Dome, Capitol, Washingto...
Dome, Capitol, Washingto...
[House of Representative...
[House of Representative...
The House of Representat...
The House of Representat...
House of Representatives...
U.S. Capitol, Washington...
The House of Representat...
House of Representatives...
House of Representatives...
President Woodrow Wilson...
House of Representatives...
[Statuary Hall, U.S. Cap...
[Statuary Hall, U.S. Cap...
Clock, Old House of Repr...
Statuary Hall, U.S. Capi...
[Plaster model of Statue...
Marble Statue of Lincoln...
[Plaster model of] Statu...
The Senate Chamber
Senate Chamber, (In U.S....
[Senate Chamber], Washin...
[Senate Chamber], Washin...
Senate Chamber, [Vice Pr...
City of Washington.
Samuel Houston
H[enry] Clay
Dan[ie]l Webster
Ladies in the Senate Cha...
'A Message from the Pres...
The New Dome of the Capi...
The Assault in the U.S. ...
General Cass in the Sena...
Inauguration of Mr. Buch...
[Dred Scott and His Fami...
The Capitol at Washingto...
Hon. James M. Mason, Uni...
Hon. John P. Hale, Unite...
Hon. Jacob Collamer, Uni...
Hon. William M. Gwin, Un...
Basement of the Houses o...
Balustrade of the Stairc...
A Calm Debate in the Uni...
Millard Fillmore
The Last Hours of Congre...
Hon. James A. Pearce, U....
The Capitol at Washingto...
The United States Senate...
Senate Post Office—Washi...
Daniel Webster Addressin...
National Republican Char...
James Murray Mason
[Daniel S. Dickinson]
[Daniel Webster]
Geo[rge] W. Jones
S[amuel] C. Pomeroy
[Henry Wilson]
Senator [Lot M.] Morrill
[Senate Corridor]
[Charles Sumner]
[U.S. Senators and Repre...
Henry Clay.
North East View of the C...
Beauties of the Franking...
Hon. Robert M.T. Hunter,...
Hon. Robert Toombs, of G...
Hon. Stephen A. Douglas,...
The National Capitol at ...
The City of Washington, ...
[President's Room, U.S. ...
[President's Room, U.S. ...
[Main Corridor, United S...
[William H. Seward]
Henry Clay
Dan[ie]l Webster
Rufus Choate
H[enry] Clay
[James M. Mason]
[Mrs. Isaac Bassett]
[Isaac Bassett]
Eminent Upholders in Con...
Jefferson Davis
Anficht des Capitols in ...
William H. Seward
Dan[ie]l Webster
1. Sectional View of the...
President Lincoln Hoisti...
View on Pennsylvania Ave...
View of the Capitol, Sho...
The Inauguration of Abra...
Inauguration of the Sixt...
The Inaugural Procession...
Presidents Buchanan and ...
United States Artillery ...
Grand Ball in Honor of t...
President Lincoln Delive...
A Scene in the Hall of R...
The Washington Navy-Yard...
The Sixth Regiment of Ma...
Balloon View of Washingt...
Birdseye View of the Cit...
View of Georgetown, Wash...
The Troops in Washington...
Balloon View of Washingt...
Arrival of Horses at Was...
Death of Colonel E[dward...
[Vice President's dais]
M[illard]. Fillmore
Albert Gallatin
Rob[ert] Morris.
O[liver]. H. Perry
John Jay—First Chief Jus...
The Great Uprising of th...
Great War Meeting at Was...
The Great National Baker...
Convalescent Soldiers Pa...
N.E. View of the United ...
[Daniel Webster]
[Henry Clay]
S[almon]. P. Chase
Gouv[erneur] Morris
Olie [Oliver] Ellsworth
[Salmon P. Chase]
[Civil War Senate]
[Andrew Jackson]
[Stephen A. Douglas]
Andrew Johnson
Capitol at Washington.
Senate Front, Washington...
The Chief Justices of th...
Presidents Room. N. Wing...
Grand Marble Room. N. Wi...
Thomas H. Benton
Daniel Webster
Judge [John] Catron
Chief Justice [Salmon P....
Judge P[eter]. V. Daniel
Judge [Stephen J.] Field
Judge [Robert C.] Grier
Chief Justice [Roger B.]...
Judge [James M.] Wayne
[Isaac Bassett]
[Stephen A. Douglas]
Ashland—Homestead of Hen...
[George Washington]
Daniel Webster
[U.S. Senators]
President Lincoln Taking...
President Lincoln's Rein...
Second Inauguration of A...
The Second Inauguration ...
Grand Review at Washingt...
Grand Review at Washingt...
Grand Review of the Nati...
Grand Review at Washingt...
[Senate Chamber]
President's Room, (In U....
The Congressional Librar...
[U.S. Senate Chamber]
Marble Room, U.S. Capito...
United States Capitol.
United States Capitol.
The First Reading of the...
Battle of Lake Erie.
Scene at the Pennsylvani...
King Andy I.
Interior of the Dome of ...
[Marble Room, in U.S. Ca...
Statue of A. Lincoln in ...
Statue of Lincoln, Rotun...
Statue of A. Lincoln in ...
Statue of A. Lincoln in ...
Senate Chamber, (in U.S....
Plan of the City of Wash...
Ladies' Reception Room, ...
Hon. Benjamin F. Wade, P...
Amphitheatrum Johnsonian...
United States Supreme Co...
Summary Ejectment of One...
H[enry] Wilson
Schuyler Colfax
The Ladies' Gallery in t...
The Gentlemen's Gallery ...
The Chief Justice and As...
Senator Morton, of India...
A Brace of Dead Ducks.
The Impeachment Exciteme...
Formal Notice of the Imp...
Impeachment—Thaddeus Ste...
Impeachment—The Impeachm...
Interior of the House of...
This Little Boy Would Pe...
The Paroquet of the Wh—e...
The House Committee, Ele...
The House Committee of I...
President Johnson's Last...
Portraits of the Manager...
Opening of the High Cour...
George T. Brown, Sergean...
Chief Justice Chase, as ...
Mr. Geo. T. Brown, the S...
Judge Nelson Administeri...
Office of the Secretary ...
Mr. Thaddeus Stevens Bei...
Scene in the Senate Cham...
Scenes and Incidents at ...
The Senate as a Court of...
The High Court of Impeac...
J.I. Christie, Messenger...
The Ladies' Gallery of t...
[U.S. Senators]
Swearing in a Witness at...
Chief-Justice Chase Donn...
Hon. B.F. Wade Awaiting ...
The Refectory of the Sen...
The Impeachment Trial, W...
The Impeachment Trial, W...
Scene in the U.S. Senate...
Scene in the Senate Lobb...
A Significant Dinner Par...
Impeachment—Scene in 'Ne...
Impeachment—Reporters an...
Taking the Vote on the I...
President Johnson Receiv...
The Vice-President's Roo...
Hon. Ben. Wade, Presidin...
Congressional Pests—Lady...
The Inauguration of Pres...
The Inauguration of Ulys...
Vice-President Wade Admi...
The Capitol at Washingto...
George William Curtis.
Sketch, Washington, Adam...
[Library of Congress in ...
The Senate Chamber
Marble Room. U.S. Capito...
[Vice President's Room, ...
De Witt Clinton
Abraham Lincoln.
[U.S. Senators]
[U.S. Representatives]
Dan[ie]l Webster
'Time Works Wonders.'
Music Evening at the Cap...
Old House of Representat...
[Marble Room, Senate.]
[U.S. Capitol Interiors]
[U.S. Capitol Interiors]
The Congressional Librar...
The Senate of the United...
The Committee on Foreign...
Calling a Senator.
On the Way to the Cupola...
Washington, D.C.—Removal...
Washington, D.C.—The Sen...
Washington, D.C.—Hon. Ch...
Washington, D.C.—Vice-Pr...
Wash-Day in Congress.
Public Buildings in Wash...
Washington from Arlingto...
Sam[uel] F.B. Morse
[U.S. Capitol]
Interior View of the U.S...
What the Senatorial Caba...
The 'Liberal' Conspirato...
A Few Washington Sketche...
United States Senate The...
The Presidential Fever o...
Will Robinson Crusoe (Su...
Vindicated!—Sweeping Acc...
The Last Shot of the Hon...
The Old Hash Warmed Up A...
Any Thing to Get In.
Will the Senator from Ma...
'I Am Completely Floored...
'Light Up!' [The British...
'Let Us Have Complete Re...
H[enry] Clay
William H. Seward
Dan[ie]l Webster
J[ohn] C[aldwell] Calhou...
The Inauguration. Washin...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
The Second Inauguration ...
The Inauguration Ball—Ar...
[Washington, D.C.—The In...
Washington D.C.—The Grea...
Washington, D.C. The Ina...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
The Second Inauguration ...
The Late Chief Justice [...
Washington.-The Late Chi...
Washington.—Entrance of ...
In the Capitol—Marble Ha...
In the Capitol—Central R...
In the Capitol—Lobby of ...
In the Capitol—The Senat...
In the Capitol—Ladies' R...
In the Capitol—Hall of t...
The United States Senate...
[Senate Chamber]
[The Marble Room, United...
The United States Senate...
The Great National Circu...
Notice.—No Cartoon This ...
The Vacant Chair.
The Body of Charles Sumn...
Hon. William B. Washburn...
'Peevish School-Boys, Wo...
'Don't Let Us Have Any M...
Now Gnaw Away!
House of Representatives...
The Senate Chamber, (Cap...
Marble Room in the U.S. ...
S[tephen]. A. Douglas
At the Door.
Senator Johnson at the T...
New United States Senato...
[U.S. Senators-Elect.]
Under Parole of Honor—Th...
A Legitimate Question ab...
Republican Candidates in...
That Irredeemable Rag Ba...
'Holy Murder!!!'
Washington, D.C.—The Bod...
Washington, D.C.—Funeral...
Hon. Thomas W. Ferry, of...
Death of the Late Vice-P...
Washington, D.C.—Press R...
[President's Room, Senat...
[The Interior of the U.S...
[Senate Chamber]
American Architecture. N...
Fraud in High Places—How...
Washington, D. C.—Hon. H...
Washington, D.C.—Intervi...
Washington, D.C.—The Com...
It Struck (in Blowing Ov...
'Fixing Things'—A Proper...
In for It.
American Sketches: Scene...
The Presidential Electio...
Ex-Judge David Davis (No...
A Truce—Not a Compromise...
The Electoral Commission...
The Hon. John R. M'Phers...
Washington, D.C.—Messrs....
Washington, D.C.—The Joi...
Counting the Electoral V...
Washington, D.C.—The Mem...
Washington, D. C.—The Me...
Washington. D.C.—The Ele...
Washington, D.C.—Charact...
More Bravado?
Washington, D.C.—Charact...
Washington, D.C.—The Ele...
Washington, D.C.—Democra...
Washington, D.C.—The Ele...
The Inauguration—Vice-Pr...
Washington, D.C.—The New...
The Presidency—Mr. Ferry...
'Another Such Victory, a...
Washington, D.C.—The New...
Our New President—Vice-P...
Our New President—Pennsy...
President Grant and His ...
Our New President—Taking...
Our New President—Genera...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
Washington, D.C.—The Ext...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
Washington, D.C.—The New...
The Lightning Speed of H...
The Ship of State in a S...
The Mandarin in the Sena...
'Ideal Money.'
The First Step toward Na...
Washington, D.C.—The Pot...
Washington, D. C.—Sitzun...
Dialogue Probable.
Key to Mrs. Fassett's Pi...
A Matter of Taste.
Hon. James Shields, Unit...
The Southern Cock.
'When Lovely Women Stoop...
'We Have Come to Stay.'
'National Importance.'
The David Davis Boom.
The Amenities of Senator...
'I Do Refer Me to the Or...
Scenes in the National C...
Now Then, Butt Away!
Borrowed Plumes—Mr. Jack...
Corridor in the Capitol,...
Reception Room [House], ...
James Gillespie Blaine, ...
Senator Thomas Francis B...
[U.S. Senate Chamber]
[U.S. Capitol and Other ...
Gen'l. Joseph R. Hawley....
U.S. Senate Chamber
Puck Wants 'A Strong Man...
Gallery of Possible Pres...
Gallery of Possible Pres...
A Pictorial History of t...
Our Republic Is Always '...
Gallery of Possible Pres...
Gallery of Possible Pres...
The Way Mr. Conkling's C...
[U.S. Senators-Elect]
The New Senate of the Un...
The New Senate of the Un...
The Quack Doctor's Last ...
In Danger.
Hannibal Hamlin, Lincoln...
The New Senate.
[U.S. Senators]
Washington, D.C.—The Off...
Bählung der Elektoral-St...
Washington, D.C.—Charact...
Southern Senators in the...
The Supreme Court Chambe...
Garfield's Bond of Frien...
Hon. John I. Mitchell, U...
The Inauguration of Pres...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
Washington, D.C.—Inciden...
The Inauguration of Pres...
Washington. D.C.—General...
Washington, D.C.—Inciden...
Allan G. Thurman, The Ve...
This Is Not the New York...
Rewards and Punishments ...
Can He Do It?
'This Puts Me in the Dev...
A Harmless Explosion.
'Tis But a Step—From the...
Washington, D.C.—The Sce...
Washington. D.C.—Resigna...
And It Was Bad for the B...
Dead Lock. 'Tis but a Li...
There Is Still a Future ...
Out-'Shining' Everybody ...
Plucked of His Plumage (...
Inauguration of Presiden...
Hon. David Davis, Presid...
Sectional Elevation Sena...
Washington, D.C.—The Dom...
Georgetown and the City ...
Daniel Webster.
Washington, D.C.—The Mem...
Our Sluggish Congress.
Sketches in the Capitol,...
Our National Capitol, Vi...
The Great Congressional ...
The Garden Party of the ...
Another Deluge.
The Garfield Monument Fa...
Hubbell Wants to Be Sena...
Washington, D.C.—Paintin...
All Honor to Senator Pen...
Congressional Contempt.
Overtraining Young Horse...
Let the Political Army H...
Our Congressman.
A Dreadful Attack of 'Pr...
Eine Schwache Berbindung...
An Artist's Rambles in W...
The National Grab-Bag—'H...
An Artist's Rambles in W...
The United States Senate...
An Artist's Rambles in W...
Once the Senatorial Apol...
Helping the Rascals In.—...
A Preliminary Set-To.
The Transfusion of Blood...
'Whitelaw Reid Refuses t...
Puck's Review of the Pas...
The Knight of the Wind-b...
Expulsion of Senator Bri...
[Daniel Webster]
Hit 'Em Again.
The Senatorial Puppet-Sh...
'The Soul of Blaine' Sti...
The Bugaboo of Congress.
The Dynamiter's False Fr...
From the Monument.
Winter at the National C...
Washington, D.C.—Arrival...
Washington, D.C.—The Ina...
The Inauguration—Mr. Cle...
The Inauguration—Preside...
Washington, D.C.—Charact...
New Bureau Officers.
Puck's Political Faith-C...
Two Political Paths.
Is the Bull Mad? Yes, th...
Hon. John Sherman, Presi...
Oeffnet die Thore!
The United States Senate...
The President Declines t...
Open the Doors!
Interior of the New Dome...
Cleveland As Cromwell—Wi...
The Statue of Daniel Web...
Serving Two Masters.
'The Profits of the Sena...
The Senatorial Round-Hou...
A Pretty Dish to Set bef...
President Cleveland Will...
Samuel J. Tilden—Died, A...
Cupid in the Senate—Jone...
'An Unnecessary Burden.'
The Senatorial Toboggan ...
Washington, Senate Chamb...
The Capitol—Washington.
The Funeral of General L...
The Senate of the Future...
Our Senatorial Gordon Cu...
The Attack on the Surplu...
Sketches in Washington—I...
Sketches in the United S...
The Garfield Monument Un...
Re-Appearance of the Pol...
The Ideals of 1863 and t...
The Opening of the Congr...
The Rotunda.
The Capitol — West Front...
Plan of the Senate Chamb...
Officers of the Senate &...
Is It Coming to This?
The Supreme Court of the...
Blaine Resigns the Leade...
The National Leap Year P...
The Old Granny Tea-Party...
Senator William B. Allis...
Spring Fashions for 1888...
Roscoe Conkling.
The Senate School.
Those Dangerous Wires.
The Red-headed Girls and...
Hon. John James Ingalls,...
'The Lobbyist.'
Representative Northern ...
It Won't Do!
A Stormy Sitting. [Offic...
Hopeless and Helpless.
Uncle Sam's Thanksgiving...
The Capitol.
Senators' Reception-Room...
Gulliver Morton unter de...
The Senate Chamber, Wash...
Hall of Representatives,...
The Senate Chamber.
The Bosses of the Senate...
Female Lobbyists at Wash...
Sketches in Washington b...
Washington, D.C.—Inaugur...
The Inauguration of Pres...
President Harrison Takin...
Gulliver Morton Among th...
They All Do It—Cringing ...
Times Have Changed.
Political Football.
Capt. Isaac Bassett
[U.S. Senate Chamber wit...
[Isaac Bassett]
Senate Chamber, U.S. Cap...
In the Political Surf.
The Political 'Angelus.'
The Way We Become Senato...
The 'Social Precedence' ...
Better No Senate Than a ...
'We Love It for the Enem...
The Centennial of the Su...
None but Millionaires Ne...
They Hate the Light, but...
The President of the Sen...
The Senate and Its Leade...
Illumination of the Capi...
Senators and Lobbyists i...
The Senate and Its Leade...
The Senate and Its Leade...
The Senatorial 'Fence.'
Our Protection Levee.
Character Sketches in th...
Our Senate: Sketches fro...
The United States Senate...
'Dignified Silence.'
In the Hands of the Enem...
The Late Senator James B...
Robin Hood with a Differ...
Dangerous Doctors for a ...
The Hopeless Appeal of N...
Puck's Fourth-of-July Ni...
Another Prop Needed.
A Very Pretty Picnic for...
Base and Unpatriotic.
In the Rotunda of the Ca...
Senate Screeching.
Our Law-Makers at Work.
A Shower on Pennsylvania...
Who Cares?
Justice Samuel F. Miller...
The Ladies' Reception-Ro...
The Adoration of the 6,0...
Their Only Utility.
'Napoleon's' Retreat.
Between Two Fires.
Vier 'Valentines'.
The Three Senators Elect...
What Is Sauce for the Go...
Honor to Whom Honor Is D...
'You Beat My Dog, and I'...
It Was a Struggle of the...
Pulling Together.
United States Senators.
'Progressive' Conspiracy...
Scenes in the United Sta...
All She Has to Hang on T...
Puck's Valentines—To Thr...
Unconditional Surrender.
Look at the Leaders of t...
A Shining Exception to t...
A Mighty Poor Exchange.
Too 'Free' to Be Good.
That Little Rival Show.
'Hark from the Tombs A D...
Time to Clean Up, Boys, ...
The Unruly Democratic Wh...
Denfwürdige Keulenfchläg...
The Senate Chamber, Capi...
The Hon. Bishop W. Perki...
The People's Demand.
The Frankenstein of the ...
And He Is Howling for It...
The Sinking Ship.
Washington—The Nation's ...
'Just about Even!'
What Is Needed — A Thoro...
Senate Chamber
Capitol, Senate Chamber,...
Dan[ie]l Webster
A Fair Petitioner—A Scen...
Another 'Me Too'!
'He Won't Be Happy Till ...
The Task of Diogenes Not...
'Don't Be Afraid, Doggie...
Washington—Visitors on t...
The Latest Don Quixote.
The Inauguration of Grov...
The Inauguration of Grov...
The Inauguration Ceremon...
The Political Safe-Break...
The Log Jam on the Potom...
They've Already Had More...
In the Restaurant of the...
A Corner of the Senate R...
Awaiting the News from W...
The Movement in Congress...
Coroner Harrison Is a Li...
The Silver Bill in Congr...
The Senatorial Firemen T...
A Senatorial Desperado.
They Can't Hold Up This ...
'Senatorial Courtesy.'
Gulliver Bound Down by t...
The Reason of the Troubl...
Throw 'Em Out!
Through the Jungle.
Will They Get Through?
The 'Peanut' Hagenbeck a...
Fighting the Flames.
The United States Suprem...
In His Second Childhood.
In the Saddle.
At Their Door.
The United States Stock ...
A Senate for Revenue Onl...
United States Senators o...
The 'Cuckoo' Birds Have ...
Having a Monkey of a Tim...
A Mother Goose Tariff Ta...
Approaching the Dead-Lin...
Mill's Senatorial Search...
After the Hold-up.
Off the Bench. Justices ...
The Democratic Richelieu...
The Only Thing That Woul...
Senator Quay's Position ...
Let U.S. Have Another De...
A Very Sick Patient.—He ...
The Boys in Washington C...
Where Is the Difference?
The New Capitol.
Dante's Inferno Up to Da...
Hon. John Sherman, of Oh...
Grand Democratic Product...
The United States Senate...
The Poor Democratic Cong...
United States Senator [C...
The Graveyard Congress.
Judge's Brownies Give a ...
The Grand Review at Wash...
Grand Review of the Armi...
West View of the Capitol...
Washington. . . Senate C...
'The Right Man in the Ri...
Old Jokes in New Politic...
His Wild Team.
Hopelessly Blocked—The G...
Mutual Sympathy.
The New United States Se...
The Supreme Court of the...
The Supreme Court of the...
The Dead Issue.
Judge Takes His Characte...
In the Republican Wood-Y...
Shrunk to Their Proper S...
P[atrick]. Henry
Judge Gives His Annual R...
Newly Elected United Sta...
Look Out, There, Boys!
The Poster Craze in Cand...
'Step Up, Gentlemen, and...
A Few Pleasant Recollect...
The Skeleton at the Feas...
A Down-Hill Movement.
The Supreme Court,—'As I...
On a Populistic Basis.
The Joshua of Our Silly ...
Judge Suggests That We S...
The Senator from Kansas ...
Scene in the Old Congres...
'She Has Seen Better Day...
Mark A. Hanna, Senator f...
Inauguration Day in Wash...
The Inauguration of Pres...
Harper's Weekly Inaugura...
The Evolution of the Nat...
President McKinley and H...
President McKinley Revie...
Early Morning in Washing...
The Inauguration of Pres...
The Closing Feature of I...
The Inauguration of Pres...
The Senator from Massach...
Oh, How Slow!
The National Kids at the...
Uncle Sam's Fourth of Ju...
Unconditional Surrender.
The Old Woman of the Sen...
The Charge on the Capito...
[Benjamin Franklin]
The Safe Is Safe.
An Intolerable Burden.
'He That Entereth Not in...
In the Senate, March 25,...
Washington—Scenes in the...
Washington—Scenes in and...
The President's Message....
President Mckinley's Mes...
Culmination of the War C...
'Rally Round the Flag, B...
The Fifty-Fifth Congress...
The Fifty-Fifth Congress...
Has She Got Him at Last?
Notable Characters at th...
Spending Uncle Sam's Mon...
United States Capitol, W...
A Needed Change in the S...
The Game Begins
View of the Capitol, Was...
Senator Davis: 'Be Might...
The National Capitols of...
Senate Chamber in the Ca...
'What a Fuss They Made a...
Swearing in the Vice-Pre...
The President-Elect Pass...
The Opening of Congress
A touching Tribute to Mc...
This Cat Escapes the Sen...
The Opening of the Unite...
Painting the Interior of...
The Future Offices of Ou...
The Supreme Court of the...
The Special Session of C...
Edward Everett Hale, New...
Opening Address of Inaug...
President Roosevelt Taki...
Opening the Senate of th...
Following in Washington'...
The President's Inaugura...
Vice-President-Elect Fai...
The Commercial Club of W...
The Making of a Senator.
The Headsman.
The Ugly Duckling.
'Killed in Committee.'
[Dirigible, U.S. Capitol...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
Congress at Work Once Mo...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
When Congress Adjourns
The Senatorial Hall of F...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
The Branding.
The Senatorial Hall of F...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
What the Nation Hopes of...
Why It Goes Up.
Uncle Sam: 'Say, You Old...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
Tariff Juggling at Washi...
Busted, B'Gosh!
The Show's Over
A Bad Outlook for Harmon...
Supreme Court Room in th...
Uncle Sam: 'What You Nee...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
The Senatorial Hall of F...
Uncle Sam: 'Don't Let Up...
While the Doctors Disagr...
The Late Chief Justice [...
Trying to Square Himself
The Game of Seesaw
A Page from Our Politica...
Uncle Sam: 'What Do You ...
'Who Said Stand Pat?'
'Trying to Spoil My Perf...
Yumping Yiminy, What A Y...
The Insurgent Senator
An Argument before the S...
Putting It Up
Jottings from Baltimore
Supreme Court Room, in t...
[U.S. Capitol]
President Wilson Address...
President Woodrow Wilson...
United States Supreme Co...
Senators Prominent in Le...
[U.S. Capitol]
Supreme Court Room in th...
The Capitol, Washington,...
In the Seats of the Migh...
The Nation's Pride—Washi...
Hey, That Turkey's Getti...
The Boy Senator Nye
Senator Gerald P. Nye
[Senate Corridor]
[Aurelius Battaglia]
James Hamilton Lewis
Vice Pres. Curtis
Norris Resolution
Vice Pres Garner
Senator [Joseph T.] Robi...
Readying Senate Chamber ...
Opening of the 76th Cong...
Vice-Presidential Page
At His Desk in the Sena...
[Floyd J. Landis]
Glee After Adjournment
Senate Page Boys
Tour of the Documents Ro...
Otto Preminger and Crew ...
Sewall-Belmont House
Party Scene at Tregaron,...
Stairwell, Senate Buildi...
Don Murray and Charles L...
Lunch at the Commerce De...
Don Murray, Henry Fonda,...
Otto Preminger, Charles ...
The Senate Press Gallery...
Charles Laughton Resting...
Gene Tierney as Tregaron...
Portrait of Allen Drury ...
Walter Pidgeon and Paul ...
Director Otto Preminger ...
Party Scene at Tregaron
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Preminge...
Portrait of Paul Ford
Charles Laughton
Will Geer and Charles La...
Inga Swenson and Henry F...
Portrait of Don Murray (...
Front View of Tregaron
Otto Preminger Supervisi...
Corridor, Russell Senate...
Otto Preminger and Walte...
Gene Tierney in the Treg...
Burgess Meredith in the ...
Exterior of Tregaron
Tregaron Party, Indian A...
Charles Laughton Mountin...
The Senate Gallery Corri...
Old Subway from the Capi...
[Hubert Humphrey]
A New Page in History
Special Delivery
Albert Gore
[Robert Dole]
[Robert] Dole
Al[bert] Gore
The Dazzling Dome of the...
United States Capitol—Th...
The Capitol, Washington,...
Perries [sic] Victory on...
'I'll Fetch Him Up!' Com...
Daniel Webster.